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Falklands....will it all kick off again?

Mk1 Man

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They are all part of the British Isles not some bloody godforsaken palace on the other side of the world with a bit of diplomacy this could have been sorted out many years ago but like all of these problems both sides go at it like a bull in a china shop.


For there own sake they need to be able to get on with there neighbours why should they expect us to shell out millions to defend them just because many years ago they decided that they did not like living with us our country was not good enough for them so they moved to another part of the world.


We have had these islands for many years it was our choice to populate them.... You cannot pick and choose to suit.


What about that epic Vulcan mission!! Very complex bit of planning to get that there and back.


Read the story and have seen the film, awesome..

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What about that epic Vulcan mission!! Very complex bit of planning to get that there and back.

the Vulcan mission was amazing.... To be honest if the argies kicked off again we have a good few battle hardened troops ready..... Not to mention new destroyers like the dauntless which(roumours would have) are able to take out an enemy fighter as it leaves a runway thousands of miles away.....
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Argentina have publically stated that they will not try and use force to retake the island. They are gathering support via the UN to make the UK negotiate as per various UN resolutions.


I should imagine the UK's case was weakened after Thatcher tried to off load the Falklands onto Argentina with a leaseback scheme back in 1980.

Really, you reckon she tried to offload them, then went to war to protect them. What a stupid post, the worst for ages.
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It was a close run thing last time. If the bombs exploded that hit the ships things could of ended differently. The uk would have to borrow a few aircraft carriers.

Not to mention new destroyers like the dauntless which(roumours would have) are able to take out an enemy fighter as it leaves a runway thousands of miles away


Sounds like BS to me.

Edited by ordnance
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Really, you reckon she tried to offload them, then went to war to protect them. What a stupid post, the worst for ages.


Sadly this is true, this was discussed by Nicholas Ridley in 1980 according to the Margret Thatcher Foundation. It was mentioned in an article in the Times that year. Even in 1980, they were talking about Oil as well.


It was a close run thing last time. If the bombs exploded that hit the ships things could of ended differently. The uk would have to borrow a few aircraft carriers.


Or share with the French ( who sold the Argies the planes and missiles)

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