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Hello all ,

I've had my defender stolen , parked up Sunday afternoon, just been to collect it and gone .

It's a 96 , 300 tdi, van . Gutted does not describe the feeling.


The question is this , whilst I had shooting kit in the back , boots , jacket , ear defenders, game bag and numerous other kit , I stupidly left my shotgun licence in the pocket of the bag .


I don't need advice of what to do to the people who stole it , i.e. A good kicking,

but advice on reporting the theft of the licence .


Any thoughts please ?


Edited by STOCKY A391
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One has to think that it is best not to have a Land Rover as they must be dead simple to pinch as we do not here of other makes being pinched half as much Land Rovers.

They can't be very complicated to Hotwire.


You can gt a gps/gsm tracking device for less than £100 - might be a worthwhile investment for older

Land Rovers. Hide it under a seat or inside the dash.

Edited by aris
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I`d have thought that a locked car was a safe enough place. It certainly was not left lying around where anybody could just pick it up and walk off with it.


If the police are revoking certificates for having your certificate stolen from a locked car, what then, is the difference between that and having it stolen from inside your house during a burglary.


I hope it gets recovered soon mate.

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It is just as easy to steal from a house as it is from a car. I dare say the police would have a very hard time defending it in court if someoene has their licence revoked for loosing a cert and they appealed.

Particularly bearing in mind the fact that the police post them out by ordinary mail.

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It is just as easy to steal from a house as it is from a car. I dare say the police would have a very hard time defending it in court if someone has their licence revoked for loosing a cert and they appealed.

Maybe Mat.

I'm just telling as it happened.

The fella is dead now so don't suppose he needs his license.

I do think the police revoke first and ask questions later these days, maybe in the hope you don't appeal.

Seems they would be happy if no one had a ticket sometimes

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