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car insurance?? more like a licence to print money!!

cumbrian shooter

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Is any one else sick to death of paying ridiculous amounts of money to insure there motor?!

iv been driving for four years and never had an accident put got 3 points for running a red light lastyear, completely inocently, sounds daft but the circumstances were somewhat laughable (lights stuck on red and i followed 3 other cars and just happened to be an unmarked st 220 behind me)

any way my insurance seems to be going up? Im 25 next year and when i first passed i was driving a 140bhp car that weighed no more than a mini! Its was completely standard and was in group 12 insurance, cost me a grand to insure it in 2009,


now im driving a pug 206 1,9 diesel that probably wouldnt pull the skin off a rice pudding, its in group 3 and my insurance is nearly £800!!! I live in a rural area so theft not big here! Besides if some one nicked my car they would want locking up for mental illness not theft lol!


atb c.s

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Quite agree Cumbrian, being of a more challenged persuasion age wise I thought I'd try the insurance companies for the over 500.s oops 50's


Thieving ####s they were more expensive than the mainstream suppliers. Its the ASDA syndrome, tell people often enough and for long enough and they'll believe you.


Went with am online company and insured my Meagane 1.6 for around £320 fully comp + NCP




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Its a joke and makes no sense to me at all, for example when did 3rd part fire n theft end up more expensive than fully comp? At the end of the day people are paying in some cases more than there car is worth!


there making a lot more than there paying out and the fat cats are definately getting fatter! Floods or not thers always been floods ect and insurance wernt this much?

if you ask me ther prices are rising and we have no choice but to pay so they get away with it, just like the fuel situation!

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just had my quote in with adrian flux, they wanted £376 to renew my Audi A4 2.0 140 bhp Sline 2005 insurance, ive only been driving 6 years but aged 33, done some online quotes coming in cheapest was hastings at £295.


just rang adrian flux back, and they have now quoted £290.69 fully comp, protected no claims, excess £95. so not a bad saving by doing a web search and making a phone call


saved £86.11


why they didnt quote that in first place, ive no idea as would of ben happy

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Its a joke and makes no sense to me at all, for example when did 3rd part fire n theft end up more expensive than fully comp? At the end of the day people are paying in some cases more than there car is worth!


there making a lot more than there paying out and the fat cats are definately getting fatter! Floods or not thers always been floods ect and insurance wernt this much?

if you ask me ther prices are rising and we have no choice but to pay so they get away with it, just like the fuel situation!


because they are insuring you against a claim...if you hit that brand new merc or a car full of people

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Its descrimination against young drivers! Bunch of theiving ******** is what they are bowt time they were regulated properly, they realy get me back up, making all that money, then they wine about pay outs, well im sorry but thats the trade there in, its what happens!

not discrimination at all...they are a business and stats show young drivers are alot more likely to have a claim therefore charge accordingly

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not discrimination at all...they are a business and stats show young drivers are alot more likely to have a claim therefore charge accordingly


How about the recent EU law banning discrimination on grounds of sex? I'm sure there are statistics to suggest women are a lower risk than men (or vice-versa), but if it's illegal to discriminate on grounds of sex, then it should be on age too (as in employment law etc etc)

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just had my quote in with adrian flux, they wanted £376 to renew my Audi A4 2.0 140 bhp Sline 2005 insurance, ive only been driving 6 years but aged 33, done some online quotes coming in cheapest was hastings at £295.


just rang adrian flux back, and they have now quoted £290.69 fully comp, protected no claims, excess £95. so not a bad saving by doing a web search and making a phone call


saved £86.11


why they didnt quote that in first place, ive no idea as would of ben happy


because they are seeing how much they can fleece from you, same as any other insurance company. They send me renewal letters every year, first thing is ignore what that says and tell them your not paying it, they will more often than not come back with a better price, that beforte even mentioning that you have various other quites from their competitors

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had a 1600 escort m reg,, 15 yrs ncb,,,last year.£175,,renewal this yr £325,,,16yrs ncb , same company , tried to change it to 2ltr mondeo estate ,,car worth £750 ,insurance £876 I said you must be having a laugh


Went on usual car comparison websites and now got insurance for mondeo for £254


Go compare,,,,, (over 50s company wanted £1050)


There is something seriously wrong with the whole system and its about time these companies got a severe kicking and regulation



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God knows what mine is going to be if I get my licence back. I surrendered my licence on medical grounds in 2004, after 32 years driving with only one speeding ticket (From 1978), otherwise accident and prosecution free. I have now been told I can reapply for my licence to be reinstated, but obviously, after 7 years, I will bet the insurers refuse to reinstate any of my no claims etc. Partly hoping the DVLA medical panel will grant the licence, partly dreading the quote from the insurers. I think it would be worse to know that you are allowed to drive, yet the pension won't stretch to the insurance, than just not be able to drive. ??? Ah well, no real point in fussing, they say I won't know till after Xmas..

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not discrimination at all...they are a business and stats show young drivers are alot more likely to have a claim therefore charge accordingly


iv been drving 4 year im still classed as a young driver, .never had or caused an accident in that time, im 25 soon and i can tell you this iv more road sense than most on the road! and yet i get slammed! The point is im paying almost what i paid when i had a fast car, and id just passed my test, it would do a 0-60 in about 6seconds yet my car now wouldnt do it in a bloody minute and paying top whack!

poor excuses i keep hearing flood damage, young drivers, blah blah what a load of trollop!!

truth is we pay whatever they ask and there getting greedy! Am i not right??

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