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Weight Management and Lifestyle Programme


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This year recognising that I should do summat about my weight I have allowed the nurse at my Dr's surgery to refer me to a 48 week Weight Management and Lifestyle Programme that run locally under the guise of 'More Life' .

There was a shed load of questionaires full of bizzare and seemingly ridiculous, irrelevant questions to fill in before I was even accepted on the course ???


Now week one was really just an introductory session during which we see who turns up and we all get our height checked, the weighed on the magic scales,

Magic Scales ? I hear you ask, well let me explain.

You have to remove any footwear including socks, tights/pop socks/stockings whatever ladies, You then stand on the scales on the two metal pads under each foot, your height, sex and the weight of your clothes is then input into the control panel by the operator, Now THIS is where the magic begins, the Magic Scales sends "an energy" up and down each leg, and through your body (yes it does folks) and you feel ..........absolutely nothing (I know !!! I didn't believe it either!)


After a minute or two, the Magic Scales does you a little print out, listing your weight, your height, how much your bones weigh, how much your water content weighs, how much of your body is fat, how much of that fat is internal ie deep inside as opposed to under the skin. Finally it tells you how obese you are (Can you have 106% ??? Really ??)


Now, Week 2

Off with the shoes, socks, onto the 'Magic Scales' and this is where my belief in the system begins to fall apart,

I've lost 0.3 of a Kg off my total body weight :good: BUT I've lost 5.8Kg of "Muscle Mass" I was somewhat incredulous at this point and challenged the course leader (who was operating said Magic Scales) they don't like being challenged :no: :no:

Not only this but I am, apparently, not only 100% Obese :( but I went even better (worse?) and took it to a whole new mathematical level, = 106%


When I saw my Dr about the Pleurisy, I mentioned these 'Magic Scales' and the results, He didn't seem as appreciative, in fact he rather infered "What a Croc of ****" Apparently the money the NHS has spent on CT Scanners and MRI Scanners and Ultrasound technologies wasn't a waste :no: :no: UNLIKE the money spent on Magic Scales and that other ridiculous, scientifically unproven Magic Energy giver......The Circulation Booster (theres only one thing that makes your blood pump up and down yer legs and thats your heart & circulatory system Grrrrrr


So, Yes Im overweight, will I be keeping a food diary ? Not Unless its edible ! Im about 9-10stone overweight to be their ideal weight, Why ? Because I eat too much and all the wrong stuff, however, all the good stuff is bad for you too, just not as bad or you have to eat much more of it, will I be swapping Bacon and Toms for Chipboard biscuits (weetabix) moistened with a thimble of white water ? yeah right. (:no:)


Thanks for reading my ramblings, had to get that off me chest as I couldn't get to sleep.

05.30hrs night night all.

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LOL at the magic scales! They sound a right waist (get it) of money!!!


As the saying goes "you dont need a weatherman to tell you its ******* down" therefore why the heck do you need to go on a 48week course to lose weight? you clearly know your overweight so you simply chose wither or not you want to do something about it??

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Lol they have those "magic scales" out here on the rig for the well man clinics we get for free and even the medic says they are an expensive pile of the brown smelly stuff that dribbles from a cows bottom! you can do 2 tests on them 20 minutes apart and the will be +/- 15-20% so they ar enot very accurate! :)

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So, referring to your penultimate paragraph, you're fat and yet after seeking help and professional opinion you still don't want to lose any of the flab?


Personally I find this bizarre but If you want to go and eat yourself to death then crack on :good:



Edited by WelshLamb
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I work in this very field but your course sounds like a crock of ****!


The scales that measure body fat and muscle mass etc are hopeless even the really expensive ones.


We just stick to height and weight no need for total body analysis.


Fat mass should be measured with callipers.



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Lighterlife is whatyou need, short sharp pain to rapidly lose weight, after 5 days you feel fine and are happy to eat/drink what you get. It works!


LL is a zero carbs Very Low Calorie (VLC) diet. Works for some (me) but is pretty brutal. 5 days isn't enough though to lose a lot of weight though.

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If your Nine to ten stone overweight !

Then your more or less carrying another person round with you everyday,

Go back too your doctors/nurse explain your not happy with this plan

and see what else is on offer, Maybe gentle exercise?

Believe me once you start losing the pounds it will give you a more positive feel about it all

but best advice anyone can give you is too go back too your doctors first



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it don't matter how much of your weight is fat /muscle your build or even your height all our internal organs should be about equal in size. Working too small a pump for too large an application just wont cut it! At best you spend a lot of time fixing it at worst it will just plain fail, unfortunately the human pump supplies life not just water or fuel- so a single breakdown can finish things. Carrying another fella on your back 24-7 will also put you pump under a lot of extra strain. Its a straight choice between feeling hungry and changing your wardrobe or the coffin if your 10 stone over but its your choice and one you have to take

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I've struggled with my food intake most of my life. On and off I've had fit spells but generally I'm classed as overweight. I'm usually about two stone over so nothing like as serious as you, but still not ideal as my bone structure is quite small. It's very easy for people without weight issues to suggest you eat less, work out, whatever. If you've spent your whole life over indulging it's far from easy to stop.


What I'm doing at the moment, and it seems to have good scientific backing and works for alot of other people, is the 5/2 diet. Eat what you want five days a week and have two "fast" days when you can take in a maximum of 600 calories. Although there's a strong belief that three meals a day are needed to stay healthy, all through evolution until very recently if the deer didn't show up we ate very little that day - so to a point your body is designed to deal with it.


Constant eating creates constant cell regeneration. Fasting switches this function over and your body will start cell repair, which is shown in lab tests to increase lifespan of mice by 40% compared to their regularly fed friends! It lowers insulin production and cholesterol, as well as body fat content.


I've only been doing it for two weeks but have noticed a difference already. I've decided to weigh once a month so don't have a weight comparison yet, but I am feeling positive and also better in myself. I don't feel **** in the mornings like I used to and after the first couple of fast days my body now seems to accept it and I don't feel like I'm missing out too badly. The good thing is that the other five days you carry on as normal. Don't go nuts but don't change what you do now. The worse those five days are the more effect the 600 calorie limit has on you each time.


If you've got health issues like diabetes I'd run this past your doctor as I don't know what effect it will have on insulin doses etc, but if you're healthy just give it a try. It seems to be working for me and you only have to suffer two days a week rather than cut down every day!


Edit... I forgot to add that the worlds oldest marathon runner fasts regularly and has done all his life. He's over 100 years old and although not quick can still cover the miles without aid!

Edited by njc110381
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It's not about making yourself "suffer". Just change your diet for the better. I'm a lorry driver, by nature of the work most of us are fat overweight slobs.


I've swapped the full English truckers breakfast and a 6 sugar latte for porridge/beans on toast or cereal in the morning, with 'skinny' latte with 1 sugar.


I no longer eat chips/crisps/chocolate/takeaway/fast food and instead of sitting in my cab all evening drinking a few tinnies, eating a multipack of crisps and watching the gogglebox, I go for a walk even if its just to the other end of the services and back!


Snacks these days are apples or oranges instead of a pack of 6 cherry bakewells in one sitting while I'm going up the road.


Losing weight/dieting shouldn't mean starving yourself or suffering, you just need to make changes to your lifestyle and stick to them. Good luck :)

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9-10 stone overweight as Kent says is asking your heart/lungs/joints to carry the load of two people.

Having seen people use it, I agree that lighter life is what you need (if you want get away from this) the BIG challenge is what you do once you come out the other end.

I have no idea what the stats are but a good number of people revert to type, and just stick it all back on again, if you are going to do that you may as well not bother in the first place.

But you need to get the weight off asap [iMO] if you exercise as you are you may well kill yourself.


Some people have the willpower, others will just plod on and die young.


If you do, can I have the 7-08 please?

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Some people have the willpower, others will just plod on and die young. I happen to like chocolate and crisps as well as fruit! In my case I eat a fairly healthy diet, just far too much of it!


What do you have on your 600 calorie days NJC, and when do you have it? Also, which days of the week do you do, or does it vary?

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Horizon on BBC2 done a program on fasting and there is some scienctific proof behind it, it was quite intresting and i have been thimking about trying it too. They also showed a boy doing extreme fasting and only ate a tiny ammount of calories every day and would only eat the skin off apples and throw the fruit away

Do the 2 fast days have to be back to back, i was never sure about that?

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I've had a little sleep, and I think one or two people misunderstood my reasons for posting maybe ? It wasn't a looking for sympathy post (hell I've been here long enough to know better than that)

It was stewing away in my mind keeping me awake and by posting I was merely "expressing my thoughts" or..."venting my spleen"

"Sharing my experience/frustrations"


I haven't just gotten overweight, overnight, it's happened over 10 - 15 years, However, this year is/was the year I decided to do summat about it, I haven't given up on the course just yet, I'm just struggling with many aspects of it already, You can't change a lifetimes habits overnight, however in 48 weeks who knows.

Very easy for those who've never struggled with weight issues to criticise, and I suppose I set meself up for that by posting in the first place....so be it.

Losing ten stone isn't realistic. However losing a significant amount would undoubtedly help get me nearer a more ideal weight, More ideal for me not what a generic chart says.

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If you do, can I have the 7-08 please?


Yeah if you want. I won't need it! :lol:


What do you have on your 600 calorie days NJC, and when do you have it? Also, which days of the week do you do, or does it vary?


I've not really settled into a routine yet but try to spread my intake over the day. I eat a lot of low calorie veg generally - carrots, celery, onion etc and try to leave enough so that I can have a veg stew with some quorn mince in for dinner in the evening. Apparently it doesn't make much difference when you have the 600 calories so you can have it all for breakfast/dinner or spread it out. I try to use half of them up to about 6pm and then the other half for my evening meal so I don't feel the need to snack before bed.


You're not supposed to do two consecutive days so I do it on Monday (mentally some of my Sunday dinner helps me through Monday AM!) and Wednesday because I do a short day at work (physical job) so don't need the calories so badly for energy as I do on a full day.


It's all pretty new to me but early signs are good. I feel better in myself and seem to be losing weight slowly. It's also something that I could accept into my long term lifestyle - I've tried reducing portion sizes but it doesn't work. I've spent 30 years eating as much as I can fit in and not giving up until the plate's clear. When I diet I get down to a good weight then slowly work up again because I can't stick ordering a 4oz steak at the pub when there's a 16oz on offer! It just doesn't happen long term because old habits die hard. Not eating much for two planned days is easy.

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Yeah if you want. I won't need it! :lol:




I've not really settled into a routine yet but try to spread my intake over the day. I eat a lot of low calorie veg generally - carrots, celery, onion etc and try to leave enough so that I can have a veg stew with some quorn mince in for dinner in the evening. Apparently it doesn't make much difference when you have the 600 calories so you can have it all for breakfast/dinner or spread it out. I try to use half of them up to about 6pm and then the other half for my evening meal so I don't feel the need to snack before bed.


You're not supposed to do two consecutive days so I do it on Monday (mentally some of my Sunday dinner helps me through Monday AM!) and Wednesday because I do a short day at work (physical job) so don't need the calories so badly for energy as I do on a full day.


It's all pretty new to me but early signs are good. I feel better in myself and seem to be losing weight slowly. It's also something that I could accept into my long term lifestyle - I've tried reducing portion sizes but it doesn't work. I've spent 30 years eating as much as I can fit in and not giving up until the plate's clear. When I diet I get down to a good weight then slowly work up again because I can't stick ordering a 4oz steak at the pub when there's a 16oz on offer! It just doesn't happen long term because old habits die hard. Not eating much for two planned days is easy.


You're the same as me I think. A pretty healthy diet overall just too much of a good thing! I lost two stone before I was 40 and crept back up by about a stone or so. Lost half a stone again last year but still want to get more off.


Exercise is great for me, not the gym type, but exercise like a day's beating or a really long walk. Works a treat.

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a lot of the lads out here have been using meal replacement protein shakes that are 150cals each for breakfast an lunch and its quite surprising how much we have all lost i have shifted 5kg in the last 2 weeks and not felt hungry doing it like most diets leave me :)


i am looking forward to when the dog is old enough to go for long walks with me :)

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