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Air rifle for pigeons

Spud dog

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We shoot pigeons to protect crops, if there are no pigeons on the crops we use decoys to attract them to the crop, and this has been discussed hundreds of times, double standards.

I was done with this as the petiness of some was really gripping me but the post above sums it up in a nutshell. People are arguing he can't shoot them in his garden but there's no difference to decoying them on the boundary of a permission where they're on their way to a different field over the boundary.


I can entirely appreciate why some on here get pedantic about the terms of the GL and the law but we are here for the sport at the end of the day and interpretation of the GL comes down to the individual. When was the last time someone got into trouble for shooting a wood pigeon on land they had permission to shoot on? They are a recognised pest and shooting them wherever possible is the only realistic way to control their numbers.


Where does it stop? Some of you must be questioning every bloody shot you take at a pigeon - that's if you are actually shooting the things.

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Gregthegreat, Your last paragraph sums it up, are they actually shooting them?. Just go back over the thread and see who are the keyboard cowboys, the one's that know it all, and have their own answer to every topic that comes on here. The original question could have had a simple answer, and guidance, for what appears to be a young guy starting shooting. My advice to the original question is, find somebody local to you that actually goes shooting and ask him for advice.

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Gregthegreat, Your last paragraph sums it up, are they actually shooting them?. Just go back over the thread and see who are the keyboard cowboys, the one's that know it all, and have their own answer to every topic that comes on here. The original question could have had a simple answer, and guidance, for what appears to be a young guy starting shooting. My advice to the original question is, find somebody local to you that actually goes shooting and ask him for advice.

Spot on. Good advice mate.



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We shoot pigeons to protect crops, if there are no pigeons on the crops we use decoys to attract them to the crop, and this has been discussed hundreds of times, double standards.


yeah and what about roost shooting if we can only shoot them when they on crops how do you explain roost shooting as they have left the field and off home ,



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What about when pigeons are shot on driven pheasant drives?


What about it, without knowing the specifics of any shot that is unanswerable, commonly legitimate crop protection may be the answer. :good:


But mistakes are made anyway, or people keep their mouths shut!


Like I said earlier, I really don't see anyone trying to turn this into an International Incident, but openly flouting the Law is not a good idea!

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What about it, without knowing the specifics of any shot that is unanswerable, commonly legitimate crop protection may be the answer. :good:


But mistakes are made anyway, or people keep their mouths shut!


Like I said earlier, I really don't see anyone trying to turn this into an International Incident, but openly flouting the Law is not a good idea!

Nothing on the gl will cover it. You there to shoot pheasants for sport.

Im not bothered if the bloke wants to shoot pigeons in his garden. Its his choice.

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I dont think people understand the general license and what it is there for. If you shoot a pigeon, regardless of where and when, it is covered by at least 2 different terms on the GL. Get yourself on the Natural England website and have a read.

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Spud Dog.

I don't think the wording of your thread/posts did you any favours. And with so many ignorant "anti's" out there "we" can be a tad touchy about bad press or threads that are or appear to be irresponsible. And you can be sure some of those "antis" surf these forums for ammunition to use against us! Hence some of the flaming replies you've had. While the law may be black and white on paper, In reality when broken down into it's seperate "points to prove" it's actually "usually" quite grey, and CPS regularly look at "stated cases" to aid decision making, on whether to prosecute or not. When you add "spirit of the act" and "public interest" into the pot it rarely goes the way you think it will!

It didn't help you that unfortunately a minority of people on this site think they're judge and jury. Regardless of if you're breaking the law or not.

If i were you i'd pop into your local newsagent and get a copy of "Airgun World" or "Airgunner" and have a read.

Or better still have a read on a few dedicated airgun sites like http://www.airgunbbs.com/ or http://www.airgunforum.co.uk/

Regardless of what air rifle is suitable it would need to be right up to the legal limit of power as pigeons are tough ******s to dispatch cleanly, so shot placement is important!

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I dont think people understand the general license and what it is there for. If you shoot a pigeon, regardless of where and when, it is covered by at least 2 different terms on the GL. Get yourself on the Natural England website and have a read.


Ok, for clarity, are you actually saying that wherever and whenever you shoot a pigeon you have satisfied at least 2 different terms of the GL?

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I don't know many people who set up on a field where there aren't any pigeons. I use decoys to attract pigeons into shooting distance that are already feeding on a crop.

And I bet you do that on stubbles where there is no need to protect whatever the birds are feeding on.


This is ********. We shoot pigeons for sport and use the GL's broad umbrella to justify it should we ever need to.... which we don't for the reasons ive already stated previously apart from somee of you when behind your keyboards wanting to be seen to be doing the right thing.

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IM not saying anything is right or wrong all im saying is i wouldn't shoot On a field with no pigeons feeding on it because i probly would get naff all and it would be boring.if someone wants to shoot a pigeon in their garden its up to them,i wouldn't. I have shot plenty in the field right next to it on peas and laid barley but not in my garden and that's up to me. I go roost shooting and if im just out for a walk around after a pheasant or rabbit with my dog and a pigeon flys over i will have a shot. You are right ishoot them for sport as i said in a previous post if you read it.

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Its not exactly what I was saying Dekers, but it does sum it up quite well


Please don't let me sum up anything, can you spell it out for me just so I can wave these conditions under the nice policemans nose!


Cut and paste from the GL will be appreciated.


Thank you!

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I posted a photo in an earlier comment. You sound like you've had problems from the police over pigeon shooting.


Ha Ha, no chap, I don't have problems with the police, I know the law better than most of them!


I'm not seeing any part above in the GL that you have posted that says........


Posted Yesterday, 09:50 PM SSS said

I dont think people understand the general license and what it is there for. If you shoot a pigeon, regardless of where and when, it is covered by at least 2 different terms on the GL. Get yourself on the Natural England website and have a read.



So, Im stood in the middle of my back garden in Chelsea as a pigeon flies over and I can legally drop him can I, just which 2 GL conditions makes this legal?


You can Only legally shoot pigeons when complying with the terms of the GL, and also note this part..........


Overview of LicenceThis licence permits landowners, occupiers and other authorised persons to carry out a range of

otherwise prohibited activities against the species of wild birds listed on the licence. This licence may


only be relied upon where the activities are carried out for the purposes specified, and users must


comply with licence terms and conditions. These conditions include the requirement that the user


must be satisfied that legal (including non-lethal) methods of resolving the problem are ineffective or



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These conditions include the requirement that the user


must be satisfied that legal (including non-lethal) methods of resolving the problem are ineffective or




This is the part that I found stood out when reading the various copy and pasted parts to this thread too.


So I take it everyone who shoots pigeons in their garden has tried a scarecrow and cd's hanging on bits of string first? Yeah right,,,,,,,,,

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