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2 guns and one slip... transporting them


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Im off out tonight with my new hushpower and I was going to take my o/u as a back up... but ive only got one slip, is there a way round this?


Could I keep one wrapped in up and locked with a trigger lock in the pick up?


Sorry for the noob question bit Its the first time ive had 2 guns

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The simple answer is 'it depends'


Where is the vehicle ? If it's by a farmers house, then it's lower risk. If it is in the middle of nowhere, and a thief would be undisturbed, then it's a higher risk, but a lower chance. If it's parked 50 yds from the local drug house, then it is high risk.


You have to judge risk yourself, on the circumstances. Just as you do every time you pull the trigger

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I got sorted... broke down the mossberg and put a trigger lock through it... action in the back and barrel in the boot... then lanber in the slip..


I shot the mossy then had the side kick carry the lanber in the slip. ..

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what about a rod holdall mines a nondiscript chineese cheepy from dragon carp direct it was 18 quid ands about 7ft long 3 section so u could get both guns in easily.theyre on tinternet and do a variety of such thinngs .atb clakk

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