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Ejectors... a waste of time ?


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As not many of us shoot double guns on driven game days, with a loader, do we really need ejectors on our double barreled guns ?


I always prevent my cartridges from flying out of the breech and put them in my pocket, or drop them in my bag, or the rubbish bin at the clay stand.

Regardless of what shooting I am doing, I never let them disappear over my shoulder.


I expect that sums up what most of us do.

So why do we insist on buying guns with ejectors ?

If you go into a Gunshop all the S/H non ejectors are a lot cheaper than the ejector models.

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i shot a non ejector for the 1st year i shot, and have now shot only ejectors since then. Although i catch the carts. with my hand i still use the ejectors, otherwise your left thumbleing trying to get them out, the ejectors just eject them into your hand, saving this bit. Helps rythme etc.. if you believe in all that stuff (which i do)


Would never not have ejectors. You can of course now get several guns with selectable ejectors (including that browning recently in one of the shooting comics)


not a desireable feature if you ask me.

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I like them but only when the cart bin has been put in the right position, in front of the cage, its amazing how many grounds don't so I assume they like them left were they land.


Formal shooting requires all participants to collect their cartridges or the shoot captain gives you a right earfull and you won't let it happen twice :good:






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My SbS is a NE and i find it no problem at all.


Besides the ejectors are one more thing to go wrong aren't they :/


Like others i prevent the carts ejecting all over gods creation and pocket them as i have a VERY strong dislike of seeing cartridges lying all over a shoot :yp:


It's really annoying when someone at a clay ground leaves their empties on the floor and uses the excuse (i don't pay £5.50 to pick up my own mess) :good:


If you don't do it at home then DON'T do it when your out either!!!



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Like most I have an ejector and eject into my hand, then put the empties into my left hand pocket.


Whilst out wildfowling and on the clays I use an auto, which can be a pain trying to fing where the empties go (and go they can) in the dark at the end of a flight. Previos have non ej o/u and if reqd to load quickly I just droped the empties at my feet and knew where to pick them up from



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