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nice crisp mornings mooch


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hi all its been real horrid weather here over xmass with plenty of rain and wind pretty much every day..


i looked over the forecast last night and it seamed to be dry today so i got my bones out of bed and went for a mooch with my little 22


it was a little slow but i managed a nice cock pheasant for tea four squirrels (3 in pic) and a yard ferrell


i must say im lovin the little 22 i have never been keen on them before but the semi is grate fun its light fast and grate for close quite work... .





many thanks andy



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I really miss my .22 semi, I can see a 10/22 arriving sometime this year :hmm: Perhaps I could squeeze it in in time for spring :w00t:


Anyway, good to see you got out eventually, I hate being stuck indoors when I'm not at work - to the point I've been out when it's been snowing so hard I couldn't see more than a few yards, beats hanging around the house all day :rolleyes:

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I really miss my .22 semi, I can see a 10/22 arriving sometime this year :hmm: Perhaps I could squeeze it in in time for spring :w00t:


Anyway, good to see you got out eventually, I hate being stuck indoors when I'm not at work - to the point I've been out when it's been snowing so hard I couldn't see more than a few yards, beats hanging around the house all day :rolleyes:



the only down side of a semi is that you tend to get a bit trigger happy... i think i have used more 22 in a month that i have hmr in a year lol...


i will go out in any weather apart from rain theres just no point....snow i love its magical....

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thanks all for comments....



i may just try it with iron sights as i will only ever use it for under 30 yards...any more and the hmr will be out....


Nice shooting, looks like a productive morning! Don't under-sell the .22 though, you can at least triple that range. I don't risk shooting the .22 around yards anymore though, it can start to sound like a spaghetti western; (bang... peeeeyowmmmmmmmmmmm) :)

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Only one for the pot?

Good shooting fella..


Well I guess he might have eaten the scruggers and feral too :sick::sick:


I agree Andy, great round the .22, cheap to run, dead quiet and very effective on all sorts of quarry. :good:

I have a CZ452 sllhouette, weighs nothing, deadly accurate, love it :good:

Edited by turbo33
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sorry was in not sporting enough..... next time il whack 500 shot balls in it instead


The title of the section is "Sporting Pictures". A lot of folks feel that shooting birds on the ground is not particularly sporting. After all, pheasants are not classed as pests or vermin. I suppose an augment could be made for pigeons, crows etc under general licence terms. I am however assuming that you did shoot it on the ground? Tricky getting a safe backstop with a rifle otherwise?

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see now I don't get this, I actually believe that waiting until a bird lifts and is commited to a flight it is less sporting! Fun yes and exciting yes. Now remove live target shooting from the picture, that is popping an unsuspecting bird 200yds away etc. Anyone can do that.

It is extremely difficult to put the sneak in on a bird, as we all know their eye sight is amazing.

Yesterday with the flintlock whilst moving very very slowly I spied a cock bird. I sat the dog and told her to stay. I watched the bird, it settled down under a hollybush, looking and watching all around for any movement. For 15minutes I played with that bird before it noticed me and crept off. I saw it about 40yds and got ten yards. I wanted five more to be sure!


What was unsporting with that?


It is all very well making a white wash statement against the shooting of birds on the ground! How about the `sportman` who never shoots a gun all summer and then cripples lots of bird through the season?

For some reason high birds are cherished as a spectacle, how many of them just get wounded?

Another point of interest, a genuine rifle shooter that takes a bird for the pot is possibly more praise worthy than a sydicate member that shoots scores of birds a season and never plucks one himself let alone cooks any part of a bird he shot!


I have invited many many times for the `naa` sayers to join in an ethics discussion and they never never do!

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I was not talking about driven shooting. Just voicing an opinion on rough shooting. That's all. Each to his own and all that.

`Each to his own and all that`, then why say something?


It makes no odds if rough or driven, vehemently sticking to wingshooting to avoid criticism from one's peers is no defence.

As I have said before, if anyone wishes to judge my actions please be sure they themselves can not likewise be judged!


Cambsman, I am not witch hunting you. This is the closest yet I have got a discussion going on this!

My apologies to the OP.



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