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Looks like men are gonna marry each other.


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The thing that gets me is that out of all the mandates they put forwards this wasn't one of them, politics is severely screwed if this is where their priorities lay considering other things that could have been voted on.




I did wonder what else was going on in the world that the Government would want to distract the masses from......

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The way i look at it is you either ;-


1. Get married in a house of God and take your vows before God (religious)


2. Get married in a registry office or equivalent (married under law, not religious)


3. Get married in a civil partnerships which is what Gay people can do and is the same as 2


If say I went to a house of God and vowed before God but didnt believe in the magic sky wizard that to me would make the vows void which is why i dont get married because im not religious. Thats my logic and how i look at it.


-more phoney wars, the country skint, dodgy politicians/ policies, horses in burgers plenty to choose from :)


HS2 even though HS1 was a flop

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Is it? News to me as I seem to be married and no religion involved at all.

Perhaps that means it isn't valid? One can only hope.


I have to say that I fall into this category too. Been "married" for 38 years and no religion was or has been involved since.

I find it hard to reconcile the sanctity of marriage with the number of divorces these days. It makes about as much religious sense as people are saying gay marriage does.

I can't help but notice too that the majority of discussion/ argument revolves around 'gay' being two men. Is it that the thought of two women in a similar compromising position is not as abhorrent to most of the blokes on here?

It just deminishes all the arguments against gay marrige as far as I'm concerned and, in the end, it all comes down to progress. The Romans thought homosexuality was ok. Christianity speaks against it(as do most of the major religions) so it became illegal, now its not so as far as I can see its just the next step, ie progress!

I have a number of gay friends on both sides of the fence, as it were! Some of whom have recently done the civil partenership thing and I have to say they were up there with the best and most enjoyable cerimonies I have ever been to. None of them ever try to 'inflict' their views on me and other than the obvious differences they live pretty normal lives with lots of the sam asperations as any of us.

As to whether it was an issue requiring the urgent attention of the government at this time is certainly a matter for doubt in my mind..

Look behind the headlines for the really important issues......



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Given that the point of marriage as it has developed since WW2 is that it means:-

that after a big party and ther provision of housing the woman has to occaisionally give a man sex , After a randomly set number of years l this contrtact is terminated with the woman getting the house and most of the husbands dogs/guns/kids as part of the contract settlement.


With gays how is that going to work?


with gay men who are they going to give the house to ?

with lesbian how are they going to both get the house ?


perhaps the answer will lie iin giving the divorced gays houses to the divorced lesbians ? :yes::lol:



sorry for the black wednesday morning humour but given the state of the nation wasting time deciding on whether mincers get to legally call their fully mariage equivalent civil partnership marrage is the biggest weaste of time since tony blair said "lets go to war" in iraq when the french are only 20 miles away ( sorry wednesday morning humour is creeping back)

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If marriage is a religious thing , how come atheists are allowed to get married ? how come you can get married in a registry office? Religion does not have the monopoly on marriage. Even if it did, which religion should own it? Islam? Christianity?


How does this trend on religious peoples beliefs? Does it force you to get gay married? Or is it making it more socially unacceptable for institutionalized bigotry ?


The only religious relevance here is the embarrassment that religion, once again, is being shown up whistle society moves on. The world will move on, more and more countries will join the likes of the (soon to be)UK, Norway, Canada etc and humanity will look back on this and wonder why this was ever such a big deal.

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I'm in the live and let live category too, if two dudes want to get married good on them.... it might mean I get to go to another wedding... I love a good wedding!


On a side not, I've never seen a forum frequented by so many bigots... open your minds and you shall see!


Why don't you end your bigotry and tolerate those who hold their own views sincerely and passionately. You sound like Gordon Brown.

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its all about gay rights forcing their way of life on those who have religious beliefs and it won't stop there, we've already seen you can't refuse to have it going on under your roof if you run a B&B from your house this is the next step till all rights of people who don't believe in it are eroded. Much like most things in this country our religious rights count for nothing.

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god made adam and eve not adam and steve or eve and ellie ....To me marriage is holy and is between a man and a woman....not two blokes or two ladies....and you make a promise to each other in the eyes of god....


yup spot on!!!

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I don't see what the fuss is. I believe that this will enable same-sex couples to get married in both civil and religious ceremonies - the latter only with the consent of religious institutions. If a religious institution whether it be CoE, Catholic, Muslim etc. say no then they can have a civil marrage ceremony, the same as a hetrosexual couple.


Seems fair to me.

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god made adam and eve not adam and steve or eve and ellie ....To me marriage is holy and is between a man and a woman....not two blokes or two ladies....and you make a promise to each other in the eyes of god....


In a religous ceremony yes but not in a civil one.

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In a religous ceremony yes but not in a civil one.


yes but its forcing the hand of the religeous into allowing the Gays to be married in a church so where do the religeous people rights come into this if through their religion they do not accept homosexuality? i don't like tomatoes i do hope the goverment arent going to force that upon me!!

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i love how if you don't like the idea of some thing people on here start refering to you as a bigot! its great i am sure there are lots of other people in the world gay or straight that dont agree with people who go out shooting things either but hey ho different strokes for different folks :beer:

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yes but its forcing the hand of the religeous into allowing the Gays to be married in a church so where do the religeous people rights come into this if through their religion they do not accept homosexuality? i don't like tomatoes i do hope the goverment arent going to force that upon me!!


You would be right if they was forcing people. They are not.




No religious organisation or individual minister being compelled to marry same-sex couples or to permit this to happen on their premises


So what rights are being ruined here?

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In a religous ceremony yes but not in a civil one.




as I have said marriage is something that is religious to me when you do it in a church...if you want to commit to one person for life be it two blokes or girls or bloke and girl and they dont believe in God (whichever one you believe in) then it should happen in a reg office or a place like that....

Marriage is a religous thing to me simple as

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as I have said marriage is something that is religious to me when you do it in a church...if you want to commit to one person for life be it two blokes or girls or bloke and girl and they dont believe in God (whichever one you believe in) then it should happen in a reg office or a place like that....

Marriage is a religous thing to me simple as


Currently a man and woman can get married in a church or a registry office. A gay couple cannot get married full stop. They can only have a civil union.


Is your argument that your should only be able to be married in church (which isn't the case today and therefore I don't undertsand that argument) or that marriage should only be between man & woman (which is what Gunnerbob is saying and I can understand that objection)?

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I'm fine with people being bigots. That's your problem. When you start supporting restrictions and segregation's for part of our population based on that bigotry, then their is a problem.


For me its not normal or natural so i think there should be some restrictions


Just like i think its not normal or natural to have sex with children or animals or your sister


but who knows in another 50 years these acts may be legal

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Children and animals cannot consent. Sister.... Each to their own, is incest actually illegal? never given it thought.


I don't like lots of things, don't think lots of things are normal. But i'm not going to stop people doing them if they aren't hurting anybody. To do so is.... pathetic, In my opinion.

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