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Anyone Vape?


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As far as I'm aware it's totally safe to use (others may know better) your inhaling vapour with a nicotine fix and your exhaling vapour without all the poisonous toxins that come with fags and with the fags you get the burn in between puffs that contribute to passive smoking.


I'm not sure on usage in public places but I am sure that whenever my mates pop out for a smoke I go with them to vape and couldn't give a rats bottom what people thought of me.


Take the plunge mate and come over to the healthier better off side of the fence,go on you know you wanna....we have sweets you know!!



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1st or 2nd hand smoke is only dangerous because tobacco contains carcinogens. Nicotine isn't a carcinogen but is addictive so you wouldn't want kids directly inhaling it but they'd ahve to be very close to you for that to happen.

Cheers I didn't see your post until I wrote my last one, thats very helpful thank you mate thats what i was trying to find out.

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As far as I'm aware it's totally safe to use (others may know better) your inhaling vapour with a nicotine fix and your exhaling vapour without all the poisonous toxins that come with fags and with the fags you get the burn in between puffs that contribute to passive smoking.


I'm not sure on usage in public places but I am sure that whenever my mates pop out for a smoke I go with them to vape and couldn't give a rats bottom what people thought of me.


Take the plunge mate and come over to the healthier better off side of the fence,go on you know you wanna....we have sweets you know!!



Haha go on then you've lured me with the sweets I think I'll open mine up and charge it to use shortly,

I have noticed I'm more out of breath lately than I used to be and my wife is always moaning I stink of fags,

Thanks I know your right that it doesn't matter what people think if I use it out, i will give it a go at home as im off work today and see how it goes and how i get on with it.

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since I was a kid, I had trouble with my breathing, always short of breathe, back then it was asthma, so of course in my adult life I blamed it on that, and swore blind it had nothing to do with me being a smoker, when the doc's said I had COPD I still disagreed and said that was due to childhood illnesses, it's crazy what a smoker will convince himself about

anyway,as a smoker I was blowing 370 on the lung machine at the doctors, and was told I'd never get better, but shouldn't get any worse,

on the 2nd week of giving up I went on the lung machine at doc's again and was blowing 430 (so my lung capacity had got better) then at 6 months and it was 570, the nurse was very surprised and said it was around what it should be for a normal guy, my age,weight etc


so giving up does give you results you can see, and I can now breathe normally, best thing I ever did,

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since I was a kid, I had trouble with my breathing, always short of breathe, back then it was asthma, so of course in my adult life I blamed it on that, and swore blind it had nothing to do with me being a smoker, when the doc's said I had COPD I still disagreed and said that was due to childhood illnesses, it's crazy what a smoker will convince himself about

anyway,as a smoker I was blowing 370 on the lung machine at the doctors, and was told I'd never get better, but shouldn't get any worse,

on the 2nd week of giving up I went on the lung machine at doc's again and was blowing 430 (so my lung capacity had got better) then at 6 months and it was 570, the nurse was very surprised and said it was around what it should be for a normal guy, my age,weight etc


so giving up does give you results you can see, and I can now breathe normally, best thing I ever did,



Same here,shortness of breath wheezing in my sleep, all that stopped after just one week.


Smokinggun good luck mate keep us updated on your progress

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I think the NHS should have vaping kits as part of their quit smoking arsenal.


The government wants to ban / restrict vaping, and anyone who has given up with the aid of vaping needs to write to their MP. It is important.

if the eu has its way they are going to ban or regulate Ecigs or put it in the hand of the pharmaceuticals or tobacco companies.Would be a shame if they cock up maybe the best device to reduce health problems in smokers!!

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Iv been stopped about 2 years but kept having cigars (I LOVE CIGARS!!) so bought an ecig and some strong nicotine mint flavour stuff for a tenner off eBay. Just for the kick.


Apparently there toxic tho? (According to a mate?)

can not see what is in the liquid that could possibly be toxic, most of it is used in other products

you can buy the stuff to mix your own liquid http://ejuice.breaktru.com/

Edited by paulus
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Iv been stopped about 2 years but kept having cigars (I LOVE CIGARS!!) so bought an ecig and some strong nicotine mint flavour stuff for a tenner off eBay. Just for the kick.


Apparently there toxic tho? (According to a mate?)


I don't think they're toxic, nicotine is addictive and it is a poison but would need to be ingested in large doses to cause any serious harm.

Of course governments are trying to find ways of demonising vape sticks. They'll be losing millions in revenue every week from people giving up the weed. They claim that 'proper' tests haven't been carried out on them. Personally I don't believe that for a minute.

Vape sticks and e-cigs have been around for years and I'll bet my bottom dollar that a few have found there way into government labs for scrutiny. Obviously nothing detrimental has been found or we'd have heard about it by now. Let's face it, it doesn't take the government long to find yet another way of extracting more money from us, yet they seem to have been very quiet on this one. Only since vaping has really taken off (since the smoking ban in public places) have they started to take any real interest. The EU are on the case at the moment so we can expect some bad news soon I reckon.

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Iv been stopped about 2 years but kept having cigars (I LOVE CIGARS!!) so bought an ecig and some strong nicotine mint flavour stuff for a tenner off eBay. Just for the kick.


Apparently there toxic tho? (According to a mate?)


If you like cigars you have a big choice of juices



Another plus of vaping is when you're out shooting :yes:


No more trying to roll a cig in the rain or lighting one in force gale winds :good:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Monday gone was three weeks without a stinkie :good:


Really pleased, the e-Cig has made it so easy because I haven't given up my "habit", every time I would normally have a cigarette I have a vape instead.


I urge anyone who wants to give up to give these a try.......

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Good for you Cos :good:

Monday gone was three weeks without a stinkie :good:


Really pleased, the e-Cig has made it so easy because I haven't given up my "habit", every time I would normally have a cigarette I have a vape instead.


I urge anyone who wants to give up to give these a try.......

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I bought one off a member in here, mainly for use in the car, I don't want to quit, I genuinely enjoy a cig but since buying it I've gone from about 30 a day down to 5/10 they are absolutely amazing


That's great news, now next step to quit the fags completely :yes:

No reason to stay on them if you're getting your fix from the Vape stick

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I'm a few weeks into the ecig thing. Great, not smoked or really wanted to. The only disadvantage is that I think I'm actually "vaping" more regularly than I was smoking! Because you can easily "vape" indoors or anywhere where you wouldn't normally have had a ciggie it's very easy to just grab the machine and have a couple of puffs. I am cutting down the nicotine content of the liquids gradually, and when I'm down to no nicotine I will see if the habit of grabbing the machine reduced too.

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I'm a few weeks into the ecig thing. Great, not smoked or really wanted to. The only disadvantage is that I think I'm actually "vaping" more regularly than I was smoking! Because you can easily "vape" indoors or anywhere where you wouldn't normally have had a ciggie it's very easy to just grab the machine and have a couple of puffs. I am cutting down the nicotine content of the liquids gradually, and when I'm down to no nicotine I will see if the habit of grabbing the machine reduced too.


More vaping is still better than having a cig, so wouldn't worry about that.

Like patches or any other method, don't move to quickly to lower nicotine, as you don't want to cut out too quick then be tempted to grab a fag.


I've set myself no time limit to cutting down the nicotine.

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Been vaping since last May, the 9th to be exact and not looked back, get all my stuff from liberty flights and they're good on delivery and returns. I do have a cigar a day but even so, still better than 30 roll ups a day. I don't even like the taste of Rollie's anymore either and feel so much better even if a bit fatter, vaping didn't stop my weight gain

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I have tried a couple but was not to keen on them, looking for one that is like golden virginia, if there is one

What were you not keen on? Was it the actual electronic cigarette or was it the flavour of the juice?

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