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Recommend a good fox caller and/or whistle


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Have a chat with Phil on the subject. He's the master of calling foxes. It is a shame that he tends to miss them when they turn up, but hey we can't be good at everything and that's why he takes me with him! :lol:


I on the other hand am hopeless at calling them!



I'll speak with him on Wednesday when I seen him :good:

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I say that someone will get a call pushed up so far up that he will whistle as well as squeak.

fancy only taking 10 rounds out with you foxing and leaving more in the truck. then having to run back as you used them all. dont think we'll every see him run again.




im not the best on the sticks be just on occasions i get the calling right.


i dont think there is one call that works all the time. if you have others shooting the land you might get wise foxes that will not come to one call but a change in call will be their down fall. i use 4 different calls and a ucaller, the old type as the new remote one, imo, isnt as good.


at the moment i like the bestfoxcall. the one like the tenterfield. you can change the pitch and volume but i have a problem when its cold, i cant blow it when the face gets to cold.


be warned, the call can work to well, on more occasions than i care to remember i have given a quick roll on the call and scanned only to find one running in about 30 meters behind. so a quick 3 second call and a full scan so i dont get stalked by charlie.


i use a WAM and the black foxcalluk blade as well. even the polystyrene on the window comes out from time to time and the last one could have bitten my hand it was that close. also the mouth squeak at times just to get the last few feet on a weary one.


im not the best by a long shot but just on occasion we can get them to play catch with 50grains.

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The remotes are brilliant if you sit out as the fox is then called to the caller not to where you are. Particularly useful if they come up behind you, I've a fox pro and really its claimed so many foxes its ridiculous

I was out last night shooting rabbits with the hmr, panning around with the lamp, saw those amber eyes about 150 yards away, pulled out the fox pro from my bum bag, got the fox to 40 yards maximum with the mouse squeak..head shot, done.

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The remotes are brilliant if you sit out as the fox is then called to the caller not to where you are. Particularly useful if they come up behind you, I've a fox pro and really its claimed so many foxes its ridiculous



Is that this one Alex ? http://www.bushwear.co.uk/nostyles.php?ProductID=315715&ClassID=265

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Wam is good,but the cheapest and best is your hand,if you can master it you can give all sorts of different pitches and squeaks,sometimes when i have been calling for my mate i have had to shout at the fox to stop him so he could get a shot off.


Hand is by far the best , WAM is **** , I haven't had a single fox come to it yet !!!!

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wam is no good mate.. if the wind is high or the land is big you have no chance... sounds good but to soft!!!


as said hand .. and i have a home made tentterfiled and a johnny Stuart call .. both owned for years and claimed loads of foxes..


i have called them in with all sorts just find one that you feel happy with and thats it.... they wont all come running in like a train some just dont want to know

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Only one - Practice.

I take my new callers in the car with me. Make as much noise as I like in there without upsetting the Memsahib.

Got to make it sound just like a wounded animal. Very soft or very loud. I find that a few low and long distressing sounds then silence for about a minute followed by really loud screams of pain and agony seem to get Charlie interested.

Then the lower ones again to get him to run in.

Olduns, and particularly vixens, often take a long while to get them moving. They'll stand and stare for ages. But when they do make up their minds to investigate it is usually done at the gallop.

We once had one that went right under the landrover!

Different callers, to me, don't come anywhere close to the wham.

I still use the back of my hand quite a bit as it is easy to do it whilst still holding the rifle up at the ready. I use the knuckle of my right thumb which is around the stock.

But it is like almost everything else - The more you practice the luckier you get.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ordered a fox pro copy and now a BestFoxCall (tenter field copy)


The tenter field made a good very loud sound in a few minutes..... Now I just need to practice!!!!! I've been using a Frenchieboy special and glass/polystyrene to date with reasonable effect.


Let's hope the 'best fox call' does what it says....... Any tips lads?

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