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i wonder if they have liability insurance? One of these drones crshinging into somebody, or dog/Livestock, would would pay. I think its an interesting avenue.


Personally, if im filmed doing something completely legal, whats the worry? Only the people carrying out illegal activitys need to worry.




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old school 27mhz AM CB radio will do the lot :) no need to know the frequency


Yep have witnessed this first hand whilst out doing some green lanes in the landy. There was a kid and his old man flying a radio controlled plane in one of the fields next to the track, when someone spoke over the CB to say that the gate we were about to go through needed to be closed the plane fell out of the sky. Was quite funny to see as it just missed one of the trucks. None of us knew why it had happened until the rather irate farther came over and told us it was because of the CB frequency interfering with the controller. Then I did feel really sorry for the kid.

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i wonder if they have liability insurance? One of these drones crshinging into somebody, or dog/Livestock, would would pay. I think its an interesting avenue.


Personally, if im filmed doing something completely legal, whats the worry? Only the people carrying out illegal activitys need to worry.




The counter argument to that is 'If I'm doing something perfectly legal why should I be filmed at all?'. This is especially relevant considering the fact that the film they are gathering is almost certainly only able to be gathered via trespass and, possibly, endangering people.


Everyone has a right to their privacy and what you do privately is none of anyone elses business as long as what you are doing is legal.



Edited by JonathanL
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Yep have witnessed this first hand whilst out doing some green lanes in the landy. There was a kid and his old man flying a radio controlled plane in one of the fields next to the track, when someone spoke over the CB to say that the gate we were about to go through needed to be closed the plane fell out of the sky. Was quite funny to see as it just missed one of the trucks. None of us knew why it had happened until the rather irate farther came over and told us it was because of the CB frequency interfering with the controller. Then I did feel really sorry for the kid.

cool, I know somewere they are a total pain and no kids all blokes 55 yrs + :good:

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The counter argument to that is 'If I'm doing something perfectly legal why should I be filmed at all?'. This is especially relevant considering the fact that the film they are gathering is almost certainly only able to be gathered via trespass and, possibly, endangering people.


Everyone has a right to their privacy and what you do privately is none of anyone elses business as long as what you are doing is legal.




I totally agree, what ever people do lawfully, should be able to go about their business without being watched. The problem is, that there are certain folk that dont wish to abide by the law, and thus, tarring everyone with the same brush. if people just accepted that they can not hunt foxs with hounds, etc, then the Lge would have nothing to do. People are making rods for their own backs.



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I totally agree, what ever people do lawfully, should be able to go about their business without being watched. The problem is, that there are certain folk that dont wish to abide by the law, and thus, tarring everyone with the same brush. if people just accepted that they can not hunt foxs with hounds, etc, then the Lge would have nothing to do. People are making rods for their own backs.




Agree Matt, then i read some of the posts on The Hunting Life ( which anyone can read) and wonder why get some of the press we do. Trespass seems the norm on that site.

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Its quite simple, regardless of if you agree or disagree with the laws being made, we have to abide by them. If we dont, it will only make our hobby/lifestyle alot more difficult. Stop giving the Anti's ammunition, and they cannot twist things for the wider view.


As they say, its in our own hands......

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What a poor excuse " it was an accident" , "too close to the pheasant" what if it was a rare bird?. I know I hold my fire when I spot a non target bird too close, it wouldn't be the first time I have downed an extra bird or more with one shot or hit a following bird not the intended one. Claiming it was an accident is just about the worse thing you can say - far better to just carry on and let them film


The "what if it was a rare bird" argument sounded good, but I just thought of something.


How fast do these drones fly? If they travel quickly, accidental shooting down could be perfectly understandable - they may be able to travel faster than some bird species. Not sure on that though. Would have to look it up.

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there are some grey area's ..you can actually legally film from a public highway.. but you need permission if its private property, also you have to be a certain distance from a public highway to fly these quadcopters ..but !!! if they had permission from the next door landowner.. they would be fine


I see no problem with them filming me..my guns are legal as is my permission, if the thing came over your permission, it might be worth getting the landowners permission to take out these UFO's as they could become a pest :lol:


anyway..i don't think it is us they are after..its the fox hunting with dogs and horses

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It would seem reasonable, since this would be an illegal disruption to a legal activity, to ensure each shoot had the means to hand to interrupt control or take over control and fly it where the operator may find it a little uncomfortable.

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Sounds good, dont they have to have a pennant on em to signify what frequency?

old school 27mhz AM CB radio will do the lot :) no need to know the frequency

not now they run 2.4ghz. by the way, if anyone does shoot one of these by accident :whistling: let me know, i might know some people who'd be interested in the spares :good:
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Stop giving the Anti's ammunition, and they cannot twist things for the wider view.


I'm afraid they can. They can sit in a shopping centre and hand out leaflets full of absolute lies and twisted half-truths and people will read them and believe them. No amount of campaigning by BASC or SACs or CA or whoever could defeat this sort of propoganda as many will just think "oh, you would say that. wouldn't you" and "Its just a load of posh blokes in tweed, they must be lying,these lovely bunny huggers have got the measure of them though"


We cannot win this debate as the other side will always lie, cheat and exaggerate. Agreed, we need to stop giving them ammunition, but don't imagine that even if every single solitary shooter or hunter never put a foot wrong legally they would go away. I refer you to the religion debate currently raging elsewhere on the site, there are some that believe one thing and some that believe another and no amount of argument will change anybody's mind.

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there are some grey area's ..you can actually legally film from a public highway.. but you need permission if its private property, also you have to be a certain distance from a public highway to fly these quadcopters ..but !!! if they had permission from the next door landowner.. they would be fine


I see no problem with them filming me..my guns are legal as is my permission, if the thing came over your permission, it might be worth getting the landowners permission to take out these UFO's as they could become a pest :lol:


anyway..i don't think it is us they are after..its the fox hunting with dogs and horses


You know, your post was OK until that last sentence :no:


I've said it before, so I'll say it again with an attitude like that fieldsports are doomed :/

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You know, your post was OK until that last sentence :no:


I've said it before, so I'll say it again with an attitude like that fieldsports are doomed :/


Too right! If anybody who shoots thinks they're not on the agenda, think again... http://www.league.org.uk/content/731/Shooting-Symposium-25-April-2013


Plenty of instances of hunt sabs having a go at shoots and shooters of all types over the last twelve months, be it driven shoots or blokes out for a day on the pigeons...

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I'm afraid they can. They can sit in a shopping centre and hand out leaflets full of absolute lies and twisted half-truths and people will read them and believe them. No amount of campaigning by BASC or SACs or CA or whoever could defeat this sort of propoganda as many will just think "oh, you would say that. wouldn't you" and "Its just a load of posh blokes in tweed, they must be lying,these lovely bunny huggers have got the measure of them though"


We cannot win this debate as the other side will always lie, cheat and exaggerate. Agreed, we need to stop giving them ammunition, but don't imagine that even if every single solitary shooter or hunter never put a foot wrong legally they would go away. I refer you to the religion debate currently raging elsewhere on the site, there are some that believe one thing and some that believe another and no amount of argument will change anybody's mind.


Quite right. If someone watches footage on youtube, and the footage was filmed undercover and is low quality, then a lot of viewers will assume that something bad is happening. Low quality surveillance footage can have that effect on viewers, whether malpractice has occurred or not, expecially if LACS post it and then provide their own commentary, whether that commentary is accurate or not.


Take two photos of someone out shooting and experiment with changing how dark or light the photo is, and imagine what someone looking at it would think about shooting. It's amazing what you can do just by changing the light. Look at the photos used on animal rights websites where images are shaded differently, it makes shooters look like evil villains. It can create an atmosphere which simply did not exist when the photo was taken, if you know what I mean.

I might do this to some photos and post them here later, as it is a bit difficult to explain. A demonstration might be better.

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You know, your post was OK until that last sentence :no:


I've said it before, so I'll say it again with an attitude like that fieldsports are doomed :/


no..its what was said tonight on the news.. now by law it is illegal to hunt with dogs and hounds for fox...(FACT) .. being paranoid is what the anti's want.. like fishing, we do nothing illegal, we will always be a target for the likes of LACS, PETA etc etc ...

if they had their way, we wouldn't have farms with animals ..the whole country would be growing greens and carrots

I get fed up to the teeth when i see fellow legal shooters go down this doomed route


they have a right to protest..we have a right to legally shoot, our problem is we don't put our point across as well, they use the cruelty front to gain votes

we just blab out we are protecting crops..what we don't say is we help keep a healthy balance, we help keep the countryside (they so love) alive....

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no..its what was said tonight on the news.. now by law it is illegal to hunt with dogs and hounds for fox...(FACT) .. being paranoid is what the anti's want.. like fishing, we do nothing illegal, we will always be a target for the likes of LACS, PETA etc etc ...

if they had their way, we wouldn't have farms with animals ..the whole country would be growing greens and carrots

I get fed up to the teeth when i see fellow legal shooters go down this doomed route


they have a right to protest..we have a right to legally shoot, our problem is we don't put our point across as well, they use the cruelty front to gain votes

we just blab out we are protecting crops..what we don't say is we help keep a healthy balance, we help keep the countryside (they so love) alive....


Then I take it back but absolutely stand by my last sentence (without aiming it at you)

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LACS could be limited in their intended use of drones by Civil Aviation Authority restrictions. If the aircraft weighs more than 7kg then they would need CAA permission to fly it above 400ft, or at all if with an air traffic controlled zone. If they fly near people or buildings then they could attract complaints of negligence or endangerment. This could result in their equipment being confiscated which could include any vehicle that was used to transport the drone i.e their cars.


They would also need landowner's permission for launch and recovery.

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