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**** I'm making a film


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yep its true!!!! old jasper sat down the other week , the weather was poor and old jasper wrote a script..don't ask me where it came from.... :sad1:


anyway old jasper gave it to mrs jasper to have a look :hmm: she is a avid reader and the response was lets say WOW!!! :lookaround:


so old jasper started to look at people who could make this work ..well! so to speak.....


anyway cut a long story short..quite a few people have answered (experienced actors) and!!! they have offered to work for free ??? after seeing parts of the script


Blimey !!! (other words did spring to mind) ending with... me


so old jasper is now going to make a short film with a interesting twist...... Mrs jasper won't let me use the actress who got her kit off in 10 pics out of 11 :drool: can't really understand that


ile keep you posted on progress



jasp :innocent:

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yep its true!!!! old jasper sat down the other week , the weather was poor and old jasper wrote a script..don't ask me where it came from.... :sad1:


anyway old jasper gave it to mrs jasper to have a look :hmm: she is a avid reader and the response was lets say WOW!!! :lookaround:


so old jasper started to look at people who could make this work ..well! so to speak.....


anyway cut a long story short..quite a few people have answered (experienced actors) and!!! they have offered to work for free ??? after seeing parts of the script


Blimey !!! (other words did spring to mind) ending with... me


so old jasper is now going to make a short film with a interesting twist...... Mrs jasper won't let me use the actress who got her kit off in 10 pics out of 11 :drool: can't really understand that


ile keep you posted on progress


jasp :innocent:


This topic is worthless without pics of the aforementioned actress, pics 1 - 10 of 11 will do :good:

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already looking into that wharf rat, but thanks :good:


cottonseed..everything will be put in writing..i will make sure my own **** is covered, :good:


The PW massive would have worked for you as Actors too.



Ummmm :hmm: a remake of braveheart v full metal jacket 90minutes of pure fighting :lol:

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Ummmm :hmm: a remake of braveheart v full metal jacket 90minutes of pure fighting :lol:


90 minutes of sarcasm and bickering, punctuated by pedantic script corrections by the female lead. Multiple "Blade Runner" style voice-overs could repeat what the actors have just said, but change the words a little, and a spotty 15 year old appears every 5 minutes and says "Nice film M8".


Sign me up :good:

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