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2 car insurance


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You can only use your no claims on one car unless you have a 2 car policy, but I think they're really expensive. We have one car insured in my name with the mrs as named driver and the other in her name with me as a named driver so we can use both no claims.

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If you go with a local broker (yes, they still exist), then they will probably be able to get a considerable initial goodwill discount on your second vehicle insurance, assuming you have good NCD built up on your main policy.

I did this few years ago, fancied an XK8, local broker got me a 50% first year discount due to my 9+ yr NCD on main policy.

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This is one thing that really annoys me if one person has two cars and they are insured for only that one person to drive them what is it with this you need two ncb I suppose if you had one right hand drive and one left hand you could take the drivers doors off and put a peace of wood across the drivers seats and sit in the middle and drive them both at once.


This is madness why can they not just insure the driver problem solved if they put all of the cars in bands and just say that you can drive any car in say band B up to 2000cc band C up to 3000cc etc etc a go faster car would be in a high bracket but then this is to simple.


As I see it you can kill just as many people mini or a jag

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hi you can sometimes get your no claims discount mirrored- a friend has a subaru and a mondeo but it took a lot of phone calls.

if you cant find anyone willing to mirror your ncd separate policies with different companies are often cheaper than multi car policies.

some companies take ncd from commercial vehicles and mirror them to cars and the opposite

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i priced nfu to insure a jeep and a car,twice the price that i insure both on separate policies..... allianz gave me full no claims for a second policy in my own name.my first car is insured in my wifes name and 10 years accident free with me as a named driver(cheaper to insure in her name).... if i move the second policy i obviously lose the fncd on the second policy

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I have the same problem. Ive got 2 cars and 3 motorbikes. So ive tried every option at one time or another and the long & short of it is that 99% of the time its cheaper to insure them all separately. So now ive got 2 lots of car insurance and 2 lots of motorbike insurance, all separate.


You can only use your NCB on one vehicle, so you have to get a totally new separate insurance policy for the other car, and thus pay top wack for it. It doesnt matter if you have, like in my case, 20 years NCB on high performance sports cars, and are trying to insure some £500 old shed. They completely disregard any proof that you are low risk safe driver.


Some companies like Admiral do offer a "multi car" insurance policy, but this is just a scam. Ive spent hours on the phone with them trying to convince me to move my insurance to them and yet every single time, its been cheaper to just insure the vehicles separately. If you do go to a multi car policy with them, then come your renewal on either car - if you can get cheaper elsewhere & decide to move one car off, then they charge you a massive fee for doing so, and jack up the insurance on the remaining car as you no longer have your other car insured with them.


I really dont understand insurance companies logic. Take for example if I had 2 cars. One being a Ferrari, the other a £100 Ford Fiesta. If i wanted to insure both 3rd party only, then surely the only risk the insurance company will ever have of paying out is if im driving the car and crash it into someone else. Surely with me driving a fiesta 50% of the time, the risk for the insurance company should be a lot lot less than if im driving a Ferrari all the time? And yet, they will happily want a small fortune for me to insure the Fiesta as a 2nd car.


When you get a quote for your 2nd car, you can do various things to reduce your premium. If you park it on the road rather than in your garage you`ll get cheaper insurance, if you say your married it will increase your premium, having an alarm / tracker very often increases your premium. Adding your 98 year old neighbour to your policy will reduce it - even if they are never likely to drive the car. Using different job titles for the same job can make a big difference. Also, fully comp is virtually always cheaper than 3rd party only - even though obviously the insurance company has to fork out a lot more if you make a claim on fully comp. Also, make sure you check what different cars cost to insure before you buy them. Something like a 1.2 corsa which you`d think would be cheap as its slow very often is more expensive than say a bmw 520 or something. Its all down to statistics!

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