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Sneaky Fox


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Went out the other week for a fox thats been annoying a farmer at 02.00 in the morning around his Collie, i set up around 20.00 with a caller and bits of rabbit skins and left overs, get myself all nice and comfy on a matt and wait. After around 3/4 of an hour no show, there are signs around there noted from a previous recce a few weeks before and the time was around 21.00. So i sit up and pour myself a coffee, just after pouring i glass the area that i was expecting some action but only rabbits out (180yds) then i look behind and to my left, the little swine there it was trotting up the hill behind me, down on the rifle, a squeak, nothing, it was on a mission to somewere, then it stopped and had a P aginst what looked like a bale in the field, cross hair on its chest, a gentle squeeze on the trigger, more squeeze on the trigger, Blast the safety was on, cant push it off, dam i lifted the bolt too, talk about belt and braces. :rolleyes: by this time the Fox had done its P and was now at the top of the hill. No shot on there :no: .


Stuff it get :sad1: off and have a beer not too happy but still i had been out and seen something :beer:


Any way, after the PW week end i realised that i need to get out after this Fox, but try a different tactic. :yes: Not a difficult one, keep it simple,



Just look the other way this time. :lol: so, caller out and my whirly twirly decoy thingy next to the caller me under the hedge 200 yards away can of pop allready open, Sako at the ready this time, and wait.





Well not that long actually i was there at 20.40 and this little Vixen turns up at 21.20. :good:

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