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Attempted theft of dog.

English archer

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Today I took out Lab to Poulter country park, on the Notts/Derbyshire border.

Whilst walking parallel to Whaley road someone stopped on the road, and attempted to lure him away with a treat, while he was around 60 foot in front of me.

There is around 4 rows of trees between the road and path, so he must have been looking hard to see the dog.

When I shouted, the dog ran back, and the guy returned to his car and drove off.

The car was a large saloon, (possibly a 406), dark colored, and an Hawaiian style garland hanging from the rear view mirror almost down to the dashboard.

I have reported it to the police, and have an interview with them tomorrow.

Edited by English archer
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i must admit i dont walk mine of the lead unless im so far out in the country theres nobody for miles, truth is i just dont trust people so i dont take any chances any more, sign of the times im affraid,

Even in the middle of no-where they can still be about. I have a friend who had a similar experience to the OP in an are where you would not expect to see anyone. Two weeks ago whilst pigeon shooting I had my truck parked around the corner out of my sight at the edge of a field away from the road with 3 of my dogs in it. They are used to people walking past but will go nuts if someone strange looks in or stops outside it. Whilst in the hide I could hear the dogs going nuts as some pigeons came in, I shot one of the pigeons missed with the other barrel then went around to shut the dogs up. A white van was pulling out of the field at high speed and could see in the stubble the van had driven right up to my truck tend back out. I asked the farmer and gamekeeper if anyone was supposed to be there, no but they are now keeping a close eye on things.

I doubt the dogs barking would have put them off but possibly the good timing of the pigeons with accompanying shotgun blasts scared them a bit.

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Had the same near with my dog, some guy asked if he could take my dog to use as a stud dog...


Said he would bring him Back in a day or so...


Some people are just stupid...put a post on Facebook and get it circulated around the area..


My dad had this a week or so ago walking my springer, apparently the guy was pretty pushy - ******* SCUM!


Fortunately, she's very shy of other people, especially men, and won't go anywhere near anyone she doesn't know but I'm sure they'd find a way if they wanted to :/

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