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What an idiot!!!!!


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Was in the house last night watching the TV when the wife came running down stairs shouting " there a man in the playing field with a gun". We live near a council playing field which backs onto farmland. About 2 acres, This area is well used by dog walkers and kids!! So went upstairs with the NV and watched this**** in prone less than 50ft from the centre of a road and on public property. Think I heard a couple of moderated shots, probably an air gun. He looked well prepared, bag, camo and no lamp(assuming NV) Watched him for a few minutes as he walked and dropped to prone a couple of times. He then disappeared behind the hedge line! Within a couple of mins of him did appearing, a couple with dogs walked into the area.

1. It's public property

2. He fired with 50ft of a well used public highway

3. Doubt he had permission for the farm land if he entered from park. There is an access gate to the field just beside it!

4. Putting public in danger


This really angered me! It's idiots like him who ruin our ( the shooting community) name! He had no regard for safety and is obviously very selfish! The wife called the police but they are still to show up 12hr later!!

If I see him again what should I do? Call the local bobby or have a word? I almost feel like I should call the police again to have his gun confiscated!

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How do you know he doesn't have permission?


The amount of folk who moan like hell when the police turn up to them lawfully shooting now your advocating calling the police on someone who may well have permission.

I doubt he has permission on council land that is so heavily used by the public day and night! I have had police called on me! I had permission and they left me to it!! I just think that this is irresponsible and we should be leading by example!

Edited by ging125
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I have permision on a councel owned football field and kids play area, night time only and NO GUNS, rabbits are lamped using a dog .

unless i go at silly times, 2-3am i still bump into people walking there dogs.

I even came across a man and his two kids walking there dog at 3 am, he was living in his car for a week as his wife had kicked him out.

Edited by washerboy
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I doubt he has permission on council land that is so heavily used by the public day and night! I have had police called on me! I had permission and they left me to it!! I just think that this is irresponsible and we should be leading by example!


I control both rabbits and foxes on 3 council owned parks. I have keys for 2 and use a moderated 22lr for the rabbits. The foxes are trapped.


You shoukd never make assumptions.

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I control both rabbits and foxes on 3 council owned parks. I have keys for 2 and use a moderated 22lr for the rabbits. The foxes are trapped.


You shoukd never make assumptions.

Apologies, do u put notices up or inform the police before hand?

How do you ensure there is no public in the vicinity? This guy didn't seem to care the way he was acting!

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Hi Ging


I can understand the frustration, but if you look at the incident analytically, I am not sure what law you think he broke - based upon fact, rather than emotion.


He may have had permission to be there, so points 1 & 3 of your comments are negated.


How do you determine he was putting the public in danger? If shooting on land where he can use NV to check for folk in the area would mean no one was in danger so answers point 4. Remember that footpaths and bridleways are not included as roads for the purposes of the law (Highways Act 1980, NOT the Firearms Act).


As for point 2, nowhere does it state in the law that we must be 50ft from the centreline of any public road etc. it DOES say that yif your actions cause distress, nuisance etc to those using the road by being closer than 50ft to the centreline of any road that you commit an offence - NOT an office to people watching from windows, only those on the road that are 'interfereed with'. Notice it says does cause, not might cause - very different in the eyes of the law.


The fact people showed up in the area after he/she left just shows good judgement on behalf of the shooter.


As for point 5, the shooter was probably asked to shoot the bunnies which is why. If he had called the police prior to going out, it is quite possible that the police wouldn't attend the scene, as their records showed the guy would be there. Officially, the police should respond to all calls of firearms, but many don't. But, that isn't the fault of the shooter!!


England & Wales it is an offence without lawful authority or reasonable excuse to discharge any firearm within fifty feet of the centre of a highway which consists of or comprises a carriageway, and in consequence a user of the carriageway is injured, interrupted or endangered. [section 161(2) of the Highways Act 1980 as amended]. It is important to remember that the discharge of a firearm is not prohibited in itself. It must also be proved that there was an injury, or that someone’s passage was interrupted or interfered with e.g. they have been forced to make a detour.

For the purposes of Section 161 (2) of the Highways Act 1980 (as amended), a ‘highway’ is restricted to a public right of way for the passage of vehicles and does not include footpaths, cycle tracks or bridleways. Therefore the fifty feet rule described above does not apply to rights of ways that cross private lands e.g. footpaths.



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Apologies, do u put notices up or inform the police before hand?

How do you ensure there is no public in the vicinity? This guy didn't seem to care the way he was acting!


No I dont do either. Or I would be on the phone to the police all the time!


The risk assessment carried out in conjunction with the local council officer showed no need for notices as its carried out at night with NV.


I make the same assesment re the public no matter where I am shooting. I always ensure I have a safe back stop regardless of where I am shooting. If I cant see to make a shot, then its not taken.

Edited by MiLisCer
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I agree with Beretta06.


I have the permission of the local council to control rabbits by shooting (rimfire) in the local park / wildlife reserve. They trust me to be sensible. If I did anything to cause a complaint, or even an adverse comment to be made about my activities then I have no doubt that the council would get cold feet and permission withdrawn.


For my part, I only shoot there between about midnight and 5am as experience shows that the chances of seeing anybody at that time is very slight. I use night vision and .22 subs with moderator for quietness (hmr is too noisy).


As it is such a sensitive area I always inform the police (in my area tel: 101 cost 15p) and also put a note at the entrance of the park to the effect that pest control is taking place with mobile phone contact numbers displayed both on the notice and in my car windscreen.


I expect that one day someone will stir things up and as a result the council will resort to gassing or something similarly unpleasant and indiscriminate, what the eye does not see.......

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I agree with Beretta06.


I have the permission of the local council to control rabbits by shooting (rimfire) in the local park / wildlife reserve. They trust me to be sensible. If I did anything to cause a complaint, or even an adverse comment to be made about my activities then I have no doubt that the council would get cold feet and permission withdrawn.


For my part, I only shoot there between about midnight and 5am as experience shows that the chances of seeing anybody at that time is very slight. I use night vision and .22 subs with moderator for quietness (hmr is too noisy).


As it is such a sensitive area I always inform the police (in my area tel: 101 cost 15p) and also put a note at the entrance of the park to the effect that pest control is taking place with mobile phone contact numbers displayed both on the notice and in my car windscreen.


I expect that one day someone will stir things up and as a result the council will resort to gassing or something similarly unpleasant and indiscriminate, what the eye does not see.......


A warning sign is good on the park gates but I would not be placing a sign with my mobile number on it and I would defo not have one in my car telling others what I was doing. One day you will return to your car to find it has been damaged, tyres slahed and the like. :no:

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A warning sign is good on the park gates but I would not be placing a sign with my mobile number on it and I would defo not have one in my car telling others what I was doing. One day you will return to your car to find it has been damaged, tyres slahed and the like. :no:


Yes, that is a fair point but touch wood this is a pretty crime free area and by only being there in the early hours there should not be anyone around to see me or my vehicle. I expect I am being a bit naive but the logic was that if anyone has any concerns they have a point of contact, me. I would rather they spoke to me than someone else.

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This was at about 8.30pm and the snow was comming down fairly heavy. The only way I would be happy was if I was using a FLIR scope. I dont think I am a window ghost/nosy neighbour. Under any other circumstances i.e not that time or place. I think I would be happy to let this guy do whatever he wants so long as he has permission.

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Was in the house last night watching the TV when the wife came running down stairs shouting " there a man in the playing field with a gun". We live near a council playing field which backs onto farmland. About 2 acres, This area is well used by dog walkers and kids!! So went upstairs with the NV and watched this**** in prone less than 50ft from the centre of a road and on public property. Think I heard a couple of moderated shots, probably an air gun. He looked well prepared, bag, camo and no lamp(assuming NV) Watched him for a few minutes as he walked and dropped to prone a couple of times. He then disappeared behind the hedge line! Within a couple of mins of him did appearing, a couple with dogs walked into the area.

1. It's public property

2. He fired with 50ft of a well used public highway

3. Doubt he had permission for the farm land if he entered from park. There is an access gate to the field just beside it!

4. Putting public in danger


This really angered me! It's idiots like him who ruin our ( the shooting community) name! He had no regard for safety and is obviously very selfish! The wife called the police but they are still to show up 12hr later!!

If I see him again what should I do? Call the local bobby or have a word? I almost feel like I should call the police again to have his gun confiscated!


He may have had permission.


It is not an offence to shoot within a certain distance of a highway.


It doesn't sound as though anyone was actually endangered.




I doubt he has permission on council land that is so heavily used by the public day and night! I have had police called on me! I had permission and they left me to it!! I just think that this is irresponsible and we should be leading by example!


The council needs to control pests just like anyone else and lots of people shoot on council land. Nothing in your description suggests that he was doing anything unlawful.



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Hi Ging


I can understand the frustration, but if you look at the incident analytically, I am not sure what law you think he broke - based upon fact, rather than emotion.


He may have had permission to be there, so points 1 & 3 of your comments are negated.


How do you determine he was putting the public in danger? If shooting on land where he can use NV to check for folk in the area would mean no one was in danger so answers point 4. Remember that footpaths and bridleways are not included as roads for the purposes of the law (Highways Act 1980, NOT the Firearms Act).


As for point 2, nowhere does it state in the law that we must be 50ft from the centreline of any public road etc. it DOES say that yif your actions cause distress, nuisance etc to those using the road by being closer than 50ft to the centreline of any road that you commit an offence - NOT an office to people watching from windows, only those on the road that are 'interfereed with'. Notice it says does cause, not might cause - very different in the eyes of the law.


The fact people showed up in the area after he/she left just shows good judgement on behalf of the shooter.


As for point 5, the shooter was probably asked to shoot the bunnies which is why. If he had called the police prior to going out, it is quite possible that the police wouldn't attend the scene, as their records showed the guy would be there. Officially, the police should respond to all calls of firearms, but many don't. But, that isn't the fault of the shooter!!


England & Wales it is an offence without lawful authority or reasonable excuse to discharge any firearm within fifty feet of the centre of a highway which consists of or comprises a carriageway, and in consequence a user of the carriageway is injured, interrupted or endangered. [section 161(2) of the Highways Act 1980 as amended]. It is important to remember that the discharge of a firearm is not prohibited in itself. It must also be proved that there was an injury, or that someone's passage was interrupted or interfered with e.g. they have been forced to make a detour.

For the purposes of Section 161 (2) of the Highways Act 1980 (as amended), a 'highway' is restricted to a public right of way for the passage of vehicles and does not include footpaths, cycle tracks or bridleways. Therefore the fifty feet rule described above does not apply to rights of ways that cross private lands e.g. footpaths.




Excellent remarks.


I found the OP bordering on hysteria.

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