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The beans have been harvested.


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Three fields of beans on one estate were harvested last Wednesday and Thursday. The fields total about 120 acres and will be drilled with winter wheat in two weeks time.


Nothing in this pigeon shooting game is automatic but there is a good chance that when the beans have been softened by rain, and even when they have started to chit, that pigeons will be attracted to them.


Even I am excited but I expect to be disappointed. It happens like that.

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let us know how you get on shooting over the harvested bean field, ive got a bean field next to one of my shooting fields but hasnt been harvested yet (next week proberly).

Think you are right when you say that when the beans (left over) start to sprout the birds might come in......

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I have three bean fields soon to be harvested that I am watching closely.

When they were drilled I had some fantastic bags of pigeons, better than I have ever had from beans and I was hoping for the same at harvest time.

However, there is a lot of choice about at the moment and the birds are split up in my area.

Fingers remain firmly crossed.

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Got beans galore round my way !! Went out the other day for a pop at 'um but like you say, there is so much grub around for the Woodies, they just don't seem keen to join the deeks.


There was plenty about but they all seemed to be lulling along with full stomachs. Nearly achieved my goal though. To shoot a pigeon and catch it !!! Shot 1 right above us, it came down like a helicopter........landed in the hedge behind us........missed the catch by a lousy 2 feet !!! Next time eh ?

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Good luck mine were cut Monday and the field was cultivated today so no shooting on beans for me


You may be wrong fenboy. It doesn't matter how many times the fields are cultivated, even deep ploughed, beans will always come to the surface. Even spraying off the ones that send out stalks and then leaves will not deter pigeons if that is where they want to be.


Last year I had shooting in September, October and November on bean fields which were subsequently drilled with winter wheat. I hope you find the same.

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