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whats peoples feelings on the lincoln premier gold delux 12g


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hi all


I am after some advise on buying a Lincoln shotgun

I don't have a good knowledge of guns so all help is very useful

has any one bought one before or know of some one that has?

did they have any problems/

what is the build quality like compared to one of the more popular gun makers like browning?


the reason I want to get this gun is because of the side plate with the style and gold birds

it is just under a grand brand new and that seems very cheap for a gun in my opinion








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I should of said

the biggest reason I liked the Lincoln was that I have not seen any one else use one I know that could be because they are rubbish

I have heard lots of good reviews about berettas but every one seems to have them and I like to have something different to every one else


not the reason for buying a gun just buy what fits not whats different.as a gun they are ok no thrills I had one for my grandson when he was learning no problems but he has moved on now.i shoot beretta for no other reason than they fit and I do well with them.

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I used to have a Lincoln jubilee prestige years ago and was a beautiful gun for the money, I paid £750 for it hardly used second hand and it looked the same and felt the same as any other branded shotgun worth £2-3000. I used to get lots of comments on it and the engravings where spectacular with gold inlay. I had to sell it due to being young and foolish but we live and learn. The wood was beautiful and I used to oil it with boiled linseed oil and it came up lovely. If I found the gun I would buy it back straight away.

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have an old Lincoln no 2 game and wouldn't like to guess how many shells ive put though it without a single problem . if you like it and it fits then buy it great value guns and better in my view than lambers :yes::good:

sold my lincoln a while back don't ask why,

i now have a lamber and wish it was the other way round,

just lost too much money changing guns so won't change back now but then who know knows what the new year brings



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  • 1 year later...

Hi im just waiting for a lincon premier gold delux 12 bore to come in

i use a Caesar Guerini tempio light for most of my game shooting but can only use 30g rc sipe in it

the gold delux would be my heavy gun if that makes sense 32g loads plus

ive looked at all different makes but liked the look and the finish of the lincon

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My nephew had a Lincoln Jubilee Prestige in 20 bore when he was younger. It was made in Italy by F.A.I.R. of Marcheno (Brescia) and imported by and sold by David Nickerson. Whether this is still the case I'm not sure. It was a well made good quality gun with colour case hardening on the side-plate locks and a POW grip; he never had any problems with it in the few years he had it.

Saying all that, it still wont hold its value nor retain its resale value like a good secondhand shotgun by one of the more desirable makes. They're very popular for a reason.

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