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how was the shooting show?


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Seems like it was so crowded that nobody went.


Don't you just love the English language!! I understand exactly what Greymaster means, but my wife (Kazakh) just said 'But if nobody went, why are there people in the place that made it crowded'!!!


Mind you, she also gets confused by being told 'we are finally alone together' when visitors leave :lol: :lol: :yes: :yes: :rolleyes:

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Guest topshot_2k

I went, got there at 8.20am drove in and parked no issues. Although I do agree that there should have been more signs/traffic signals outside the show.


Picked up a few essentials and new rifle slip, few nice guns about on offer too


It was busy and queues for the limited food/drink stands were a pain :mad:

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Me and the old man got there for about 8:20 this morning. The car parking was run by a bunch of numpties who had no clue but after 20 mins we were 'parked'. Quick walk to the pay gate and there was no real queue. Inside was not so bad at that time but as the morning got on it got more and more frustrating. Just too many folk. Queue for a brew, queue for pee. Queue to walk to the next bleeding stall. Come mid day we left the halls for the shooting at the other side of the park. But as we were leaving the queue to get in must have been 100meters long and four wide. As many have said, I think they have underestimated just how many would turn up. If your gonna go, go early doors

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There used to be a big shooting show at the NEC some years ago. I don't know why it stopped though.


It is an impressive site, with experienced staff. Perhaps they ddi not want firearms there, or possibly they could not do the shooting events outside.

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Guest topshot_2k

It is an impressive site, with experienced staff. Perhaps they ddi not want firearms there, or possibly they could not do the shooting events outside.


Enough guns in Birmingham city already :lol: plus as you say no areas for shooting.

Stoneleigh park has plenty of room for extra marquees and parking

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I did what I wanted and saved Some mileage, but won't be in a hurry to go back- same complaints as others. Poor traffic management, VERY crowded, didn't see many bargains. Saw some cars parked over 2 MILES away ! Don't know how they will improve it - it was just too crowded in places to do more than shuffle in the same direction as everyone else. Several entrances to each hall would help. I think it has just got too big.

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got there at 8am and drove straight in... parking was were ever you fancied!! as the grass was a nightmare..


The show got crazy at lunch time, but had a good look round before the "crush" started.. picked up a couple of things and found so cheap deals.. 52" shotgun slip for £10.00 Mora bush craft knife, Some good hide pole's in a bag £25.


left about 3pm and watched a Muppet in a BMW x5 try to get his so called 4x4 (off the grass about 3 feet) and he just dug a deep hole, most entertaining.

2 good halls and 1 very funny AIRSOFT hall, with some RAMBO wanabe's runnning around in full SAS gear.. what are they thinking ???

Edited by jmj121
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like said before the parking was rediculous they were pushing cars onto the grass hills to park.....taken approx 1hr to get out of the que and park then 10 mins walk to the entrance.

i went to look for a .410 but it was useless there was a few but they were wanting silly money.....£150 FOR A GUN ID OF BOUGHT AND SOLD LAST YEAR FOR £70.

i came out with a bottle of bramble gin and a tweed coat for £40 and thats it really....was a bit dissapointing but a good day had.

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I heard a couple of stallholders saying that a lot of people who were planning to go on Sunday had gone today because of the weather forecast which made it more crowded. But its the wrong venue. Reminded me of an IKEA store, purposely designed to be disorientating, hard to move around in and impossible to go straight to the thing you want. Three fully enclosed halls which aren't big enough connected by narrow entrances is a recipe for bottlenecks, which is what happened.

Still, bought some nice quality moleskins and shirts from Philip Morris which were good value, and a nice little Fenix headtorch from Innovatech.

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Got fed up with crowds, thinking being central to the country has increased attendence and the reason I have been for the first time this year, but needs more space and better organised. Will be interested to see what people report 2moro. There was plenty to see if you could get to it. Got to see what I wanted and saw amber hill shooting, hopefully will get to the Olympics in the future, her grandad was a nice chap.

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was there at 7;45 parking no problem the queue problem was that there was no signage saying where to get in when we did the guy on the door taken out tickets and did not give us the stubs back witch cased us a problem as we walked out of one door and in another and was asked for our tickets :no: witch we did not have now. so we explained what was going on at the door and the security nearly did not let us back in .I agree it was like being in a rugby scrum all day till the last hour .then as we was leaving we could not find the exist as there was no signage to tell you what direction to go. im all up for it to go back to Newark very disappointed in that venue :sad1:

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Guest topshot_2k

Each to there own discipline but what a bunch of walts.... I was embarrassed to be a shooter :no:


That so called sport has nothing whatsoever to do with shooting and sporting shooting needs to distance itself from it. Dressed up like a they are about to be deployed in middle east :lol::rolleyes:

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NEC is a pricey show venue. Entrance or stand price would have to go up... Get what you pay for.


I don't think that is necessarily the case. I've seen some pretty niche shows at the NEC.


There is a camping show there in a couple of weeks, entrance is a tenner. If this shootings show is getting popular, or they can incorporate it with oter stuff like air soft, or even angling - it could be huge.

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That so called sport has nothing whatsoever to do with shooting and sporting shooting needs to distance itself from it. Dressed up like a they are about to be deployed in middle east :lol::rolleyes:


yea, what was that all about, possibly ...... they can only play with toy guns as there not able to be granted SG or FAC ??


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Don't you just love the English language!! I understand exactly what Greymaster means, but my wife (Kazakh) just said 'But if nobody went, why are there people in the place that made it crowded'!!!


Mind you, she also gets confused by being told 'we are finally alone together' when visitors leave :lol: :lol: :yes: :yes: :rolleyes:


Does it make me a bad person that when i read what your wife said in my heed i was reading with a Borat accent?

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