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Sad night the other night, Had to put my first gun dog down. I got Teal as a pet when I was 14, she was a sheep dog but had absolutely no interest in sheep. She came out with me as company when I was shooting rabbits with the air rifle as soon as she was old enough and before long she was pointing rabbits in the long grass without any input from me, just instinct. One night during the fowling season, she would have been 2, I took her for a night flight and two firsts were accomplished that night, my first right and left of geese and her first retrieve. Both geese fell in the sea but before I could say anything she was off and fetched in the first one dropping it as soon as her feet hit the shore, I asked her where the other one was, she had a quick look round and was off and retrieved the other one. After that she came on just about every outing with the gun that i went on. She wouldn't have won any field trials but she did all I needed her to do. When fowling she would retrieve anything that went on the water but as soon as her feet touched the shore she would let go, it seemed she knew I could get it myself. Any thing that fell on land, she would find it and sit with it till I arrived. She would have been 16 this coming august but her back end started to go a couple of weeks ago and I always said I wouldn't keep her if she was suffering so poor Teal is buried where she pointed her first rabbits.


I was looking through some old photos the other night to see if there was any of her but sadly I cant find many. I know there is more somewhere I just cant find them.


Teal with the first two hares I shot.



Teal with my oldest son, six years ago.



Teal with one of her pups we kept for working with sheep.



Teal and my middle son two years ago.



Edit. Topic title is not what it should be.

Edited by aister
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smile my friend as you obviously loved teal very much and gave her a very loving home .rest assured you did your best by her and thats all you could do.chin up as teal is sleeping soundly and only those left behind suffer.you were lucky to have a dog that meant so much and was so loyal rest in peace teal and good girl ,well done.i hope your pain passes soon pal.

atb mike

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i know what your going through pal, been through it my self,funny life at times, i always remember my first dog when he died, i can still see my tears dripping on him now, i have a new one now,he means the world to me, we are like peas and carrots ABT simon....

Edited by simon6ppc
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I moved to my house almost 13 years ago now, a brung 4 dugs with me, they're all planted in the garden + another one, am a burly tattood 47 year old skin heed and a cried fur every wan. Theres 3 sittin at ma feet as a type this and al bubble like a wean when they go too.

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