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Hull 29 gram 'Superfast' cartridges.

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I posted on here six weeks or so ago that I was looking for some of these cartridges. There were some helpful replies but in the end I was unable to track any down and having spoken to Hull I gathered that they only made one production run per year and that when that was finished no more would be made for another year.


As a stop gap I bought 1000 Gamebore 'Velocity' with the same specification and I promised to post an opinion as to how they performed and what I thought of them. Without being unduly uncharitable all I can say is that I took 750 back to the supplier and exchanged them for Hull's Imperial Game which I know well. The 'velocity' just did not suit me nor my gun and I hit but did not kill outright more pigeons than I would normally do. This is unacceptable and I will now be contacting Hull to ask when the new production run will be available so that I can buy sufficient for my needs.

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i am suprised at your findings ther JDog. i don't have a lot of experience with these shells but any i used in the past seemed to do the job.

i would have thought that all of the pigeon loads available are very similar in that they have a similar weight/amount of no6 shot [2.6mm] and surely a similar amount of powder. i agree the super fast are a good shell but the only real difference i can see is about 100 feet per second velocity at the muzzle which can't make that much difference can it?

i can't help thinking there is a pyhscological aspect to the ammo we use and if our guns were loaded in a way we didn't know what was in the chamber then would results differ that much.

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i am suprised at your findings ther JDog. i don't have a lot of experience with these shells but any i used in the past seemed to do the job.

i would have thought that all of the pigeon loads available are very similar in that they have a similar weight/amount of no6 shot [2.6mm] and surely a similar amount of powder. i agree the super fast are a good shell but the only real difference i can see is about 100 feet per second velocity at the muzzle which can't make that much difference can it?

i can't help thinking there is a pyhscological aspect to the ammo we use and if our guns were loaded in a way we didn't know what was in the chamber then would results differ that much.

Agreed. When i'm out decoying i use many different shells and perform reasonably well with whatever i put in my gun/s. The other day on some barley stubble i had a runner (20 yards out and decoying) when using 32gm 6 sipes. With the next shot i had a 50 yard stone dead bird with velocity 28gm 7.5. It happens that way sometimes, but if i was to ask someone watching which shell was fired at which bird, they'd have thought it was the opposite way round.

We can all shoot a bit poorly at times and i think sometimes we are too quick to blame the cartridges if we have a bad spell.

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Agreed. When i'm out decoying i use many different shells and perform reasonably well with whatever i put in my gun/s. The other day on some barley stubble i had a runner (20 yards out and decoying) when using 32gm 6 sipes. With the next shot i had a 50 yard stone dead bird with velocity 28gm 7.5. It happens that way sometimes, but if i was to ask someone watching which shell was fired at which bird, they'd have thought it was the opposite way round.

We can all shoot a bit poorly at times and i think sometimes we are too quick to blame the cartridges if we have a bad spell.


Amen to that!

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I posted on here six weeks or so ago that I was looking for some of these cartridges. There were some helpful replies but in the end I was unable to track any down and having spoken to Hull I gathered that they only made one production run per year and that when that was finished no more would be made for another year.


As a stop gap I bought 1000 Gamebore 'Velocity' with the same specification and I promised to post an opinion as to how they performed and what I thought of them. Without being unduly uncharitable all I can say is that I took 750 back to the supplier and exchanged them for Hull's Imperial Game which I know well. The 'velocity' just did not suit me nor my gun and I hit but did not kill outright more pigeons than I would normally do. This is unacceptable and I will now be contacting Hull to ask when the new production run will be available so that I can buy sufficient for my needs.

I find the velocity to be a good cartridge in both my guns but bought some imperial game to try and couldn't get along with them at all. Just shows how much different guns or shooting styles can suit certain cartridges.

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