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Lending money to friends


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If you don't lend it,no risk to funds or friendship from non payment.


If they decide that because you wouldn't lend the money they won't be friends with you anymore, you deffinately did the right thing.


I'd just say sorry I don't have that amount spare at the moment,but if I can help in any other way.




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Don't know if anyone has asked this ....... What does he want the money for?


I was thinking the same myself.


Often the reasons behind why someone needs to borrow could be a good indication of the likelihood of you getting it back. If someone is bad at managing their money for example and are now in a hole they will most likely be bad at paying you back. The opposite would also apply in the case of a freak emergency where someone usually very sensible and well managed with their finances needed a quick injection of cash for only a relatively short term. Personally I wouldn't fall out with a friend if they couldn't/wouldn't lend me a relatively small amount money unless I was really on my bones and they were seriously loaded, that would be plain greedy. If you say no it may test the friendship but sometimes friendships need testing to see if they are real.


I dont envy your position but would suggest your er on the side of caution.

Edited by Alan Maughan
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I would be very very wary now.

Lent 6 grand to a couple who we had been friends with for a long time,as he wasn't putting anything away for paying his tax which didn't surprise me as theres nay much inbetween his lugs.Told them no rush in paying and to make sure their bills were paid first before me so the hole didn't get any deeper.First month,£50 came back my way but still nay that bothered.Month 2,they bought,financed,a new motor because,"she has always wanted an Audi"!!,and I think another £50 to me.The missus is very friendly with her,and she gave her a few home truths regarding who should be getting paid,but it didn't make much difference.Less than a month later,he buys an L200,"to take on some gardening jobs to pay me back" to which we had a wee strive but still nothing to get excited aboot,esp with me away to be getting all this money back from his jobs.Must have been a couple of months later,and next to nothing coming back that both barrels were given and then the money came back in the form of a cheque,in full.Learnt my lesson in and wouldn't give them the steam off my **** now but there are still folk I would lend to and looking back they had danger signs hanging off them so its my own fault for giving it.

That's proper outrageous. It's the thought of financing some else's reckless spending - if money needs hosing up a wall, I'd rather do it myself :lol:


I wouldn't lend to anyone who couldn't prioritise paying me back.


I've got £5k out with a mate and have done for a couple of years whilst he finishes an investment project. It is what it is, and I don't stress it if he and his Mrs go out for an evening or have a take away (etc) - that's the path to disaster.


I wouldn't have lent it if I didn't think I'd get it back or have a means / mechanism of getting it back...

Edited by Mungler
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Fell out with a very good friend over a nominal some of money once. We haven't talked since some 10 years ago.


We both worked at the same place and come Monday he would need to borrow 20 quid for nappies etc. no problems always lent it him and always got it back Friday, this was a week in week out event so much so I always made sure I had the twenty on a Monday.


After a few months of this I noticed the money was not being spent on nappies, milk etc. it was being spent on dope to feed his habit. Monday comes around and when he asked I gave him the twenty and told him to keep it since it spends more time with him than it does me.


He took immediate offence and we haven't spoke since.


My money lending days to mates were over lol.



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Hi all someone on here has bound to be in this situation before, a good friend comes to you in need of fast cash


Can you just draw up an agreement of your own like the templates i see on the net or is this fraught with danger ? i didnt want to go the solicitor/legal route as we dont have time if i decide to lend it her but wanted to protect myself somehow or do i just walk away ?


Comments grateful :good:


You can do what you like but I got burnt many years ago.


I will NEVER lend money to friends now, blanket policy, NO exceptions, best way there is to lose money and friends!

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Well thank you for all the advice and comments, i made my decision last night and rang her to meet her this morning to go through a few things, i think someone is trying to tell my something because on the way there i hit a bloody deer in the car :no: which is meant to be collected on monday by its new owner ahhhhhhhh




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I wouldn't like to lose a good friend. If you start lending money - it is one way to manage it.


If they are a true friend - they will pay it back when they can. If that is never - so be it. If they can afford to repay, but don't - better off finding out what they are truly like.




If you can afford to help them out, and you want to, then do.


But if you can't, or don't want to, then don't.



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