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After my post this morning about the flight line going over the bean field I thought that I had better call the farmer to see what his intentions were regarding the bean stubble. It is heavy ground and I imagined that the good weather at the moment would see the field being ploughed whilst it is dry. I was correct and he told me that it would be ploughed and worked on Saturday. The only day then was today.


There were a few birds on the field but the line going elsewhere was still in place. I set up just off the line of trees along which the birds were flying hoping to pull them to the magnet and decoys. In just over two hours on the field only six birds decoyed and I shot them all. The vast majority of pigeons passed me 'high wide and handsome' at between 35m and 60m away. I do not profess to being an expert shot, I suspect that measured against the hot shots on this forum I would attain a B - 'could do better' score. However today I was on good form and I shot some screamers along the tree tops to my left, overhead and away to my right skirting the decoys. I felt invincible at times bringing off shots which I would not normally take on and killing the pigeons dead.


The final tally was 42 pigeons picked. Today rates right up there with some of the most memorable days I have ever had.



*** I have had it drawn to my attention that it appears in my post as if I shot birds out to 60m. May I correct that impression as I am incapable of such an achievement. Many were passing at 60m and I shot one or two of the closer in ones!

Edited by JDog
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very nice JDog. you simply can't beat this sort of shooting in my opinion, a real test of skil and also gun and ammo.

shame the bean stubble won't be there longer as after reading your earlier post it seemed like the birds would find it soon enough.

out of interest did the birds have anything in there crops?.

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very nice JDog. you simply can't beat this sort of shooting in my opinion, a real test of skil and also gun and ammo.

shame the bean stubble won't be there longer as after reading your earlier post it seemed like the birds would find it soon enough.

out of interest did the birds have anything in there crops?.


All completely empty! They were heading out to feed in the wheat stubble I imagine but that will be there for another day.

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Well done a rewarding day . Frustrating when they fly passed and it seams they know they are just on the limit and you end up throwing cartridges at them in frustration,not literally . It's interesting when you watch a field with birds feeding and other birds pass on a flightline and ignore the feeding birds , if you we're in a hide you would think what's wrong with my decoy pattern. JDog good shooting and good write up.

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