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Adjustable Combs on a 12G O/U... Good and the Bad


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Aftermarket ones can be poorly fitted (rare) not many are fitted as standard so you may be better getting a gun you like and fits then getting a comb fitted if required, if you get a gun with a factory or previously fitted one I recommend having a couple of lessons with a good instructor/stocker and let them adjust it to suit, otherwise you will be constantly fiddling with!

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What make of gun are you after?


once fitted and set up properly, throw the allen key away and dont fiddle with it,





When I had my XT, I had a fitting session adjusted the comb and then left it wll alone. The adj comb on the XT was useful, but I don't think it was make or break for the gun.

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Some of the factory fitted adjustable combs are very poor. I have had a couple on Beretta 682E Golds. The mechanism is made from plastic, with fiddly little springs. A well known gun dealer was less than complimentary about them.


Browning XT and XS (single hex adjustment through the butt pad)are better, but prone to movement.


Miroku are less sophisticated, but have less movement.


Graco are the best of the aftermarket versions in my opinion - very similar to Miroku. A decent stocker / gunsmith could easily install one up to at least factory standards.


Someone was selling what are basically Graco copies on E*ay. I bought one as a spare as they were half the price of Graco. I don't have a gun which needs an adjustable comb, but they were so cheap, it was hard to let it pass.

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The Beretta kits have a spring which makes the comb rise when the pressure from the two side clamps is reduced. That is the part of the mechanism that is most prone to failure. I had mine removed.


Agreed,that does seem a bit pointless,they call it the memory system,the idea being that it stores your comb height settings...it's never worked for me

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  • 7 months later...

I really don't understand why anyone would want to ruin a gun by putting one of these devices onto a gun? Surely if you adjust it once then throw away the key, you might as well just get the existing gun stock adjusted to the correct height by a gunsmith and have a gun that doesn't look like a meccano set?

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I really don't understand why anyone would want to ruin a gun by putting one of these devices onto a gun? Surely if you adjust it once then throw away the key, you might as well just get the existing gun stock adjusted to the correct height by a gunsmith and have a gun that doesn't look like a meccano set?


Because I can set my gun up to how I like it without relying on someone else’s interpretation of what I need. Also with bending a stock to fit you have to take it past the measurement you want so it then settles back down once released from pressure. This can be a bit of a black art, I have seen stocks spilt, return back down to their original dimensions over time or never settle down enough. Adding an adjustable comb is a cheap method that works.


Also If you are going to sell on at some time, adding an adjustable will increase the 2nd hand value of a gun, personalising your stock to specific dimensions reduces your market and possible devalues your gun especially if you have a neck like a giraffe for instance.


I have the adjustable Beretta comb, no issues with it at all apart from if you want to take the stock off in which case you have to remove it completely to get the stock bolt out.


I had the Browning factory fit as well, it did come lose if left unchecked for long periods of shooting, but check it every few shoots and it’s not an issue.


One issue on the Beretta, if you are left handed the adjustment holes would be on your face, this may or may not bother you.

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