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The Weekends Work

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Thursday night I received a phone call at 18.30 from a Farmer who was moving his sheep and said the field of rape was alive with pigeons. Now knowing that most of my rape fields are up and flowering to see a large flock would be fantastic but difficult to pick up after shooting. So Friday we set out straight to that particular farm only to find about twenty in the trees , admittedly the rape was short on the one field and would hold lots of birds. We drove the area and could not find any other birds around. We decide to set up and give it an hour after which we would decide what to do. After approx one hour we had four birds return but they came straight to the pattern from a good height. The farmer had contacted me late in the day and seen the birds down so we decided to risk it and sit it out . We packed up at 18.00 and picked up forty birds which had come to us during the day all of which had come straight to the pattern of ten stand ups on spikes and two on the magnet you can't get better decoying than that.


Saturday was a totally different day we set out to check the seeding in the area and also the clover fields we found about fifty on some clover but this is a syndicated farm and the farmer would not let us shoot. So we kept looking we found small groups of birds on clover but none joining. We came across another larger group with birds joining, so contacted the Farmer and got permission and set up four returned in the next hour so we moved on . We watched a flightline to a seed field and tried to get permission but this was refused , we eventually found a small seed field of barley , had the go ahead and set up we could only shoot for approx another two hours as I had to attend an Evening Wedding Reception we had four pigeon and six crows and four jackdaws . We packed up in a hurry as it started to rain . So that was the weekends work




Edited by pigeon controller
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