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Nose bleeds


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Past few weeks I keep getting nose bleeds, I've never suffered with them before should I be worried. Seems to be coming from fairly high up as when i tilt my head back it start going into my throat immediately. I'm getting them fairly regularly but with no real pattern as to what could be causing them. I've had them laid in bed watching a DVD, sat watching tv, out shooting and even at work, I'm currently sat pinching my nose as I type as it started again when I was about to have a shave.


Anyone think of any possible causes?


Cheers gary

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The most common cause of sudden nose bleeds is dry nasal membranes. Living in dry or cold climates increases your chance of nosebleeds. Heating indoor air in the winter can irritate the nasal membranes more; use a humidifier to add moisture to indoor air.




Sudden nosebleeds could also be a warning sign for a more serious condition. High blood pressure, blood thinning, nose polyps, neck or head cancer, and nasal obstructions all cause nosebleeds. Sudden, reoccurring nosebleeds should be reported to your doctor.


For peace of mind I'd go and visit the quack. It's probably nothing, but just go and make sure.

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Cheers for the reply mate, no I've not had my pressure tested for a long time, I thought maybe stress as they was making redundancies at work but these seemed to start after I found out I was safe, plus I don't feel particularly stressed not consciously anyway.


Nose is still bleeding I bit the bullet and just let it run so I could have a shave I looked a right mess!

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I sympathise mate -- Mrs's had to take me to A&E at 4.00 in morning - I had a washing up bowl under my chin and half a industrial blue roll of paper towl was in there as well -- Funny enough I have never had one since as I moved house and think it was stress from all the plonkers that lived around me.


The doc wasn't much good either -by 6.00 it was still running so he booked me into another hospital - He did try the inflatable finger up nose but it made me cough and it covered front of his shirt in blood - He looked like a real witch doctor then. - perhaps he was a real one as nose stopped bleeding.


Hope it stops soon



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Strangely enough same thing has happened to me over the last few weeks, can only assume its the cold crisp air, dry nose membranes as mentioned earlier.


The mrs found the pefect thing to use on me to stop it bleeding though - she shoved a tampon up my nostril! Did the trick, stopped the blood flowing everywhere and stopped bleeding in a few mins.

Just don't answer the door like that though...

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On a more sympathetic note. I too suffer from these, although not so much as when I was younger. I tend only to get them in either extremes of temperature, really hot days or when I've got a cold in winter. I think it's partly due to pressure in the nasal passages and partly to do with thin blood vessels in the nose which rupture easily.


Don't put your head back. That's the crapp advice I used to get from teachers at school. All that serves to do is give you a long tasty un-ending drink of warm blood. Unless you're one of these ***** on Twilight I'd suggest you tilt the head forward, pinch the nose with a hankie or tissue and sit very still, very calmly, breathing through the mouth and thinking nice relaxing thoughts until it clots. Then try not to sniff back the clot or blow it out for further five minutes as it will just restart if you do. When you think the coast is clear VERY gently blow the clot out into a tissue and then leave it a while before attempting to wash your face, as any nudge can set it back off. keep calm, and carry on!


Good luck mate!


Strangely enough same thing has happened to me over the last few weeks, can only assume its the cold crisp air, dry nose membranes as mentioned earlier.


The mrs found the pefect thing to use on me to stop it bleeding though - she shoved a tampon up my nostril! Did the trick, stopped the blood flowing everywhere and stopped bleeding in a few mins.

Just don't answer the door like that though...


Lol, you'd look a right fanny!

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Just waiting for the nurse to ring me back an see if I can get in the doctors one evening next week.


Hopefully it's just the change in weather combined with the wife having the heating on, seems strange as like I say I've never suffered before and not been doing nothing different, my eyes feel quite pressured up and I get headaches fairly regular but I wouldn't say there particularly bad headaches.


On the plus side my house gets paid off if it's a tumour, happy days!

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Just waiting for the nurse to ring me back an see if I can get in the doctors one evening next week.


Hopefully it's just the change in weather combined with the wife having the heating on, seems strange as like I say I've never suffered before and not been doing nothing different, my eyes feel quite pressured up and I get headaches fairly regular but I wouldn't say there particularly bad headaches.


On the plus side my house gets paid off if it's a tumour, happy days!


I have suffered with my sinuses for years mate, and what you are describing sounds a lot like what has happened to me fairly regularly. ENT specialist traced it to a chronic infection in my sinuses that was causing inflammation and subsequent rupture of the sinus.

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