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Open insurance claims


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Just a quick question about an "open" car insurance claim I have.


About 2 months ago someone clipped my car, I was stood next to it at the time. When I went to inspect the damage (I heard the bump) I was bombarded with verbal from a woman, who then gave me insurance details - it was a motability car.


When informing my insurance I stated as the damage was minimal I wanted to wait for the liability to be sorted before repairs so I wouldn't have to pay and then claim back my excess.

Liability was sorted in days and was offered my repairs / coutesy car from THEIR insurance co.


I went with my insurance (Volkswagon ins co) though and had everything done.


Problem however is recently I have found out my renewal is extreme, because they still haven't received payment from the 3rd party!!


Now I am wondering where I stand, as liability is admitted. Why does them not paying up yet go down against me ?


And more importantly, do I need to tell a different insurance co about it if I switch ? The liability is not mine, why should I suffer because the compant hasn't paid up yet ?


My currently company said I can pay the cost for this year (4 grand, which I don't have) and I will get the difference back once they receive payment - but they couldn't tell me what the difference is ... Seems a bit of a joke to be honest


Appreciate any advice



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Chap at work just been through similar although his insurance was paid out. Other party admitted liability etc. his premium doubled and them some regardless and couldn't get it down.


There excuse is. It's and no claims discount and he had a claim the fact it wasn't his fault didn't make a dot of difference.



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insurance is sold by used toilet paper salesman and is not worth the paper they wipe their bum on.u have to have it no choice but they only pay out eventually after theyve worked out how to roll u over n make your bottom sore.i had a write off after being totalled by mr specsavers who hadnt seen me.he admittted his fault and then they decided my 3 grand car was worth 1400 quid after only 3 days in my ownership. :mad::mad::mad::mad: after much screeming down phones at the MD cos i got his phone number i got my dollars :oops: .shouldnt ever happen someone admits liability end of argument u keep no claims etc he gets turned over by bubba.not in this country or lifetime :no:

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What you got that gets a 4k premium?


First time policy in my own name. Had my first year insurance with the car I bought. Had a bump, my fault, admitted fault as I was to blame.

With just that one claim this year it is £1200 ... but with this open case they want £4000. Even tho it wasn't my fault, the car was parked with nobody in it and the liability is settled, just theyve only recently sent off the claim forms and havent received payment yet.

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I have had the same thing happen to me this year and I did not declare it as I was told I did not need to. My new insurance have now found out about it and chose to void my insurance this has now fu@k me up for the the next 5 years I can now not get any type of insurance life,house, dog ect it is not a matter of cost I will note be give any insurance of any type. I work in the moter trade and I cant tell you how bad this has fu@k my life.

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You must remember that the insurance industry works on claims not blames. I'm afraid it will remain open until full settlement has been made.


You are obliged to notify your accident and claim to another company.


I have every intention of notifying them, what I wonder is do I just tell them I had a non- fault accident, and the 3rd party has admitted fault. As this IS what has happened ...

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If the third party has not paid, then inform them that you have received a very large increase in renewal premium as a result. As the accident has been a considerable amount of time ago, and liability has been shown to be on their client, you can only conclude that this is due to an administrative oversight on their part. You are now placed in the invidious position where their client's actions, and their tardiness are going to cost you a considerable amount of money. Accordingly, if they do not settle the claim within 14 days, ensuring (through all the insurance databases) that you are placed in the position that you were before their clients actions, you will take them to the small claims court. Recorded delivery.

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