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Roy G

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I have just gotten into shooting, I used to plink at targets many years ago in the back yard with my Friend. About 3 years Ago that friend died suddenly and while I was visiting his wife to discuss his funeral, she happened to ask me would I care to take his air rifle, I looked at it and though no! it cannot be the Old BSA Meteor we used to shoot as boys. I was over the moon, took it home and fully refurbished it, it is pristine now and I don't shoot it much to valuable to me for that. But that started me off on this trail, I have since purchased an SMK B19 for my son and I got an Hatsan AT44 10, I'm extremely impressed with the accuracy and capability. I will wait until I gain a bit more experience before I sell the family jewels and splash out for an Air arms or something of that quality. But loving every minute shooting at targets with my 4 lads, we have a competition every weekend.

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Thanks for your welcome, Yes my lads love it, The youngest feller he's eight and he keeps us all in check with the safety side always ensuring the safety is on when we pass the rifle, and is always kept pointing up when passing to next shooter, and before he shoots he always says safety off, about to fire, Haha proper safety inspector. But as I drum into all of them, any Gun is lethal and must always be handled with care and respect and treated as loaded. especially in our Garden it's not the biggest in the world. I would hate an accident.

So now I am looking to join a good club not too far, and am also doing the rounds asking if I can have permission, so far with no success. The one thing that I am still unsure of is that hunting instinct, I normally try my best to miss a pigeon or squirrel in the road, and now I am considering shooting a Rabbit to eat it, That should be fun if and when I get one in my gun sight. But I enjoy eating the blighters? Any game for that matter when I can get it. We shall but see.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hiya and welcome to the mad house Roy.




You don't say where you are from but have a look on the internet for an HFT (Hunter Field Target) club in your locality. It is a great giggle and you will be taught to shoot correctly and safely. HFT is basically shooting at life size metal targets of animals (rabbit, rat, squirrel, rook etc). There is a "kill" zone somewhere on the target. If you hit it you score two points whilst if you hit the target you score one.


HFT teaches you ranging and things like target acquisition, an essential skill when shooting, especially with an air rifle. By joining a club you will get a chance to see all sorts of rifles and you should be able to have a go at them. It's a great atmosphere with lively banter and a bottomless pit of advise and help.


Get out there and have fun but remember learn to shoot your rifle and become proficient with it before pointing it at live prey. All hunters owe it to their prey to ensure a clean kill every time. We all love our shooting whether it be a rabbit or a deer, but we would rather not take the shot than wound our prey. Even vermin doesn't deserve a lingering death.

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