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Police are investigating whether a suspected attack on a prison guard was inspired by the murder of Drummer Lee Rigby in Woolwich.


The guard was reportedly kidnapped and beaten after extremists at Full Sutton jail near York reacted to a request from the prison imam to pray for Drummer Rigby.


Police have confirmed that three prisoners - allegedly led by a notorious al Qaeda fanatic - were involved in the attack.


The prison guard reportedly suffered a broken jaw and was only freed after prison officers in riot gear stormed a cleaning room where he was held.


A prison service spokesman said: "An incident involving three prisoners took place at HMP Full Sutton on May 26 from 4.25pm and was successfully resolved at 8.40pm after staff intervened.


"A police investigation is ongoing."


The Sun reports that a female guard was also injured as she tried to stop the colleagues dragging away her male colleague, who is in his 30s.

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But this is the off topic part of PW, specifically for these types of subjects.


For chokes go to general shooting section

Cartridges go to the cartridge and bullet section

When to shoot the field go to pigeon shootin tips or genral shooting.


For all other stuff that's off the shooting topic then look in this section

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What amazes me time and again is how tolerant and apologist some British people are to unacceptable behaviour. "Oh no, not another racist thread" Its like the left wing mantra. To me unacceptable behaviour is unacceptable behaviour. It makes no difference who is doing it. I don't want to be tolerant, I am very happy to be intolerant.


it wouldn't happen in France and I don't want it happening here.

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they could just log onto the EDL and BNP websites instead of a shooting website :whistling:


but no they aren't racist...............

Again your bigotry comes to the front, as believe it or not there are ordinary people out there who are not associated with far right nationalist parties who are genuinely worried about the ever creeping tide of Islam, and the "few" (ooh bit me lip) radicals? who see the lack of willingness to actually see what is happening in front of their noses, let alone do anything about it as an open invitation to complete their not so hidden agenda, and yet again you also demonstrate that free speech is ok as long as it matches your opinion.






If anyone wants to join my new forum 'Muslim Watch' you are more than welcome.

Islam watch already exists



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What amazes me time and again is how tolerant and apologist some British people are to unacceptable behaviour. "Oh no, not another racist thread" Its like the left wing mantra. To me unacceptable behaviour is unacceptable behaviour. It makes no difference who is doing it. I don't want to be tolerant, I am very happy to be intolerant.


it wouldn't happen in France and I don't want it happening here.


I'm anything but left wing I assure you. I just choose not to air any of my political views on a public forum. These threads are just old hat to me. Its shocking whats happened but theres nothing that can be done by Joe Public, leave it to the gov.com. Thats what we pay them for. Only my opinion obviously but as we are all into free speech that shouldnt be a problem.

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If anyone wants to join my new forum 'Muslim Watch' you are more than welcome.

As long as it is accepted that it is NOT POSSIBLE to be racist against Muslims - THEY ARE NOT A RACE it is a religion / political ideology so disliking or making negative comments about Islam is not racist.


Rant over

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We need penitentiaries like America has, no Tv's, no fluffy pillows, no Terry's all gold chocolate. **** all these pink and fluffy prisons that are like holiday camps




Yes lets copy the prison system of a country with a shockingly high re-offending rate!

Edited by gazzthompson
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Maybe there is some lessons to be learnt though...





Within two years of their release, 20% of Norway's prisoners end up back in jail. In the U.K. and the U.S., the figure hovers between 50% and 60%. Of course, a low level of criminality gives Norway a massive advantage.


Read more: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1986002,00.html#ixzz2Ub4teDul


No, lets not learn from the "tough on crime!" rabble because it fails.

Edited by gazzthompson
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A blind eye needs to be turned to what the prison guards do to these 'people' over the next few weeks.



It's not racism, its religionism. I've got a black mate that hates none British born black people. Is he a racist.... Yeh, will he ever get done for racism... No


I have a friend of Indian decent who has the same views of most of us on the subject but no one would call him racist.

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Again your bigotry comes to the front, as believe it or not there are ordinary people out there who are not associated with far right nationalist parties who are genuinely worried about the ever creeping tide of Islam, and the "few" (ooh bit me lip) radicals? who see the lack of willingness to actually see what is happening in front of their noses, let alone do anything about it as an open invitation to complete their not so hidden agenda, and yet again you also demonstrate that free speech is ok as long as it matches your opinion.






not at all I'm purely suggesting that actually since you have far right views then perhaps you'd have more to gain on far right websites where you can shout send them all home to your hearts delight :whistling:


rather than on a shooting website where shooting might be expected to be the general topic of conversation

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