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Arming all are police yes or no?


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Arming people for concealed carry is such a stupid idea.

All these people with comments that they would be happy to do a course and be part of a civilian militia,for fs grow up if you want to play with pistols join the TA.


The poor soldier who died would not have been saved by someone with a pistol,he was run down with a car and was probably unconscious at that point,if you had been 200yds away they still would have killed him before you got there.


And as mentioned,talking about what you would do if you had been there with a pistol is a load of tosh,it is very different when it's for real and someone is attempting to take your head off and you have to shoot them.

Bruce Willis has a lot to answer for, too many people watch die hard and think you can take on the world with a glock and ten bullets. If people want to play rambo try signing up for some CP work in Afghanistan.

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neither, just want any potential attacker to have it in their head that i could well be able to stop them. Stupid question, by the way



Why was it a stupid question? You make out like the world is coming to an end and there is violence everywhere and we all need guns to go around shooting each other... it isnt really is it? we are probably in one of the most stable periods of our existence. tbh the most aggressive people ive come into contact with in the last few weeks are the passive aggressive, hide under the bed, doom and gloom, world is over, everyone is out to get us, we need to arm our selves up to teeth, grumpy numpties on this site.

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I do find these threads amusing, recreational shooters pontificating on the ability of others to hold firearms (or not) after professional training.


The bottom line is when it comes to firearms, and human beings, that there will always be accidents and mistakes. Whether it is the squaddie having an ND when stagging on, the recreational shooter accidentally shooting himself in the leg, or the police officer shooting the car. The fall down point comes when human beings are involved.


Doesn't matter if all police were armed, there still wouldn't be enough police available to deal with everything. The 20 minute police response was slow, but if we want a better response then we as taxpayers will need to bite the bullet and pay for there things.

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Perhaps a truly enforced death penalty for convicted terrorism might be a better way. Stop these uncivilised and vile people from attempting to commit suicide by cop or becoming so called martyrs. Once convicted put them down with an injection, no fuss, just destroyed and then cremated, ashes scattered and no known grave...

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Doesn't matter if all police were armed, there still wouldn't be enough police available to deal with everything. The 20 minute police response was slow, but if we want a better response then we as taxpayers will need to bite the bullet and pay for there things.


agree 100%, the kind of people the police SO units deal with regularly arent the kind of people that a middle aged family man would want to tangle with, some of them wouldnt think twice about revenge attacks on family members of the "militia" units that would jump to the rescue. Better as tax payers we ensure our governments fund the police properly and as citizens we support the police in what they do.

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Big difference between teaching someone to use a handgun and teaching someone to engage possible multiple targets with friendlies in the way, and how long will all this training take and at what financial cost.


You would wonder how they manage here.


If we're talking about the AQ attacks over here, please let me know which could have been stopped by armed police before they happened.


A soldier is killed in cold blood and suddenly we want to arm the police, get the army in and set up militias? God help us if that's the general opinion.




I am talking about Islamic inspired terrorists and mass shootings. As for stopping attacks police were on the scene quickly during the Cumbria shootings and had to withdraw and wait for armed response. The same goes for Hungerford massacre its not just a matter of stopping attacks its also giving the police equipment to protect themselves and the public.

There are other examples, setting up militias who suggested that.





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Why was it a stupid question? You make out like the world is coming to an end and there is violence everywhere and we all need guns to go around shooting each other... it isnt really is it? we are probably in one of the most stable periods of our existence. tbh the most aggressive people ive come into contact with in the last few weeks are the passive aggressive, hide under the bed, doom and gloom, world is over, everyone is out to get us, we need to arm our selves up to teeth, grumpy numpties on this site.

tell that to the families of cregans victims

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Pointing out a single tragic incident doesnt really change the facts

25000 murders since 1969, the proliferation of guns in criminal hands, liberals running the show, maimings, robberies and casual violence everywhere. Mass immigration of people from countries where life is cheap. Sexual Violence on our women at record levels, Single incidents, i dont think so...wake up

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Over the years being armed hasn't prevented many udr and ruc being shot, one of my ma's school friends was shot by someone asking directions.


Yes but it has prevented some, I have to wear a hard hat at work just because nothing has dropped on my head yet doesn't mean its not a good idea to wear one. One example bellow of being armed saved the persons life.


In an extreme, but not untypical incident, four of them enticed a council worker to a remote location with a report of a dangerous dog. When he arrived, they opened fire on his car. He was able to draw his personal protection weapon, roll out of the car and fire back. They ran off, but not before he had killed one - and suffered a serious wound himself.



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I am awake. We are in a very stable period of time looking across history, is the murder rate % higher or lower now than in history?


Additionally and tragically those numbers pale into insignificance when you look at the scale of death and destruction that mankind has wreaked on itself over time. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_and_anthropogenic_disasters_by_death_toll

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Statistics don't show the whole picture,murders are committed in all sorts of situations,in the house to in the street.


Ask yourself when was the last time you saw an armed criminal in the street,or witnessed a violent crime(not a pub brawl),the maiming and casual violence are not everywhere, it is just we live in society that can communicate a lot faster,so you know things in an instant.


I bet the statistics for crime including murder for the last 20 years is a lot better than any period in the 1700-1800's.


Some more statistics for you to ponder over.


Gun Murders in England, Scotland and Wales 2011/12
There were 640 Murders / Homicides in Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) in 2011/12 (10.43 per million population)
Of these 640 Murders / Homicides, 44 involved a gun or firearm as the main weapon. Gun murders in Britain in 2011/12 represent 6% of the murder cases, (0.72 gun homicides per million population).


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I am awake. We are in a very stable period of time looking across history, is the murder rate % higher or lower now than in history?


Additionally and tragically those numbers pale into insignificance when you look at the scale of death and destruction that mankind has wreaked on itself over time. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_and_anthropogenic_disasters_by_death_toll

lets talk about today, crime is at massive levels, the only thing that the authorities can do, is work out the best way to manipulate the figures. People need to be armed, if they so wish, many wont take up the offer, but many like me would. its a perfect piece of democracy. Dont cite the u.s. example for chrissakes, they let anyone have a gun. You used to drive your car years ago without a belt and after a few bevvies, you wouldnt dream of it now.

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Statistics don't show the whole picture,murders are committed in all sorts of situations,in the house to in the street.


Ask yourself when was the last time you saw an armed criminal in the street,or witnessed a violent crime(not a pub brawl),the maiming and casual violence are not everywhere, it is just we live in society that can communicate a lot faster,so you know things in an instant.


I bet the statistics for crime including murder for the last 20 years is a lot better than any period in the 1700-1800's.


Some more statistics for you to ponder over.


Gun Murders in England, Scotland and Wales 2011/12

There were 640 Murders / Homicides in Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) in 2011/12 (10.43 per million population)

Of these 640 Murders / Homicides, 44 involved a gun or firearm as the main weapon. Gun murders in Britain in 2011/12 represent 6% of the murder cases, (0.72 gun homicides per million population).


i wont be pondering over anything. i am able to see and feel, i dont need bull**** statistics, i know what is out there, you stick to your stories of fiction, and good luck.

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lets talk about today, crime is at massive levels, the only thing that the authorities can do, is work out the best way to manipulate the figures. People need to be armed, if they so wish, many wont take up the offer, but many like me would. its a perfect piece of democracy. Dont cite the u.s. example for chrissakes, they let anyone have a gun. You used to drive your car years ago without a belt and after a few bevvies, you wouldnt dream of it now.


tbh i think you're slightly bonkers

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The Tories said Labour had presided over a decade of spiralling violence.

In the decade following the party's election in 1997, the number of recorded violent attacks soared by 77 per cent to 1.158million - or more than two every minute.

The figures, compiled from reports released by the European Commission and United Nations, also show:

  • The UK has the second highest overall crime rate in the EU.
  • It has a higher homicide rate than most of our western European neighbours, including France, Germany, Italy and Spain.
  • The UK has the fifth highest robbery rate in the EU.
  • It has the fourth highest burglary rate and the highest absolute number of burglaries in the EU, with double the number of offences than recorded in Germany and France.

But it is the naming of Britain as the most violent country in the EU that is most shocking. The analysis is based on the number of crimes per 100,000 residents.

In the UK, there are 2,034 offences per 100,000 people, way ahead of second-placed Austria with a rate of 1,677


The UK is hardly the peaceful place some people seem to think.

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