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Electronic Cigarette & E LIQUID "SHISHA JUICE"


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Hello .
Well this is going to be a bit HONEST of a post here so please do not be to prejudice here if possible .
I am a smoker ! I have been since around the 15 year old mark and now I am nearing my 50th birthday.
I am about to blow on a bit sorry in advance but this is a quite an important issue here.

OK my situation ! I smoke roll ups
Normally Turner or Golden Virginia Tobacco and to be honest I love it.
I do not go out drinking in the pubs and never have for the last 20 odd year really.
So all I have is my bit smoking ( That I do not condemn in any way shape or form )

Some of the lads on our shoot have came up with the idea of using the vaporiser e cig !
They are doing well and say they are handling it better than they thought.
ME on the other hand is one of them old ***** !
I say "I like smoking, I do nothing else to harm my life, I never go out drinking ( so I deserve it )"
I am not thinking of this to become a reformed smoker but
Whats your opinion on these Electronic Cigarette's not the old type that look like a civvy ciggy
I have them and they are poop.
I mean the modern stuff ! Search flee bay for E SHISHA you will see what they are using.
They are a vaporiser that simply has a battery and a fluid reservoir.
If I was to say give up and try are these OK in your experience lads and lasses ?
I maybe would try but what kills me is I gave up naturally about 18 years ago for 3 years and started again !
Will the e ciggy things help any better ?

Thanks Steve

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So you don't want to give up smoking am I correct ? But you want to try an alternative?

You are right really.

Can I say ! I would give up if these took the total shock of giving up away

and made it easier !

BTW I have ordered a coup;e of kits to see how I get on with them.

But the truth is in the first post ! I love a roll up and I will never deny it....

I was hoping some of of you lot have went down the same road and want to tell your experience.

Cheers Steve

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These e cigs at the moment are a very big money spinner to get people like yourself to use the product. I gave up smoking about 2 years ago only because it was getting to be silly money for having a fag.

We don't know exactly whats in these e cigs do we ???

The taste of a fresh roll up you can't beat sorry to say, you can die of worse things than that. Bit like Russian roulette.

If you have the Will power to give up, that's excellent .

If not don't be one of those that walk around kidding themselves sucking on a plastic dummy :)

I may sound cliche but Nicolette patches and will power really do work, the money I saved for one month I purchased a new winchester pump action :yes:

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I fully understand what your saying and you have a very relevant point.
I do not spend that much a packet of backy lasts me maybe 10 days so it is not that bad money wise,
and I can smoke like ****....
I think patches are silly..
Our lass was on them for months and to be honest she could of wrote a good Stephen King Book with the dreams and nightmares she had.
I will be honest I was thinking that if there was a easy way out of the tabs I would take it........!
Otherwise my willpower is low and I will choose to smoke.
I just thought the E cigs / vaporizer things they sell would be good for someone like me !
If not I will hack the price of a packet of backy a week.
Not that I do not want to stop !
JUST I do not want to go through hell beating the most addictive substance that the government made legal.


Thanks Steve

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mate, I was the same as you 8 months ago, smoked since 16 and now just turned 50, smoked golden virginia roll ups all my life, dont drink, but loved smoking, and thought the same as you, every illness, ache or pain, or advice from doctors or loved one's were in my mind, nothing to do with the fags, I was right, they were wrong, my mum when she was alive offered me a grand to give up, I lasted 7 weeks on the electronic ones that looked like a fag, Ive been having problems with my leg for around 2yrs, blamed it on everything but.... until I saw a different doctor and having asked him what could be done, he simply said, what do you want more, a fag or your leg, as if you keep smoking you'll loose it.

I walked out and packed up there and then, but, and here's the but.... I went onto vaping proper style

I ordered a few different types, quite a few different juices




I also went back to the company I first tried, but ordered their maxi kit, dont look nothing like a fag, and found vanilla, which to me tastes like custard, yup I have a sweet tooth (although false) and Im hooked on those




they also have just started doing juices too, and this is the only company I order from, everything is uk made


the nicotine hit takes away the need to smoke, funnily enough I missed rolling them more than smoking them, I see it as clean smoking,

after the first couple of months you do start noticing the effects, your taste comes back, you dont stink, and you can smell smokers and how bad they smell,lol

at 6 months I really noticed a difference, since a child I have had breathing problems.... not anymore :good: I feel fitter,younger even, and now at day 215 of being tobacco free, I honestly would not smoke a fag if you paid me, there really is no need, electronic cigs are the way to give up, without giving up :yes:

Edited by stubby
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Stubby thank you.
My Vaporizer kits are on the way and I hope they are the answer to
my addiction.
I will try and stick to it HONEST
The bit that always gets me is the silly comment that they make !
"The country pays millions into smokers health to treat them"
Pure rubbish I say !
The revenue they take off smokers is over 2 thirds of the price they are buying.
Even these days they make millions and millions on revenue donated by the evil smoker.
So lets look at this at the worst end of the coin.
I smoked for 35 year lets say ! for example.
I have paid enough on smoking taxes to have some treatment if needed.
"ALL this **** it casts the country millions is ********."
We actually pay millions into the system with the amount of tax we pay when we buy cigarettes or tobacco in the UK.

Thanks Steve

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We do not cost the country or the national health anything.
This is a proven fact , They might want to sideswipe or blame smokers for NHS bills but that is an untrue statement.
They NOW want smokers to stop as it will generate lots more for the government pot.
In real terms ...they do not give a flees **** if we live or die but if we do not smoke they will incur less charges,
But they will never be out of pocket.


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Have a search on here. There's plenty who have given up with the help of e-cigs, me for one.


I then bought everyone I knew who smoked an e-cig, and they all gave up smoking too. I don't know anyone who smokes now.


In all seriousness, the goal is to stop smoking however you get there. There are no prizes for style, heroic displays of apparent will power or method.


Anyone who us disparaging of an e-cig as a mechanism to stop smoking is frankly just being unhelpful and for what purpose I don't know.


The thing about smoking (and the mental process behind smoking) is that you kid yourself that it's a treat or you like it / want it / need it. The Alan Carr stop smoking book focuses on the mental trickery of why people smoke. Indeed, my own view is that if you stop smoking but can't but help think that you are depriving yourself of something you really enjoy or a treat, then you will end up smoking again.

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Nobody likes an ex smoker, and rightly so. I used to laugh every time I read one of these threads, but now it's just boring. So many people allowing nicotine to play a major part in their lives, and actually convincing themselves that they enjoy it. Fieldsports, I'd love to read the proven research documentation that proves smokers do not place a burden on the health service. Sounds intriguing to say the least.

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Say's it all.


Years ago a smoking cessation nurse told me that roll ups are the hardest to give up because of the ritual associated with rolling.




mate, I was the same as you 8 months ago, smoked since 16 and now just turned 50, smoked golden virginia roll ups all my life, dont drink, but loved smoking, and thought the same as you, every illness, ache or pain, or advice from doctors or loved one's were in my mind, nothing to do with the fags, I was right, they were wrong, my mum when she was alive offered me a grand to give up, I lasted 7 weeks on the electronic ones that looked like a fag, Ive been having problems with my leg for around 2yrs, blamed it on everything but.... until I saw a different doctor and having asked him what could be done, he simply said, what do you want more, a fag or your leg, as if you keep smoking you'll loose it.

I walked out and packed up there and then, but, and here's the but.... I went onto vaping proper style

I ordered a few different types, quite a few different juices




I also went back to the company I first tried, but ordered their maxi kit, dont look nothing like a fag, and found vanilla, which to me tastes like custard, yup I have a sweet tooth (although false) and Im hooked on those




they also have just started doing juices too, and this is the only company I order from, everything is uk made


the nicotine hit takes away the need to smoke, funnily enough I missed rolling them more than smoking them, I see it as clean smoking,

after the first couple of months you do start noticing the effects, your taste comes back, you dont stink, and you can smell smokers and how bad they smell,lol

at 6 months I really noticed a difference, since a child I have had breathing problems.... not anymore :good: I feel fitter,younger even, and now at day 215 of being tobacco free, I honestly would not smoke a fag if you paid me, there really is no need, electronic cigs are the way to give up, without giving up :yes:

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I've been smoking nearly 30 years, not helped by the RN practically throwing "blue liners" at us for peanuts, I enjoy my GV with Rizla Blue but for me the issue is almost panic when I think how long till I can have one, I have a couple on the drive to the station, one when I get off the train, one when I get off the tube, one before I go into first meeting etc etc etc.

I did surprisingly well on champix tablets except for the cramps and nightmares but I need to try again as the live fast die young attitude that I have had forever is increasingly less appropriate as I watch my children grow.

A secondary driver for me is the amount of times I've been rolling one in the hide and missed birds coming into the pattern!!!

Time to try again I think, to all those trying to kick it good luck, to all those that aren't don't let anyone but you decide whether you should or shouldn't cause without your commitment to do so it ain't gonna work.


Committed of Oxford

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Nobody likes an ex smoker, and rightly so. I used to laugh every time I read one of these threads, but now it's just boring. So many people allowing nicotine to play a major part in their lives, and actually convincing themselves that they enjoy it. Fieldsports, I'd love to read the proven research documentation that proves smokers do not place a burden on the health service. Sounds intriguing to say the least.


Ah, its convoluted, a smokers argument is the amount of revenue produced from tobacco sales outstrips the NHS bill for annual smoking related illness treatments, trouble is, the revenue doesn't go back into the NHS, so its an empty argument.

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I am much like you but I did give up smocking about eight years ago and to be honest it was only that my chest was getting wheezy if it was not for that I would have carried on smocking as I did enjoy it I think that if these electric had been around at the time I would have at least tried them not with the intent of giving up but as an alternative as from what they say they are not as fare as they can tell bad for your health.

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Ah, its convoluted, a smokers argument is the amount of revenue produced from tobacco sales outstrips the NHS bill for annual smoking related illness treatments, trouble is, the revenue doesn't go back into the NHS, so its an empty argument.

That is not there problem they give the money to the government if they spend the money on other things that is up to them what would they do if the smokers decided not to pay.

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That is not there problem they give the money to the government if they spend the money on other things that is up to them what would they do if the smokers decided not to pay.


Quite right, I'm simply pointing out that some smokers disregard the amount of money and resources spent on smoking related illnesses because of the income smoking produces for the government.


How would a smoker decide not to pay tax on tobacco?

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We don't know exactly whats in these e cigs do we ???

if you blend your own juices, you know whats in them. most of the shop bought ones consist of no more than pharmecutical grade nicotine, propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin and/or polyethylene glycol 400 (PEG400) mixed with concentrated flavors.



If not don't be one of those that walk around kidding themselves sucking on a plastic dummy :)

you'll probably find that most vape users arent kidding themselves, they have chosen to do it as an alternate way of smoking as they enjoy it, myself included.



I may sound cliche but Nicolette patches and will power really do work, the money I saved for one month I purchased a new winchester pump action :yes:

comparing the price of patches (roughly £10 a box, which lasts a week) to how much it costs to run an e-cig or vape machine (approx £2.20 a week for myself), you could have bought 4 winchester pump actions with the money you saved.....

Edited by brett1985
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Quite right, I'm simply pointing out that some smokers disregard the amount of money and resources spent on smoking related illnesses because of the income smoking produces for the government.


How would a smoker decide not to pay tax on tobacco?

Do what I did in the end buy my sigs from a friend who new someone who was smuggling them in to the country not good as you do not now what you are buying but I just could not ford to buy the ones in the shops.

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Do what I did in the end buy my sigs from a friend who new someone who was smuggling them in to the country not good as you do not now what you are buying but I just could not ford to buy the ones in the shops.


That's a nonsense analogy, every smoker in the country couldn't do that.

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