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CZ 452 hmr trigger kit


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Hi all. I have recently purchased a sh 17 hmr from a local gun shop. I have found the trigger to be very heavy to pull and almost instant.

Any info on trigger jobs done?, anybody had there's done?, how much etc by a gun smith?.


I'm located in Derby so if anybody knows a gunsmith local it will be very helpful.


Kind regards brett

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Sounds like a plan then. Do I just ask local gun smith for a trigger kit then

And did it make a massive difference.i have a rimfire that hasn't has the trigger done and that's great to fire..totally opportunity to hmr yet neither has had trigger done.

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What and do it myself?. Tbh I wouldn't have a clue on what to do. Rather it be safe


One of the chaps here donated me the spring he did not use and it is real easy - have a look on YouTube as there are loads of videos but make sure you watch a few to ensure you get all the hints and tips. If it is just trigger pull then the job is real easy just remember to "bump test" the guns afterwards and the light spring is real light. Just give yourself some time, space and don't rush it and you'll be fine.

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