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Is it a pigeon holiday?


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very similar here, when it was mild a few days ago there was a lot of movement, then as soon as the temperature dropped..it all stopped, they are still there but feeding slowly and doing a lot of hanging about, i think this wont last long, and despite the temp they will go seriously on the feed again....

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I went for a recce on friday afternoon. There was a flock of 200 odd birds and building, pitching into some rape. I Parked the truck 300 yards away and as soon as I got out they were up and away. Wise to their ways at this time of year, I went the opposite direction to see if there was a lonely few dropping into the trees. 40 mins later I returned to the truck. The birds were back on the same spot, but they lifted straight away, spooked by the remaining birds in the trees clattering of at great haste at spotting me, 300 yards away :o . I have honestly never seen them so jumpy. Decoying them there would be a complete waste of time at the moment :/

Edited by turbo33
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Pigeons are on the move here. Went roost shooting today, had more than ever come in to the woods, the trees were empty when we arrived.

Shot 49 between 2 of us...all were in good order, full crops and plenty of meat on them.

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I was out in the field saturday all set up with my hide and decoys from first light until about 11am and i didn't even see one pigeon although the farmer told me there were loads the day before so think I missed the boat, I gave up freezing and came home in the end,

on the way back to the car two deer ran straight out past me but by the time I got my camera out they were long gone, lovely sight in the snow though.

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To right mate, I knew there was some about round there but that was the first time i had seen them, they were in some overgrown wooded dip area in the middle of the field and came running out right in front of me as I walked past,

wish I had my camera ready but never mind it was a beautiful sight :)

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one bit of ground i shoot, has alot of pigeons around,but to much rape around in a 3 mile block. one shot there gone over the road on the next field. tried banger ropes, taking 3 or 4 shooting mates,one on each field etc. They just float around in the hundreds just out of reach. They might as well have two fingers stuck up at the same time.

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