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Pigeons turning up


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We'll after a very quiet and non productive few months there are finally a good number of pigeons here in North Norfolk. Numbers been building up the last few weeks, where they have come from I don't know?? Some good flocks on peas in the area, no peas on my permissions but I think when the crops cut will be some good bags! Fingers crossed!

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My peas are now going the other way , there were lots of birds getting on them but numbers are now dwindling , they are deserting them for laid / standing barley from what I have seen .


I disturbed about 300 in a patch no bigger than 20ft square today , shame its not on my land and even if it was the location is un shootable

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More chance of flying to the moon than getting permission on the peas!!! The farm manager on that perticular farm won't let any one decoy pigeons, he says putting decoys out only attracts more pigeons etc etc, dead pigeons don't eat crops tho! They pay someone to drive round all day chasing them off. No shooting though! Ridiculous I know!

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I have two very good looking situations lined up,where birds have been feeding for some time. I am shooting tomorrow and just have to pick the right place.

I wish I had the same position! Just had another drive about all the peas are in flower and found one field with about 30 birds on it, thats about it (seems to be lots of peas in this year) will have a go Saturday afternoon , godd luck motty
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Pigeons started on barley at last!

Watched pigeons dropping into corner of field at 7.30 this evening.first sign of decent activity,not big numbers maybe but something to build on.

good news mate! Just got from another drive found about 80ish birds on the peas but it was very late 7.30pm
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