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My mates post on facebook


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My mate Pete moved to Aus for a better life a few years ago, and im so glad I had the pleasure of staying with him last year when the wife and I went to Aus for 3 month on our honeymoon


His facebook post reads



As you're all probably aware by now I had an accident surfing last Sunday where I ended up breaking my neck. Sorry to everybody for the radio silence since then but as you can imagine it's been a pretty emotional week and I figured just one look at my phone would send me over the edge.


I have had one monumental bit of bad luck, however that has been followed instantly with an unimaginable series of good luck events which is namely because of the people who have helped and been involved.

As my head hit the sandbank I knew exactly what had happened - my arms and legs stopped working instantly and my voice did too. After a while of floating and thinking some of the worst thoughts imaginable, a guy called Chris Mitchell came to my rescue. He identified my injury as a spinal injury, kept my head above water and most importantly kept my head still. There is no doubt about it that this saved my life and I have to tell you Chris that myself, friends and family are eternally grateful and indebted to you. Thank you mate!


When I was pulled out of the water there happened to be a doctor on the beach who came to my rescue. Mitsy, you were amazing and I cannot thank you enough for the way you took over the situation and helped me to stay relaxed, talking to me and reassuring me every step of the way (and squeezing my nips!).


I also need to say a massive thank you to the Bondi lifeguards who were a touch of class. You guys do an impossible job all day every day and some how you always manage to do it well! Thank you so much for your part in saving my life.


The ambulance staff were great and took me to the Prince of Wales Hospital in what seemed like seconds. When I got there an English doctor named Dr. Mark Fisher initially took care of me, he helped calm me down and as I'd no phone on me or able to remember Maddi'es number he took my folk's UK number down and called them to explain the situation. He then got Maddi'es number off them and kept everyone up to the minute with what was going on for the rest of the night. Mark even wrote a letter for my parents to help them get their passports organised quickly so they could fly out and has been back to visit me numerous times to check on my progress and offer his support. I am in awe of his professionalism, dedication to his job and all round good nature, there are very few people like you around mate.

This hospital is amazing, within a heart beat of me arriving the surgeons had cut out a chunk of my hip bone, shaped it into a vertebra, opened up the front and back of my neck, removed all the shattered fragments of the one that had just exploded and screwed my new bit of bone to the little bit that was left over with titanium pins. This was all done and dusted in hours...HOURS!!! How is this even possible? It takes over a week to get your screen wash fixed when your car goes into the garage?!?


I was out of surgery and woke up in ICU the next day with my beautiful girlfriend by my side where she has stayed helping and supporting me every waking minute since. You're incredible Mads, some kind of superhero and I have to say (you already know) that I LOVE YOU LUV!! XXX

After my operation I was informed that my spinal cord has sustained damage quite high up and as a result can't feel or move anything below (weirdly) my nips. Due to the height of the injury the doctors are surprised that I have any sensation in my hands, and whilst my hands and arms are also screwed at the moment, they are getting better every day (I brushed my own teeth, fed myself and wrote something down on paper - still neater than my brother's writing!).


Its a ****** situation I know, but considering on Monday I thought I was going to be a head on a pillow for the rest of my life and a week later I'm getting around under my own steam I am full of optimism. That's the thing about spinal injuries, you just never know I suppose. But there is no doubt in my mind I'm going to recover, how long it takes and to what extent I don't know, but I will be in the pub soon and I will be rolling the city to surf next year.


I know it was a really unlucky thing to have happened but I feel really lucky to have come out of it as well as I have. If just one of the people mentioned hadn't been there the outcome would have been catastrophic.


I want everyone to know that I'm being looked after by the very best people. My recovery team are wicked and somehow I seem to have fluked the very best from each department. My friends and family have all been here constantly and I know I've got tonnes of support back home too.


This is a massive thing to have happened but I'm determined for it to have as little impact on mine and Maddie's life as I can possibly allow. There are simply too many success stories around for me not to be one of them. I love all you guys, and know I have the best support a person could wish for. I will get Skype rocking and rolling soon as, and speak to some of the best mates a fella could wish for!


Big love, a little hug, a point and a wink,




P.s. I can still drink all of you under the table and will be proving this in about 3 months time






Hears to ya Pete you’re a inspiration. :beer:

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I was moaning like mad this morning about my acheing back?!?!?!?!

think ill shut up now!


^^^^ this was me this morning too,,,, until I read this thread [ with a small tear in my eye ! ]

Wish Pete all the best and hope he continues to improve :good:





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Thanks guys for your comments


I can’t believe how positive he sounds, I would be still crying into my pillow saying f-f-s why me why me!!!!


Without sounding gay “He is my new inspiration in life” for a 32 year old guy to be thinking like that a week after a accident that has (hopefully not for ever) left him paralysed from the “nips” down, I think he is amazing.


He has a sister and brother in-law that also stay over there (in a different state), a lovely Aussy girlfriend and her family, and his mum and dad have now gone over from the UK.


I’m sure he will have up and down days in the weeks / months to come, but fingers crossed with friends and family around him and if their is a god up there he will pull through to have some sort of life at the end of all this.



Thanks again for all your great comments guys and next time your having a pint have one for him


Cheers Steve

Edited by v5uk
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