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Online pornography to be blocked automatically, PM to announce


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Rubbish, that's like saying you start by shooting clays then progress to shooting people.



now now don't confuse those to the left, they don't grasp reality well at all.




Shooting does not give the cocaine buzz that comes from observing and vicariously participating in the sexual acts observed.


“When sexual images come through the visual system they stimulate sexual arousal. When there is a male performer, they can ( via the mirror neurons) vicariously participate in the sexual act. If they arouse themselves and masturbate to pornography, they now begin to set in place a neurological habit. The images, arousal, masturbatory act and ejaculation are all associated with one another.” Struthers W,M. (2009) Wired for intimacy: How pornography hijacks the male brain. Intervarsity press, Illinois.p.98-99


Mirror neurons are motor system cells that activate when you see a behaviour ie. When you see someone frightened, you also respond with fear. (ibid)


One study showed that human orgasm affects the same parts of the brain that heroin and cocaine do. (ibid)

(apologies for the bad cut and paste job)

Edited by henry d
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Shooting does not give the cocaine buzz that comes from observing and vicariously participating in the sexual acts observed.


When sexual images come through the visual system they stimulate sexual arousal. When there is a male performer, they can (via the mirror neurons) vicariously participate in the sexual act. If they arouse themselves and masturbate to pornography, they now begin to set in place a neurological habit. The images, arousal, masturbatory act and ejaculation are all associated with one another. Struthers W,M. (2009) Wired for intimacy: How pornography hijacks the male brain. Intervarsity press, Illinois.p.98-99


Mirror neurons are motor system cells that activate when you see a behaviour ie. When you see someone frightened, you also respond with fear. (ibid)


One study showed that human orgasm affects the same parts of the brain that heroin and cocaine do. (ibid)

(apologies for the bad cut and paste job)

So surely the act of murder or killing on film and television will give the same response. Both are understood to not be reality by a sane person.
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Someone else in another forum pretty much summed it up.




"It's much worse than a simple pornography website block, much worse.

From now on in the UK the government has the right to issue automatic blocks on any website found to contain adult content, they've also reserved the right to install web filters remotely to your computer, without your consent.


Essentially giving the government a blank check to block any website they deem inappropriate, this can at a whim include almost any website on the internet.


Not only that, but they've decided that anything depicting sexual violence against women is illegal, yes, that's right, own a clockwork orange? Own some bdsm? Too bad. Be prepared to get rid of it or face jail time.


They're also looking in to cracking down on "encrypted forums which allow criminals to hide their activities", which, in tandem with GCHQ documents released entitled "Mastering the internet", should immediately tell you that TOR/VPN/Proxies are soon to be outlawed.


They've already essentially made encryption in the UK illegal (You can be sentenced to 5 years in prison for not giving an encryption key to the government upon request, even if you genuinely don't know the key or never had it, too bad, even if the encrypted file contains sensitive personal information too bad).

Couple those above facts with the fact that there has been next to no mention of GCHQ's illegal activities in the British press, you can guarantee yourself that if you are a UK citizen, you have no right to privacy, no right to security, you will watch what the government wants you to watch and you will be ruined if you try to hide or watch something that displeases them.

You couldn't make this **** up, and nobody seems to care - do people genuinely like subjugation or are they simply so complacent they would give up everything for the sense of security?"


I have just starting reading this thread and go to yours - seriously "A Clockwork Orange"? That is on the A Level syllabus for English Literature - my daughter has just taken her AS levels and that was one the books as was Brighton Rock!

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When someone clicks onto an online child porn site, are the red flags then lit up by the police or something?


If this is the case ?! Why not use this for banned illegal porn? I guess its not as simple as that, but surely acts as a deterent to most?!

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When someone clicks onto an online child porn site, are the red flags then lit up by the police or something?


If this is the case ?! Why not use this for banned illegal porn? I guess its not as simple as that, but surely acts as a deterent to most?!

I would imagine that if the police are aware that the site contains child pornography then they will investigate visitors. But child pornography is already illegal and sites are shut down and people accessing are assessed by the authorities.


Im not sure this ban is really going to affect the availability of illegal stuff, because by its very nature the people creating the sites would want to keep the contents secret from people they don't want to know such as the police. They are not exactly going to declare to the authorities what they contain, and I cant see it being at all feasible for the authorities or ISP's to vet every piece of information or picture put onto the internet. This is before even considering P2P sharing, which I believe is the preferred method of sharing the majority of illegal pornography.


The vast majority of people affected by this will be the users and producers of perfectly legal sites.

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Shooting does not give the cocaine buzz that comes from observing and vicariously participating in the sexual acts observed.



another classic :lol: i will have a line of porn please really henry cmon get a grip sport no offence but thats really out there mate if it made sense all the coke heads would trade in the £60 a day habits for a copy of fiesta :lol:

Edited by overandunder2012
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this is another typical thread were I feel people simply say the opposite, you get your halo polishing hippys who do no rong and see everything as evil, then you get your jokers, then you get your realists. all the posts about porn leading to kiddy fiddlers and rappist is a ridiculous theory end of, they just like someone to blame, so if a man gets a sword and kills a few people, then it turns out out of his DVD collection of 100 DVDs and one of them was gladiator, all of a sudden he was driven by the film lol it's been going on like that for ages.


Look at previous situations like that fella who went on the island and shot all them innocent teenagers........ Geuss what he had in his house, an Xbox and a few games and one of them games was CALL OF DUTY and weehay they blamed it on that next day in the papers, Derek bird shot a load of people and the next thing the papers targeted was how easy it is to get a shot gun licence and why they gave him one, well he was one of us before he snapped. but just because one in 100,000 does somthing ridiculous or sick they like to blame anyone and everyone. iv been sent animal porn on my phone and showed the lads at work, wer some was laughing and others disgusted it didn't mean I got an urge to go smash the back doors in of some poor creature. I could go on and on with previouse things in history but I won't. you can't say porn leads to worse things its insane to even think that because the number of normal blokes who watch the odd dirty video out numbers the odd weirdo who watches kiddy porn HUGELY, the statistics are facts and your opinions are theory.

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Henry you don't ever seem to give up lol I'm not debating or going any further than my previous post, my views are as follows, I think some of your views on pornography leading to child abusing rappists is ridiculous, and I'm sure you think my above post is preposterous so lets leave it at that, iv read a few of your debates and your certainly not one to back down or see both sides, everyone's intitled to an opinion ;)


OK explain Mark Bridger`s porn addiction and killing away then.


**Edit** I would remove the illegal nature of your post if I were you.

What illegal nature would that be?

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Oh come on mate give it a rest. I'm new on here and don't want to argue with anyone but are you for real?


Unfortunately, this is the world we live in -





Think of the children, even the cartoon ones.

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There are claims that obsessive viewing of pornography can lead to all manner of sexually deviant behaviour;there are claims that obsessive viewing of violent films and video games can lead to all manner of violent behaviour;there are those who claim that the shooting of animals leads to the shooting of humans.

We appear to be in a right pickle. There may be truths in some of those claims,but none of it explains the deviant/violent behaviour of those real life cases prior to the wider availabilty of those above things mentioned.

I feel Cameron is clutching at straws in an effort to placate those in positions to influence pressure.

I don't know what the answer is,but I do know that these proposals will not have the desired effect.A lack of on-line porn did nothing to deter the likes of Saville,Brady etc.What I do know is that I am sick and ******* tired of being told what I can and cannot do by the so called 'do gooders' and 'best interest' groups in this country.I am a law-abiding grown man who is 100% resonsible for my own actions;I neither want nor need the interference of this nanny state.

If the state cannot legislate against the criminals then their automatic default is to legislate against the law abiding!Incredible!I wouldn't mind but I dont even watch porn!Rant over.

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OK explain Mark Bridger`s porn addiction and killing away then.


**Edit** I would remove the illegal nature of your post if I were you.

HD you really are a marvel! for the likes of this post and when it suits YOUR purpose you trawl through singular events or persons in order to "prove your point" yet when you debate the likes of say god forbid (no pun intended) immigration you quickly spout the they are only a minority drivel, so please please tell me if watching a bit of percy filth alters your mindset and makes you lose control of your moral fibre then why arnt peado's the majority rather than the exception? or is it as both you and I know , that you only play the selective game with facts as and when it suits,and usually in a put down fashion to give you the apparent upper hand (albeit to me a very transparent hand).



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