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A morning with the black stuff.


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On Tuesday night I went up to Robbies and gave him a hand to load up some 4 bore shells for me to use this morning. We thought for a change we would use black powder and take his Holland and Holland single 4 since she is only proofed for black powder. The load was 4 oz of AAA lead and the powder was just bulk for bulk in a 4" hull.


This morning we sat in up the side of a hill among some war time bunkers half way between where the bulk of the geese are roosting at the moment and where they are feeding and waited. A few small flocks came off the loch quite early but they passed too far out, at a good height though. I was beginning to think it was not going to work for us when about 8 geese appeared in the sky heading right towards me, I waited till they were just out in front, I pulled back the huge hammer to full cock, swung up in front of the leading bird and missed ha ha. After the sparks and flame the huge cloud of heavy white smoke blew eastwards with the wind and I couldn't help but smile.


After some more birds went wide of me I moved to the next bunker along and didn't have to wait long till a dozen geese came over, again I pulled back the big hammer and swung up on the nearest bird and to my delight he tumbled out of the sky and seemed to take a while to come to earth.


I had 3 more shots after that but I failed to connect, I don't think I was giving them enough lead with the slow black powder shells. Robbie had a few shots with his Tolley double 8 but he was having one of those days.


I was beginning to think about packing up when I heard geese heading my way, about 20-25 geese heading towards me quite low. I kept my head down and waited, hoping they would stay on track which they did. When I stood up to shoot they were only 30 yards up but about 60 yards out to the side, I shouldered the big gun and swung up on the lead bird and fired. To my amazement I connected and the lead bird crumpled along with two that were following close behind, 3 very dead greylags laying belly up for max to retrieve, I was delighted.


A very successful flight (for me at least) with one of Robbies big guns. The Holland and Holland single 4 was a delight to shoot with the black powder compared to his other single loaded with nitro which does tend to knock you around a bit. There was another two fowlers shooting further along that we spoke to later that were impressed with the fireworks display and commented on how far the cloud of heavy white smoke carried in the wind.





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