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duck weed controll???


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evening all just wondering if anyone has any good means of controlling duck weed! I've got a natural pond on the estate I work on and this year the duck weed has gone mad, and seeing as there is no pumps or filtration system I cant put chemicals in and get them pumped round!!

any hints or tips would be great cheers :good:

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Erm yes, We cleared a pond in this way.


Get a petrol powered water pump, it needs to be quite powerfull and at least a 4'' bore.


What you need to do ir rig up a open topped funnel affair which you can move height wise so it will sit just below the surface.


then simpilly pump away making sure you pump onto a piece of ground wich you dont ming a hell of a lot of duck weed on, the water will find irs way back to the pond naturally.


its helpfull to boom the surface so you get a really concerntrated area, and it also helps to sewwp the duckweed to the pump pick up.


If you want further info, PM me a contact number and ill talk you through it.


We cleared out a 8 acre pond in this way in just a few days.

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The short answer on chemicals is you can't use them to control aquatic weed anymore, against the law.

But Roundup Gold or Pro will do the job on reeds or pads, not sure how it would fair on duck weed as it needs a dry surface to be effective.



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Barley straw is for dealing with algae blooms, not duck weed.


got a few call ducks on there but they aint touching it! I had heard about the barley straw before dose it work??

beretta28g thanks for the advice and will bear it in mind,

Edited by Penelope
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Penelope is spot on use barley straw at inflows for algae.


One thing which will work for almost all weed is black plastic, simply float an old silage sheet/ large sheet off plastic on the surface and achor it with ropes, stops sunlight getting to weed so dies off. Depending on size of pond u could split it and do a section each year. We done something similar for candianan pond weed in a fishing pond, its a ****** as if u cut it it just spreads it and it roots, it does work althou seems drastic

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