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if you know this chap knock him out for me....


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Guest rimotu66

I have just had a message from him and apparently the muntjac vid was an April fool and the air rifle was loaded with a felt cleaning pellet :hmm:


I thought/hoped it was a April fool sick joke but when I looked it had been posted nearly a month (I think) before, looks like he is getting worried and making poor excuses. Really hope he is sorted out.

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As a lifelong air rifle fan I'm disgusted by idiots who give us a bad name, for years I've thought some kind of licensing is needed but part of that should be a "target only" stipulation until the shooter has proven his skill and knowledge of the laws including the general licence. In fact, that aspect could equally apply to all shooters because I know a few who haven't got a clue. I gained a few hundred acres of shooting last year thanks to an FAC holder who managed to shoot through a hedge with an HMR and hit the shed the farmer was in.

So a licence, maybe. But licences don't guarantee sensible or law abiding behaviour do they?

How many criminals carry guns that aren't licensed? The law breakers will always get hold of weapons so licences only really affect those that are already law abiding.

How many people remember Hungerford and Dunblane? Ironically two of the worst gun atrocities and committed by legally held FAC weapons owners. Licences didn't stop that happening did it?



I remember Hungerford and Dunblane only too well tt. Along with many other shooters it left me somewhat out of pocket and took away a segment of my hobby that sadly will not return, certainly not in the near future anyway.

Of course legislation will never guarantee sensible and law abiding behaviour to a degree as you quite rightly point out, but in the case of Hungerford and Dunblane had the relevant licensing forces followed procedure as has already been mentioned in an earlier post these atrocities could have been avoided.

Michael Ryan should not have had authority to possess the 7.62x39 AK as his club did'nt have the facilities for that particular weapon and in the case of Thomas Hamilton, a senior police officer was informed by a fellow officer that he was not a fit person to be in possession of section 1 firearms and felt they had good reason to revoke his certificate and yet nothing was investigated.

So yes these atrocities were committed with legally held weapons but as we all know too well they could have been avoided under the then legislation had it been administered correctly.



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I remember Hungerford and Dunblane only too well tt. Along with many other shooters it left me somewhat out of pocket and took away a segment of my hobby that sadly will not return, certainly not in the near future anyway.

Of course legislation will never guarantee sensible and law abiding behaviour to a degree as you quite rightly point out, but in the case of Hungerford and Dunblane had the relevant licensing forces followed procedure as has already been mentioned in an earlier post these atrocities could have been avoided.

Michael Ryan should not have had authority to possess the 7.62x39 AK as his club did'nt have the facilities for that particular weapon and in the case of Thomas Hamilton, a senior police officer was informed by a fellow officer that he was not a fit person to be in possession of section 1 firearms and felt they had good reason to revoke his certificate and yet nothing was investigated.

So yes these atrocities were committed with legally held weapons but as we all know too well they could have been avoided under the then legislation had it been administered correctly.



I agree Pat, the authorities were remiss and innocent people suffered. Law abiding shooters were effectively victimised because of their love of the sport. Imagine the outcry if the Government banned cars because someone had deliberately run someone over? We know that wouldn't happen because that would lose the votes of the majority whereas the rights of a minority like us are fair game for politicians.

Just one more point, on this thread we are in agreement about the actions of the idiot who made the video and on that we also agree with the likes of the RSPCA and any other group that deplores cruelty. I hope that shooting organisations like BASC pick up on this and emphasize that shooters are not insensitive idiots with guns, we probably have a far better understanding of nature and conservation than most non shooters.



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I agree Pat, the authorities were remiss and innocent people suffered. Law abiding shooters were effectively victimised because of their love of the sport. Imagine the outcry if the Government banned cars because someone had deliberately run someone over? We know that wouldn't happen because that would lose the votes of the majority whereas the rights of a minority like us are fair game for politicians.

Just one more point, on this thread we are in agreement about the actions of the idiot who made the video and on that we also agree with the likes of the RSPCA and any other group that deplores cruelty. I hope that shooting organisations like BASC pick up on this and emphasize that shooters are not insensitive idiots with guns, we probably have a far better understanding of nature and conservation than most non shooters.




I wish this were true in the minds of a significant proportion of the urban classes. Unfortunately logic rarely comes to the fore... :/

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well its nice to see all the back up lads many thanks...... i started on him as soon as i seen the vid as most know i love my muntys and to see that boiled my wee...


i hope he regrets the stupidity and can see his errors as this will all be for nothing... its always the same story one idiot ruins it for the rest....

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Guest rimotu66

i thought he shot it with cleaning pellets. or am i mistaken?


I think you are him :whistling:


Expect a knock at your door, hope its the police, it will be better for you.


If on the off chance it isn't you, name him with address etc to the police, NGO, BASC etc, whoever you choose, if not you are as much a moron as he is.

Edited by rimotu66
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