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I'm very lucky to have at least half a dozen farms I can shoot on.

All of these farmers I class as friends, some closer than others,

Now these farms I have shot since I was a teenager. None of these farms , in fact nowhere I shoot

have I written permission for.

Did I ought to go around and get written permission off of them all?

or carry on as I have for the past 40 odd years. I've never seen the need for written consent as everyone

knows I shoot their grounds.

But recently there seems to be an awful lot of articles or posts, saying you should carry your permission letters with you.

If the answer is yes to the above, is there a set out letter that I can download?

Or what would you put in it?

Would you state Quarry types for each farm, or just general shooting/vermin control. Deer/fox control? would you list gun calibre eg 12 ...222...243...270 or as little as possible.

I have an open FAC and obviously a shotgun licence


Sorry if you think my question make me seem dumb, but as i say I've never seen the need.



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If you get a pull at 2am and they decide to ring the farmer to check your storie you may find they would not b your friend any more for the sake of a permission form in your gun bag mate saves a lot of trouble and a night in custody suite mate as I found out so now carry perm letters in my bag and photo copy of both tickets and get an incedent number from local police control as a matter of course now

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Never had to put letters in. had to say where I'm allowed to shoot, and that hasn't changed since the year dot.

One of my farmers is also a Magistrate and does my one of my referees. it may help because I own some ground of my own (don't know)

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Hi, I see your concern, my very recent renewal for sgc and fac had the feo stating, at the moment there is no legal requirements to have any land permission slip signed apart from one for either new applications or a renewal. On the other hand if things were to go south on one of your permissions and the farmer called the police crying " armed tresspass" you would be in it up to your neck and would most probably have your weapons confiscated untill all sorted out.

I have new started to collect written permission for each permission I have or get, im sure if you have a good relationship with the farmer he shouldn't mind a bit.you can down load land permission slips from the BASC website, just fill out the slip and get him to sign it. I don't carry my slips arround, just scan it to a computer and make a pdf file that you can upload to your phone. If police were to be called you have instant proof backed up by your document at home.

I wouldn't tell anyone what to but its realy up to the individual. Hope this helps

Edited by superspark
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Charlie T, my comments were not ment to influence any one in any way, nor was it intended to cause any bad feeling toward anyone. Any one not wishing to get land owner permission slips signed is also fine. My comments are just a reflection of my personal thoughts on the matter to which some asked for. Im sure individuals will make up their own minds.

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I have never seen the need for written consents on any of the estates and farms that I shoot. The common courtesies of calling in advance or leaving a text message and always calling afterwards to give results has worked for me.

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To be honest a permission slip doesn't prove anything, anyone could have written it and signed it so it isn't really proof that you have permission. I could easily write my own slip and sign it and then present it as proof that I have the landowners permission but without the police actually phoning the land owner they cannot really take your written permission as proof that you are allowed to be on the land. It makes it a pretty pointless piece of paper.

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To be honest a permission slip doesn't prove anything, anyone could have written it and signed it so it isn't really proof that you have permission. I could easily write my own slip and sign it and then present it as proof that I have the landowners permission but without the police actually phoning the land owner they cannot really take your written permission as proof that you are allowed to be on the land. It makes it a pretty pointless piece of paper.

That is exactly my way of thinking.. been pulled twice on same farm last time was last year they were just checking as they were part of the farm watch. As it happened i had told the lady farmer that we would be out that night i was asked where my written permission was and said exactly as you have stated what was to stop me printing all the details out and then signing them my self..

He was a reasonable copper then agreed that was possible and as it was 1-30am i said i didn't think she would be interested in a call at that time.

His partner than asked why we had not rang them to let them know we were shooting i said when that is law i will do it until then no...

So i gave him her number and he said he would give her a ring the next day....I called her a couple of days later and they had not been in touch to check....

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