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Why I Will Never Shoot A Hare

The Ghost

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I had a couple of discussions with two PW member yesterday from different ends of the country.

Both said "they would never ever shoot a Hare" I am the same, I have eaten Hare many times....but could never shoot one.

I have not gone soft over the years and the two PW Members will shoot as many days as they can.


I think it could be down to the screaming of the wounded, but for me this video reminds me of Spring and Summer ahead.


Anyone think the same as us three?



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Yup, kill it, cook it, eat it. I love hare in a casserole (posh stew) done in a slow cooker. Or curried. Nom Nom Nom.


The only times I won't shoot one is when I've no room in the freezer or if I've just shot a couple I'll leave the rest for another day.


Unfortunately leaving them alone is not an option due to dogmen poaching the land. It's the usual no hares=no dogmen.

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If you eat them you should be prepared to shoot them.

Sorry but that's double standards

100% agree with this statement. I personally shoot hares as and when its needed just like all else I admire, respect and understand the quarry past being mere targets or food. By this I mean I will mostly let them pass by and spend over twice as long watching them

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i was expecting a watership down tear jerker to ***** my concience but boxing hares makes me want to line up for the 2 for 1.the reason i hardley dispatch them is they tend to sit which is unsporting and we are actually trying to increase the numbers round by me.

ps the 2 for 1 was a joke before the holy ones start :rolleyes:

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The Brown Hare is probably most densely populated in Fenland. Most farmers there know the damage they can cause when their numbers build. Would you still refuse to shoot them "The Ghost" if you were specifically asked by your landowner(s)?

We have a few in Norfolk and Suffolk and all the land I shoot on ask me (and others) to keep 'em down. So we do.

Shooting Hare with a shotgun is an art. If done properly it is a very humane and sporting way of doing it.

Edited by Whitebridges
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Just because i like venison does not mean i have to shoot dear,

(Got a stalk booked btw)


The op has made a good point imo

Never said you "have to" just that you should be prepared to.

Same as the argument we've all had many times with anti's (?) that eat meat.

I very rarely shoot hares cos I like to see them and cos I don't like them to eat.

I will shoot them if they are damaging my covers though.

Lets face it we could go out and do a video of just about every animal we shoot and say it's cute

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The Brown Hare is probably most densely populated in Fenland. Most farmers there know the damage they can cause when their numbers build. Would you still refuse to shoot them "The Ghost" if you were specifically asked by your landowner(s)?

We have a few in Norfolk and Suffolk and all the land I shoot on ask me (and others) to keep 'em down. So we do.

Shooting Hare with a shotgun is an art. If dome properly it is a very humane and sporting way of doing it.

I would ask a PW Member to take up the shoot to be honest, I never said shooting Hare was wrong..."I said I could not bring myself to shoot one".

I am not fully aware why this is but I have felt like that for some time.

I could shoot a Lamb, Duck, Goose, Rat, Fox & about everything in between...I thought I would put it to the Members and perhaps understand better.

Edited by The Ghost
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Interesting topic.

I live in the NW where the hare population is comparatively low although we have them on the shoot. I like hares and would not shoot them, Havent eaten one for ages. Each to his own, I have no problem with them being shot or eaten but also dont feel that if you shoot animals you have to shoot everything, or more correctly all species that may be shot.

Simply put - I understand the OP's perspective - better to eat a shot one than let it go to waste even if you choose not to kill it.

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Hi Kes, I grew up in Cumbria and was asked a short time ago by a shooter from that area to do a Ferreting Day in The Fens and take the live catch up to him.

He said he had never seen or shot a rabbit in years were he shoots, dogs & guns etc cleared the lot.

Believe me when I say I have shot most things on two & four legs, so can't understand this one at all.

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The very first Hare I killed was when I was about 14 years old (over 40 years ago) myself & Paddy Halpin armed with 410 saw it and decided to get closer.

Knowing no better we decided to chase it, it was close to us and run into a very tight fence and could not get through it....it started screaming in panic to get out.

Suddenly as I lifted the gun the screaming stopped & I had not even fired a shot?

My mates Mother wanted the Hare so she showed us how to get it ready to eat, we were loving this by now....then she showed us it's heart had burst (in her words) she said it would have died of fright.

I shot Hares for years after that & love the taste of them, I like the rest of you have many fond memories of shooting days & perhaps as the numbers have gone down I am thinking "I would miss them if they ever went".


My mate up north will only ever shoot two geese at a time...."That's all I can eat" he says?....now he is mad

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When we talk about damage caused by Hares I get a bit confused.... Hares V Rabbits? anything taken responsibly is fine, but if you feel the need to hunt something until it's locally extinct, my challenge would be to start on the rabbit or wood pigeon... What I'm trying to say is, just because there's lots about now, doesn't mean that it will always be that way, a change in farming practices can make a dramatic change, locally there has been a huge increase in the growth of Myscanthus (Elephant Grass, Bio Fuel) which is great for Starlings to roost in and Muntjack to hide amongst....

Whatever you are doing try a be mindful & leave something for tomorrow.

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I had a couple of discussions with two PW member yesterday from different ends of the country.

Both said "they would never ever shoot a Hare" I am the same, I have eaten Hare many times....but could never shoot one.

I have not gone soft over the years and the two PW Members will shoot as many days as they can.


I think it could be down to the screaming of the wounded, but for me this video reminds me of Spring and Summer ahead.


Anyone think the same as us three?




Yes me, I still remember one that ran away screaming well over 40 years ago. Not shot one since.



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Love my Rabbit Elby, thats why I got my new air rifle...not keen on lead with it....love Ferreting Snapping necks

I think I need booked in to have a word with a Shrink or something but hoped PW could help.


Can't explain it?

I'm not tryting to be harsh, there's many animals across the world I wouldn't shoot.

My point is if you like to eat hare then surely you would be better off shooting it yourself, that way you know how it died ect.

Also what would you do if a farmer from one of your permissions said he wanted them thinning out?

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I haven't seen a hare for years, let alone shot one. If they were common on my permissions and needed controlling I'd have no problem shooting one but I'd never shoot one just because it was there.


We all have our own ideas about what we should shoot and I will only shoot what I can justify shooting to my kids, sounds pathetic but I have to have a good reason to shoot something and sport on it's own isn't good enough for me.

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