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Small bag of ferret food!


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It was a glorious afternoon up our way so I decided to get out with the Anschutz and some of my favourite Magtec sub-sonics to try to thin a few rabbits out for a farmer (And to make sure that i could still shoot straight) before my wife and I go on a short holiday starting on Sunday (The first real holiday we have had together for many years so it's long overdue).

I didn't feel up to walking far on this hill farm so i chose to snipe the young rabbits from a burrow that was within about 150 yards from where I park the car on the farm. I quietly and slowly made my way along the bottom of a small gulley and settled down in a ditch which is just over 3 feet deep about 50 yards below a well used burrow in the side of the valley that had a fair few young rabbits showing when I arrived. The rushes along the edge of the ditch gave me perfect cover and the bottom of the ditch was dry so I could stand/laze/rest there comfortably for an hours "sniping" with the Anschutz standing steadily on it's bipod.

All I did was wait for the young rabbits to come out to play and picked them off one at a time and then watched them scamper back in for ten minutes before (Not very wisely) coming out to play again.

I fired 6 shots in all and got 5 kills in a matter of an hour or so. 4 of which were clean head shots while the other was smack in the front of it's chest as that rabbit refused to turn broadside on to me and simply I lost patience with it. The sixth shot went an inch or so high - My shooting and not the gun at fault but all in all I was very content with my hour out in the sun!

I know that these are all small young rabbits but before anyone says anything about them this was outright vermin control and not shooting for the pot, even so none of the meat was not wasted as they all went to a friend to feed his ferrets.


Edit: We're only going to Llandudno, leaving early on Sunday morning and returning home on Wednesday evening. We will be staying at The Hydro Hotel, so if any PW members are out that way over those evenings and fancy a pint drop me a PM and we will try to meet up - I'll pay for one or two!



Edited by Frenchieboy
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good afternoon frenchy and good to see your getting out with the guns :good:

Thanks, it really was a pleasure for me to get out there and "amongst them" in some loverly warm sunshing and try to help the farmer out a little with "thinning them down"!

It seems like it's going to be a bumper year for rabbits by the looks of it!!

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As above good to see you mooching bout mate,


Nice looking rifle,





Thanks. I picked the Anschutz up cheaply from a friend in our club who was having to give up shooting after loosing a leg. When I got it the rifle had fired less than 200 rounds from new. I had the barrel shortened to 16 inch and threaded and fitted the Scirocco moderator and the "Optics" 4-16 scope. It shoots a heck of a lot straighter than I can (Mind you nowadays that's not too hard) and it's a treat to use. It is now used mainly for our clubs "Sporting Target Shoots" but is a great field gun also.

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Thanks, it really was a pleasure for me to get out there and "amongst them" in some loverly warm sunshing and try to help the farmer out a little with "thinning them down"!

It seems like it's going to be a bumper year for rabbits by the looks of it!!

i hope so theres not to many about on my perms at the min but crops are up and they take abit of seeing but fingers crossed

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The Llandudno Extravaganza is on this weekend, Sat, Sun & Mon, held in the high street, very entertaining, steam engines, fair, buskers, dolly birds and acrobats etc etc.

Hope you both have a nice time Frenchie, the weather is supposed to be ok.

I visit Llandudno every Thursday with the misses - I have to take her shopping once a week to keep the peace!

Nearest gunshop is SportsEquipe in Rhyl.

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