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What scope for a .243

Son of a gun

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There are thousands of scopes out there and money does not necessarily buy you what you want or what you get on with.


Whatever someone else may rate you may not, we don't all buy the same car or fancy the same woman etc etc.


Always tricky this but you will be best to look through a few and form your own opinions, same for the reticle type as well, loads of them to chose from too!


Obviously spend what you are happy with :good: but do not be put off by all the doom mungers suggesting you have to spend more on the scope than the rifle, there are plenty of VERY usable scopes around £100 or even less!


ATB! :good:

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If thats your budget then i would be looking for a used Meopta. :good: I have a Ziess Duralyt on my 243 but at £665 mrp (you can get them for around £600) its going to be above your budget. Meopta's are quality scopes for the money. Depends of course what you intend using the rifle for. Fox,Deer or both,



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I can safely say last night my mate with an 8x56 couldn't get an ID on a fox under white light at under 200 yards. The comparison with mine was I could ID it and could have shot it had i not been trying to get him his first up at 20x it was simple. To my mind it all depends how good you are at getting an ID from eyes some of us don't like doing so.

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IMHO and as Sx3 says a 2nd hand S&B 8X56 fixed is your best option..... try to get one with a good reticle such as P4fine if not the thicker lined ones obscure the target out much past 150 yards

Edited by pavman
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I put a second hand scope on my .243 which I paid £50.00 for, I used it for a while and it got me started, however when I was out lamping with a friend who was using a top end scope the difference was vast. So I hung on then brought a Kahles 3-12x56.

I use my rifle a lot out foxing etc so the cost of the scope has been put to very good use.

What will you use the .243 for and how much shooting will you really be doing?

You never mentioned you budget for the rifle so why not look at the deals the do as a rifle scope combo.




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you can pick them up second hand for £300-£400 its inch tube rather than 30mm so is slightly less desirable second hand. They are a good scope and for deer ideal, I never got on with mine lamping fine to 150 yards but over that ID was tricky and you have a pretty small target. One of the things with the main scope makes is you can buy second hand because the backup is brilliant if anything goes wrong. It very rarely does, the other thing is that once secondhand they seem to go up in value rather than down so if you find its not for you then its easy to sell on. Keep your eyes peeled in the sales section on here and also The stalking directory tends to have some very good scopes come up. One thing not to do is look down any of the top end variables with high mag as you will only end up wanting one and that gets expensive

Edited by al4x
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people relay do go for low magnification do any of you struggle to zero at a 100 yards with only -10 mag ??????? i think i would struggle


I was shooting steady sub 1/2 MOA groups at 325 yds the other week on 12x and a reticule that some say a crow could hide behind. 100yds and 10x certainly aint no problem at 100yds other than psychologically- unless your half blind. If you looked at 6x for example then its like looking at your target from 1/6 the distance yes just 16.66 yds with the naked eye! 10x is obviously 10 yds with reasonable glass even .17 cal bullet holes should be very apparent

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