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The yorkshire Regiment

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He was until he posted a picture in March-April a year or two back of some ducks he shot earlier in the year with dandy loins in the pic and a date stamp on the pic in the same month :whistling::ninja:


aye and after trying to lie his way out of the situation was banned from the forum, still don't know why anyone would want to post pics of, and mention, the banned members name, I can only assume it is to provoke other forum members! Edited by Paul223
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aye and after trying to lie his way out of the situation was banned from the forum, still don't know why anyone would want to post pics of, and mention, the banned members name, I can only assume it is to provoke other forum members!


Agreed :yes: The last post that got removed of there's had geese falling out the back of a land-rover in the middle of the road and they thought it was cool :whistling:

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Well there seems to be quite a few who have posted on the picture who seem to agree wholeheartedly on the landowners principles and practices.Shooting wildfowl out of season .Dumping geese in ditches ,doesent matter if you get a bit of free shooting out of it does it ?

Pigeon watch has become a great forum for viewing just about every abuse you could find in goose shooting ,all readily available for the antis to use from videos to still pictures to witness statements .

Who removed the postings the moderaters or the poster ?

I dont think it could have been a moderater as they seem not to have a responsible attitude to the damage that is being done to this countries shooting community.!

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