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Where would I stand?


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I have recently had a threat from a next door neighbour regarding my dogs. They are kennelled outside during the day. He has "claimed" my dogs are noisy and that if I do not get them sorted he will "sort" it. As you can imagine I am extremely concerned that this bloke will seriously hurt or worse my two lab bitches. I am not the fighting type and would do anything for a quiet life. I also have an SGC i want to hang on to.


Three things - Firstly, where would I stand if this guy hurt or worse my dogs?


Secondly - what is the best form of security for this?


Thirdly - Is there anything I can do to help ease the matter? I have tried speaking to him but with no joy, he doesnt seem to be the talk it out type if you get where im coming from. It has got me to a point where I am contemplating rying to move house!



Really worried about this and so is my partner who is in the house on her own alot of the time.





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Ey up Longy,

I would firstly report the threat to the police, a threat to your property is cause for concern and then there is a legal record of your concern.


Secondly I would definately get a cctv camera to cover your dogs however i would suggest to keep it out of sight and knowledge of your neighbour. You don't want it to be a target for him.


I use these to monitor foxes and things in my garden http://www.trail-camera.co.uk/Trail-Camera.htm it the little acorn one. They are triggered by movement and can take pics every half a second or record, depending on the setting you have it on.


If you could position it in a way to moniter your garden/yard so that your dogs don't trigger it then I think these would be great. As far as having to legally declare that you have cctv for security purposes you don't have to because you are monitering wildlife activity in your garden.


Thats what I'd do anyway.




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its a terrible thing to be nextdoor to a barking dog you cannot correct. It happened to me once and it nearly made me chuck up one day my brian was that scrambled working from home at the time, i doubt its very good for the dogs either. The neighbour ignoored my notes (which were polite at all times) didn't even acknolege them so i was left with no option but the legal one.

Comunicate with the neighbour, try to find out what sets them off. ask him if he might make a note of times and any events. Labs are not exactly known for exesive barking, so finding out "why" might be a start

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I dont see them as being particularly noisy, the odd whine and yapp but no worse than other dogs on the street. I am bringing them in at night and keeping them crated to stop any noise at unsocialable hours. Got a guy coming round to quote for CCTV later (friend of the family). Just dont want the hassle but love my dogs to bits and really dont want any harm to come to them.


Thanks for the comments guys

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My next door neighbours recently got a dog, if it wasn't for the fact I don't want to lose my tickets he would certainly have lost some teeth, first day back I was out in the garden when they put it out, it yapped at the door until they let it in and I knew then they hadn't got a clue and what I'd got to look forward to. Keep the dogs quiet = end of problems

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I would definately notify the police. If the threat is against the dog its threats to cause criminal damage and if he attacked the dogs then there would be animal cruelty offences as well, or it could be construed as a threat against yourself. It would also help if he decides to say something malicious to the police like you threatened him with a gun (he may have seen you loading it into the car?).

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camera and insurance would be the next logical step along with keeping the dogs quiet


lived next door to someone who bred dogs and ruined our quality of life, couldn't sit out in the garden on a nice summers day


in the end the council were involved as they had received many complaints

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  • 5 weeks later...

Are u sure it is ur dogs barking and making the noise? Like others have said labs and esp working labs tend to be quite contented and generally not a noisey breed

While most off the advice is good and the cameras will be a good idea by the sounds of the neighbour, Possibly worth having a camera with sound? or somehow record ur dogs when ur not there, so u can rule out ur dogs barking or if there is a trigger for them barking. I'm sure u will know ur dogs and wether u think they are actually noisey


My brother is friendly with a neighbour off mine and mentioned a lot of dogs barking, and i was getting the blame only because they knew i kept a few dogs, i was quite surprised and a bit upset as i would not tolerate a barking dog even if i lived in the country and didnae think mines would bark althou u never really know wot happens when ur not there. It turns out a few of my neighbours and some on the street my garden backs onto also have dogs and no one really knew they had and it was generally not mine, infact mine are pretty good and rarely bark.

It was never a drama and i'm very lucky that i get on with all my neighbours and have told them to let me know if they ever do have a problem with my dogs as not fair on them, i'd hate to have to live next to a barking dog.


Good luck wi it hope u get it sorted

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My kennel dog barks. Only if someone unknown is walking around my garden/drive.

Not sure how but he knows the diffrence between my foot steps on the gravel and anyone elses.

Now next door dogs are little hairy things. They leave for work at 7:30am and they bark till 6pm continuously.

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If he was genuinely aggressive and threatened you, I would let the police know. Ask them not to take any action, but to please make a note on their system at this time.


Then, I would put up a camera, in view, and let the neighbor know, telling him you are using it to see if you can work out what is setting them off, (also, if it is not them, or it is not often, you have a record of it or not, should he make an official complaint).



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