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Can anyone hear an echo?

no its just you they are usually heard as a result noise "bouncing" round an empty space?



Edited by kdubya
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Can anyone hear an echo?

You really are an irritating man! We are all entitled to have our say without you getting your little 'digs' in.

If you have something constructive to say then crack on, if not, wind your neck in!

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The big problem I see is that a lot of the recent wave are rendered unemployable by the constraints of their culture and lack of skills that they can bring to the job market. Also, a lot of them will not consider working for anybody else because that makes them a servant and lowers their social standing within their own community.


So the situation we find is not easily fixed. Look at Tower Hamlets in London, a huge totally introverted community with a high rate of unemployment. Turning that situation around, even if there was a desire for change, would take generations.


Then you get parasites like George Galloway getting in there and stirring things up. I don't see it as an issue of religion, it much broader than that, its the whole thing in its entirity. I would feel better if I didn't believe I was paying for it all, and I do drive through places like Tower Hamlets fairly regularly and see it.


Most of all I blame Labour and their weird ideas on social engineering which was nothing more than trying to buy votes.

Edited by Vince Green
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Then you get parasites like George Galloway getting in there and stirring things up

As well as mainly pursuing Islamic issues outside of his constituency (in fact outside of the UK), Galloway also suffers with the affliction of thinking socialism works. He really is a lazy parasite.


If he really gave a toss about bradford he would do something to help reduce the HUGE infant mortality rate, driven by the large number of first cousin marriages there.

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I love logic. Good one.


The paradox of tolerance - Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.

Karl Popper


By using a reductionist argument it belittles the ideology behind it and does not bring about proper discourse, which would then test the thesis, bring out an antithesis and then the one sided element will be resolved by synthesis. Repetition of this tension and resolution will produce a autopoiesis between unlimited tolerance and little/no tolerance.


Henry d (With help from Hegel, Marx and Foucault)

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I'm not the slightest bit racist but I really can't believe this go's on. It's a bit worrying really. Sorry if its been done.


The video says it all dont it so why the hell should we put up with it,, you dont see blacks or chinese or any of the other races doing what they are doing and saying, get rid of them before it turns ugly because that's whats going to happen.

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By using a reductionist argument it belittles the ideology behind it and does not bring about proper discourse, which would then test the thesis, bring out an antithesis and then the one sided element will be resolved by synthesis. Repetition of this tension and resolution will produce a autopoiesis between unlimited tolerance and little/no tolerance.


Henry d (With help from Hegel, Marx and Foucault)

This smells a little like intellectual snobbery - one of my pet hates. I encountered too much of it during my own time at Universities, and in my susequent career.


I wont list the thoughts of others, no matter how well known. I use my own reasoning. And if one quote comes close to how I feel I'll acknowledge it.


You may retort by saying that is what you have done, but I feel it is not.


You have cherry picked the opinions of others (even using their language) and have retreated behind a wall of academia.


Big words dont make you (or them) right.

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It wasn`t their quotes I used, more an assimilation of their thoughts, just like Plato influenced Aristotle, Hobbes influenced Locke, Locke Rousseau, Hegel and Marx (along with others) influencing Foucault. Not original thoughts just assimilations and so to reduce an argument down to polar opposites when there are more things affecting the idea of tolerance is a ridiculous way of supporting ones argument, most theories to do with human interaction can have a "self-replicating" appearance to them. I would have thought that anyone who like yourself Big Al, who has been university educated should have the critical awareness to see through that.



Edited by henry d
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No indeed.

If I may be excused a quote, C.S. Lewis said that it you cannot make a point in plain and simple language it means you have not understood it yourself.

or you believe (quite wrongly) that others look upon you as intellectually superior, where as it really only shows that the reduction of the numbers of circuses means there are more clowns with time on their hands.



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It wasn`t their quotes I used, more an assimilation of their thoughts, just like Plato influenced Aristotle, Hobbes influenced Locke, Locke Rousseau, Hegel and Marx (along with others) influencing Foucault. Not original thoughts just assimilations and so to reduce an argument down to polar opposites when there are more things affecting the idea of tolerance is a ridiculous way of supporting ones argument, most theories to do with human interaction can have a "self-replicating" appearance to them. I would have thought that anyone who like yourself Big Al, who has been university educated should have the critical awareness to see through that.



As someone who worked in the real world, entered University from a buiding site, studied the theories and am now back in the real world I realise that theories are just ideas somebody had. And no human is infallible. (Dont tell the Pope!)


Some of the theories expounded by those you mention are great in theory but do not work when exposed to the multitude of variables in real world. Communism for example.


Theories and academia are a useful starting point but it is a dangerous and simplistic thing to mash them together(as you have) and try to apply that to the real world. Much better to look around and apply common sense. If it fits in with something somebody else said then fine. If it doesnt, so what? It makes sense to me. And a fair few others on here too.

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or you believe (quite wrongly) that others look upon you as intellectually superior, where as it really only shows that the reduction of the numbers of circuses means there are more clowns with time on their hands.




No not really, but a balance of views is better than just spouting off about the effect rather than trying to address the cause.


try cut and paste works for him!!





Try copying and pasting any or all of it into your browser and get back to me.

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No not really, but a balance of views is better than just spouting off about the effect rather than trying to address the cause.



Try copying and pasting any or all of it into your browser and get back to me.

i dont know what you are trying to prove, but you are making yourself look silly. All this hot air, go back to college and let the men debate.

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As someone who worked in the real world, entered University from a buiding site, studied the theories and am now back in the real world I realise that theories are just ideas somebody had. And no human is infallible. (Dont tell the Pope! I don`t know him so I won`t)


Don`t think that I haven`t been there, I assure you I have.


Some of the theories expounded by those you mention are great in theory but do not work when exposed to the multitude of variables in real world. Communism for example.


In that case you fail to understand Foucault and his contemporaries and predecessors.


Theories and academia are a useful starting point but it is a dangerous and simplistic thing to mash them together(as you have) and try to apply that to the real world. Much better to look around and apply common sense. If it fits in with something somebody else said then fine. If it doesnt, so what? It makes sense to me. And a fair few others on here too.


Common sense told once told us the world was flat, however theories and academia changed that.


i dont know what you are trying to prove, but you are making yourself look silly. All this hot air, go back to college and let the men debate.


OK what do you want to debate?

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