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Wart remedy


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A couple of months ago I started taking Cider Apple Vinegar for Arthritis.


About two weeks ago I decided to try the Cider Apple Vinegar on a wart on my thumb. Within a week it had reduced remarkably and now the wart has completely gone.


Just saying for anyone who suffers warts :good:

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A couple of months ago I started taking Cider Apple Vinegar for Arthritis.


About two weeks ago I decided to try the Cider Apple Vinegar on a wart on my thumb. Within a week it had reduced remarkably and now the wart has completely gone.


Just saying for anyone who suffers warts :good:

You sure it was a wart?

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We had a soothsayer in the village when I was a lad he must have been 100 if he was a day...he did a bit of divining, fortune telling etc ....the farmer I used to work for spent a small fortune with a geotech company trying to source an aquifer in one of his fields so he could sink a bore hole.. after 3 weeks they gave up. This old chap wandered into the field one day when we were laying a hedge and told the farmer that if he settled his bar bill at the local each Friday lunchtime for the rest of his life he would find him water...They agreed and shook hands and the chap asked me to cut him a hazel switch out of the hedge and within 40 minutes he had driven a stake in the corner of a 35 acre field and wrote on it with a pencil 87 ft...The Geo company came back within a week and struck water at 90ft !!! There is a pump head there still.


Whats this got to do with warts you ask... well my Mum had several on her hands and this chap was also the local wart charmer.... he used to use raw meat preferably steak. He used to take a small cube of steak and rubbed it on the wart then he used to hold it in his cupped hand recite some unintelligible charm, wrap the meat in a piece of Brown paper and tell the sufferer to take it home and bury it in the garden. " as it rots so will the wart"


It worked often than not and he never had any shortage of customers ...his charge ?.... Take one of his stone flagons and fill it at the local with dry scrumpy !....


I reckon I could do with a job like that :lol:

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A couple of months ago I started taking Cider Apple Vinegar for Arthritis.


About two weeks ago I decided to try the Cider Apple Vinegar on a wart on my thumb. Within a week it had reduced remarkably and now the wart has completely gone.


Just saying for anyone who suffers warts :good:

Gonna buy a few gallons of it tomorrow. Then bath the wife in it and see if she goes away Edited by daz2202
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We had a soothsayer in the village when I was a lad he must have been 100 if he was a day...he did a bit of divining, fortune telling etc ....the farmer I used to work for spent a small fortune with a geotech company trying to source an aquifer in one of his fields so he could sink a bore hole.. after 3 weeks they gave up. This old chap wandered into the field one day when we were laying a hedge and told the farmer that if he settled his bar bill at the local each Friday lunchtime for the rest of his life he would find him water...They agreed and shook hands and the chap asked me to cut him a hazel switch out of the hedge and within 40 minutes he had driven a stake in the corner of a 35 acre field and wrote on it with a pencil 87 ft...The Geo company came back within a week and struck water at 90ft !!! There is a pump head there still.


Whats this got to do with warts you ask... well my Mum had several on her hands and this chap was also the local wart charmer.... he used to use raw meat preferably steak. He used to take a small cube of steak and rubbed it on the wart then he used to hold it in his cupped hand recite some unintelligible charm, wrap the meat in a piece of Brown paper and tell the sufferer to take it home and bury it in the garden. " as it rots so will the wart"


It worked often than not and he never had any shortage of customers ...his charge ?.... Take one of his stone flagons and fill it at the local with dry scrumpy !....


I reckon I could do with a job like that :lol:


Strange but true .... After years of having warts on both hands and two huge devils on the back of my right hand ( forever catching them and have them bleed ) and trying every treatment I was watching sport on Television one Saturday afternoon my mother who was making dinner came into the living room and started rubbing meat on my hands. ... I told her she was barmy however later that night while drinking with my mates down at the Pub .. One of them said .... What's wrong with your hands? Looking at them I noticed that the warts were bright yellow in colour. Within a week every one became smaller and smaller and then disappeared. Never to return.

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The swan vesta match head trick does work a treat.


Wet the heads rub well into the wart, wait till the pink match head paste dries take a dry match light and as it flares touch to the wart. Quick flare a loud ouch ,sting and the wart is gone, just like freezing them off but with heat to destroy the tissue.


Have used a filleting knife and nail clippers in the past to remove them.



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Tea Tree oil is good stuff cured various things on the kids when small.

On the arthritis note.

Through work I was in contact with a company who were doing research into arthritis.

I spoke to someone there who said that Devils Claw was a good thing to take if you have rheumatoid arthritis.

Edited by masmiffy
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