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Extremists !


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Seems like a storm in a tea cup. Youre talking about a small proportion of a minority.. which are a minority, hence the name. So its even smaller! Even the rest of their community dont agree with them! They are hardly going to take over the world.


BNP are extremists and the majority of EDL rallys are full of uneducated, easily lead, chavs and lowlifes. This is also true of the people that i know who support them. I shouldnt tar them with the same brush, but from the people i know, the people ive seen, thats what they mostly are. Even friends of mine have mentioned it in discussions and they are white.


I remember when the BNP list came out on the internet. Majority of the supporters listed around here were from council estates. I dont know what other areas are like, but council estates around here tend to be dominated by white people and a few blacks. The asians and other ethnics either congregate in their own areas or mix in the community of nicer areas.


Which makes me wonder why the chavs even care if they dont even live near them. Seems to be alot of what we call at work "proud to be british" types. Sit on their **** all day. Smoke, drink. Have kids, new council house paid for, job seekers, disability for nothing. Car paid for. Never contributed to society one bit. But will blame another part of society for something and vote labour for their soft welfare or BNP because they are uneducated.


Seems to be the same people starting these topics. Its getting abit repetitive. Nothing but keyboard warriors. Their views dont represent all of the shooting community, nor do they represent the general publics either! If it did, you'd of had BNP in power by now.


Doesn't give PW a good look for the many thousands that i assume view these pages as guests each month.

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Seems like a storm in a tea cup. Youre talking about a small proportion of a minority.. which are a minority, hence the name. So its even smaller! Even the rest of their community dont agree with them! They are hardly going to take over the world.


BNP are extremists and the majority of EDL rallys are full of uneducated, easily lead, chavs and lowlifes. This is also true of the people that i know who support them. I shouldnt tar them with the same brush, but from the people i know, the people ive seen, thats what they mostly are. Even friends of mine have mentioned it in discussions and they are white.


I remember when the BNP list came out on the internet. Majority of the supporters listed around here were from council estates. I dont know what other areas are like, but council estates around here tend to be dominated by white people and a few blacks. The asians and other ethnics either congregate in their own areas or mix in the community of nicer areas.


Which makes me wonder why the chavs even care if they dont even live near them. Seems to be alot of what we call at work "proud to be british" types. Sit on their **** all day. Smoke, drink. Have kids, new council house paid for, job seekers, disability for nothing. Car paid for. Never contributed to society one bit. But will blame another part of society for something and vote labour for their soft welfare or BNP because they are uneducated.


Seems to be the same people starting these topics. Its getting abit repetitive. Nothing but keyboard warriors. Their views dont represent all of the shooting community, nor do they represent the general publics either! If it did, you'd of had BNP in power by now.


Doesn't give PW a good look for the many thousands that i assume view these pages as guests each month.


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but it has nothing to do with muslims.........


its the same lot that think its fine to promote being a bumdar and you don't see the general population up north moaning about that for some reason

The general population in my part of 'up norff' have up until now not had to endure the intake of immigrants that some 'dahn sowf' have had to. We have one historical centre in South Shields which was an entry point for Arabian people. The area around this town is very well integrated with the peoples who arrived in maybe the late 19th century.


There have never been (in my memory) any problems.


I worked in Shields for almost 20 years and cannot say a bad word about it's entire population.


However in my town I think that is changing, we have a Muslim community who want to convert an old warehouse to a mosque There are already two illegal mosques in my town. The council has granted planning permission before hearing objections from local residents. Almost 200 !!!!


Be interesting to see what happens over the next few months........and yes we do have BNP active in this area...that is when they are not robbing people.

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I saw the articles about the council refusing to fly the flag of st. George. They don't want to offend Muslims so they are replacing it with a rainbow flag. The leader of the local mosque complained and said the flag didn't offend him but the leftist council said it did offend and it was for his benefit.

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I saw the articles about the council refusing to fly the flag of st. George. They don't want to offend Muslims so they are replacing it with a rainbow flag. The leader of the local mosque complained and said the flag didn't offend him but the leftist council said it did offend and it was for his benefit.


lol are they really flying a rainbow flag instead?

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My god you lot are paranoid!


Incidentally the diatribe attributed to Rudd earlier in the thread was all made up.

and you lot are so predictable, in your denialist script.



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and you lot are so predictable, in your denialist script.



There are some Muslim extremists in this country, I don't deny that. The way people bleet on around here you would think the sky is falling in.


The most worrying thing is that a lot of the discussion is based on warped hysteria, not facts.

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There are some Muslim extremists in this country, I don't deny that. The way people bleet on around here you would think the sky is falling in.


The most worrying thing is that a lot of the discussion is based on warped hysteria, not facts.

you must admit to feeling sorry for the citizens of Luton on that day, as it must have been hell to find a letterbox that was not on the march.



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If they weren't here we wouldn't be having this discussion. So can somebody tell me why they are here? I don't want silly smart alec answers from the usual suspects. Straight question with no hidden agenda. Why exactly are they here? How is Britain a better place by having them here?


We have all this angst and problems but why? Holland has kicked lots of them out, told them enough is enough.

Edited by Vince Green
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If they weren't here we wouldn't be having this discussion. So can somebody tell me why they are here? I don't want silly smart alec answers from the usual suspects. Straight question with no hidden agenda. Why exactly are they here? How is Britain a better place by having them here?


We have all this angst and problems but why? Holland has kicked lots of them out, told them enough is enough.

you sir are a bounder the lefty luvvies are now speechless.



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Anyone who can't see that we need to get a grip on immigration is totally and utterly deluded.

or perhaps have a specific reason to welcome immigration such as the cheap labour it offers :yes:




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Personally I don't give a flying **** what anyones religion is - if they want to believe in their stone age fantasies then they should do so in private. My personal descent to ultimate hellfire is my own business and I'm reasonably sure that nowhere in any religious text does it advocate a **** waving session of build a bigger mosque/temple/synagogue/cathederal than the competition - if your god is the one true god then he's obviously happy in him/herself and not too worried about the rest? I would advocate banning religions ( and let the state take the wealth - we need it!) and relegate all religion to the level of Star Wars and Star Trek or re-enactors etc - anyone who is really keen on it can organise conventions to talk about how cool their imaginary worlds could be.


To the best of my knowledge none of the worlds major religions actually has an outright advocation of "Kill anyone who is not like you" - I tihnk Islam is possibly the nearest to that but even then its not quite so cut and dried - **** em, ban it and then see how 'devoted' they are to their beiefs - especially when their daughters can marry outside their faith and their wives have real equality etc.


edit *spellings*

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If they weren't here we wouldn't be having this discussion. So can somebody tell me why they are here? I don't want silly smart alec answers from the usual suspects. Straight question with no hidden agenda. Why exactly are they here? How is Britain a better place by having them here?


We have all this angst and problems but why? Holland has kicked lots of them out, told them enough is enough.


Here`s a thing, apart from the inflammatory comments what was the ethical difference between the video and this.....


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........if they want to believe in their stone age fantasies then they should do so in private. ..... I would advocate banning religions .... and relegate all religion to the level of Star Wars and Star Trek or re-enactors etc - anyone who is really keen on it can organise conventions to talk about how cool their imaginary worlds could be.


Come on now, try and at least get a rational argument together before clicking "POST"




To the best of my knowledge none of the worlds major religions actually has an outright advocation of "Kill anyone who is not like you" - I tihnk Islam is possibly the nearest to that but even then its not quite so cut and dried - **** em, ban it and then see how 'devoted' they are to their beiefs - especially when their daughters can marry outside their faith and their wives have real equality etc.


edit *spellings* **FAIL**

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Here`s a thing, apart from the inflammatory comments what was the ethical difference between the video and this.....



I have never known anyone try and twist everything around to suite your own view


I think the majority of British can see some problems with Muslims and mass immigration and would just like to see a bit more control over it

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I have never known anyone try and twist everything around to suite your own view


I think the majority of British can see some problems with Muslims and mass immigration and would just like to see a bit more control over it


It is not twisted, the Islamic group in Luton were protesting about something dear to them, the countryside folk in London were protesting about something dear to them.


I can not make it any easier for you, but surely that is it down to basics?

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If anyone wants to live in the UK (Regardless of their race, colour, creed or whatever) then they should be willing to abide by and respect the British laws, if not then they should not be allowed to live here at all - Its as simple as that!


As simple as that. Everything else is superfluous.


On a different note, If I was to move to a muslim country and wanted to go to a Christian church


a) I could not, as there are no churches allowed

b )I could/would be beheaded/stoned


I would also not be allowed to consume alcohol openly (a few years ago it was no alcohol at all, anywhere), walk side by side with my wife (let alone having her wear trousers or shorts, or anything other than a black overall for all that matters) and do a list of things that we in the west take for granted. How can we allow so much tolerance to those who are intolerant in our own culture (I do not say country because I am not British, I do share a European culture with you guys though) towards us defeats me...

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