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Disposal of quarry.


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Depends on the shooting.


If you are doing it for pest control, then it doesn't really matter. It's when they are shot mostly for sport that it does.


For example, the cases of game shoots allegedly dumping shot game is unacceptable because the birds would have been shot for no reason. Not the case with vermin control such as grey squirrels, where the animals are still shot for good reason, even when not utilised for food. That being said, it is still a good idea to use what you can - I mean, why not?

Well said Reece. How do you like Squirrel?

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Even if your shooting rabbits/pigeons for pest control what's stopping you taking them to a game dealers if you got one near by ,pays for your cartridges, bullets if nothing else.




Thats a big if, like alot of us shooters we do it as we enjoy it, not for the money.

Edited by Luckyshot
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I've eaten squirrel and its a pain to skin :( but worth it . My mate eats rook pie which I'm not sure on .

Never any need to waste meat . Ferrets ,local zoo , game dealer , friends and family . I give loads away to people in my street :)

I enjoy a rook pie. I only eat the branchers though.

I never leave where dropped, farmers would not be happy to see pigeons, rabbits etc scattered around their fields.

I eat most of what i shoot or pass the meat on to family and friends...anything that is not to be eaten is put on the muck heap or left in the woods for fox to find.

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skinning a squirrel isnt hard, I did one recently in about 3 mins, including gutting etc,

lad who wanted, it bottled out of eating it, looked too much like rat.



I was trying to get one of the young beaters to take one home and tell his mum its a gerbil.

Edited by bobt
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